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  1. Laura
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:33 pm

    Wow – way too much unconditional love, here!


  2. gretel
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:33 pm

    VEB, we love you no matter what. You don’t have to impress us with a new GFT every week. You’ve got us, I always post your blog on my business facebook page.

    Hugs to Elvis


  3. teri
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:34 pm

    I follow your blog because you are such a great writer. Also mad and adorable. I’ve been vegan 38 years and used to protest outside UK circus tents, hand out leaflets etc. It was scary because the workers there were vile and violent. Anyone thinking about veganity could visit “vegan outreach” website. Or try being vegan one day a month or whatever.
    And for the curious, no, my husband isn’t vegan/vegetarian but is very against cruelty to animals.

    give peas a chance ♥


  4. Suzanne
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:34 pm

    Any insecurity over disappointing readers is unnecessary. I hang on your every word because I respect the craft and sincerity of your writing…..which plain old delights. Period.


  5. Jean
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:37 pm

    If you read your grocery list, I would still be thrilled and want to read every word of it. Out of all the blogs I follow (A LOT), yours is my favorite.


  6. Laura
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:39 pm

    I always smile when I see an email announcing another column, because I know that you will have written something interesting. Thank you for this, a lovely way to start my day. As to the animal circuses, good for you!


  7. Darling Lily
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:43 pm

    It’s all good…. whatever you are kind enough to share with us is absolute perfection.


  8. ACWMH
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:46 pm

    If you were confused, feel free to excuse yourself.”

    Statements like this make me proud to know who you are.

    They also make me laugh sweet tea out my nose.


  9. Laurie
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:49 pm

    Thank you for being your authentic self with us and sharing your passion about saving circus animals. I share your concern and appreciate the nudge to speak out.

    I feel compelled to share as you put yourself out there! I foster greyhounds when they come off the track. It is actually a joyful thing I do as I get to introduce them to the good life and show them that retirement is safe and glorious. It is true that some of them come to us with broken legs that were not treated and the onset of arthritis from being athletes, but I’m lucky. I get to be the one that makes them feel loved and gets rid of their pain. I get to do something positive. Those people who don’t do that for animals are the ones missing out on the beautiful relationships and love that gets poured our way.

    Thanks VEB! Can’t wait to see the GFT from Arkansas. I am getting genuinely curious to see it!


  10. Lois R.
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:53 pm

    Be VEB and follow your heart. I’ll still be here and I’ll still be listening.


  11. Janie Horn
    March 15, 2016 @ 12:57 pm

    Just keep writing!!!!! I love your blog and share it with many friends. You are so fresh, articulate and funny — what’s not to share and enjoy!!!!


  12. Maddie
    March 15, 2016 @ 1:02 pm

    Okay so my ADHD mind being what it is I went on the first link you post, the Philly remodeled AMAZING house…and I have one thing to say

    THAT FRONT DOOR/ENTRANCE!!!!!!! I died a little! So much wonderfulness and you haven’t even entered the house!!!! *Swoon*

    I would kill for that entry way!



  13. Kiki
    March 15, 2016 @ 1:02 pm

    We are happy to devour everything and anything you write
    We totally agree with you on above post
    I personally love knowing what people I love read…. Only, I read mostly UK authors because my knowledge and access to American writers is rather limited. I do however know Smiley and have read at least 3 books by her. And yes, I love her writing.
    Incidentally, have just finished (and passed on) a book about 3 immigrants desperately wanting to have a new life as Americans – but I can’t for the life of me now think of its title – passionate, sad, and gave me reason to be so thankful for ‘belonging’ somewhere I’m allowed to really ‘live’….
    You see, you’re not only amusing, hilarious, you stir things also on a deeper level – and the fact – that I myself don’t hanker any longer for GFTs does nothing to diminuish my immense joy of following your treasure hunting and the empty feeling in my stomach reading about Elvis’ slow demise. In our hearts, we are all sisters and brothers, friends and amongst friends everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. I am often quite saddened at the hostile tone of some readers. Of course, we all don’t always agree with each other but the English (which I am not) have a wonderful quote for these occasions: We agree to disagree – point taken and let’s move on. I try not to comment in a negative way because it not only hurts the author but also backfires directly onto the person commenting – you share joy = joy doubled, you share sadness = sadness halved (or similar!)
    Swiss love and greetings from France, Kik


  14. Allison
    March 15, 2016 @ 1:14 pm

    GFT Genuinely fantastically thankful to read your blog, today even more so.


  15. Britt @ ScrewedOnStraight
    March 15, 2016 @ 1:16 pm

    This honesty makes me love you even more.

    I, too, am a cat lady, and my heart has been breaking for you over the Elvis situation. I am glad you are in her life.

    When I was a child, my aunt took me to a circus. I was devastated by the animals. Circuses are cruel and I will never go to another one. I am proud of you for actively protesting them. I saw a glimpse of your animal activism last post about the down, and I feel the same way – preach, sister!


  16. Susan Cain
    March 15, 2016 @ 1:23 pm

    Victoria, I love your posts! My favorites are probably when you and your husband are installing a new Big Fancy Thing, or picking one up, and you dance in the midst of the video. 🙂 Love those..
    I love your sweet Elvis kitty. I have had a cat (or up to five cats) always since I was a very small girl. Right now I have precious Teddy, a grey tabby with gorgeous wide very black stripes tapering to spots on his white belly. I got him last year as a kitten, a few months after my sweet tuxedo cat Rosie died. It hurts me to see the big cats mistreated and in sad conditions, too, and you have inspired me to speak out and not be part of the problem through apathy. Keep up the good work.


  17. Kay
    March 15, 2016 @ 1:55 pm

    All the distress of the big cats–and I agree it is horrible and hate to see big cats confined even to small areas in zoos, however well designed–was, I’m afraid, swallowed up by the sweet, pudgy face of Elvis and Paul’s hilarious observation about her growing embonpoint. So glad she is doing well and happy.


  18. Celeste
    March 15, 2016 @ 1:56 pm

    I forget how I stumbled across you (and yes, I probably stumbled…that’s just me!) but I am always entertained by your posts/facebook entries/instagram. You are perfectly you! 🙂 Keep at it, Victoria, I would miss you if you stopped sharing your wonderful world! I’m sorry about your Elvis advancing to the banana-peanut butter sandwich phase…if only those we love could live forever.


  19. Amber
    March 15, 2016 @ 1:57 pm

    Feel free to write whatever you want, this is your blog and I’m guessing we will want to read anyband all of it. And if anyone doesn’t like it? Well, who needs friends like that anyway! I think it’s great that you’re advocating for circus animals! You just keep doing you girl!


  20. Jayne Whittles
    March 15, 2016 @ 2:00 pm

    I’m right there with you! Decor wise or finally stopping animal abuse, keep up the excellent work!


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