NEW RULE: all furniture must reach the ceiling.
Now that I own an antique ribbon cabinet, I assumed my life was complete.
I planned to retreat to a meditative state of smug contemplation; where I would sit peacefully, while considering how much better my life is than anyone else’s… forever… THE END.
But then one morning, Self woke up and said— NEW RULE: all furniture must reach the ceiling.
No exceptions.
Everything else is trash.

She pointed around with disdain, and said– LOOK AT ALL OF THESE THINGS THAT DO NOT REACH THE CEILING.
WHAT are you DOING?
WHY do you have GARBAGE in the house?
I was like — wait… hang on a second! You said that once we had a ribbon cabinet, our life would be complete. You said that we could shut down the internet and be done.
And Self was like – WE DID!
But now I’m done with it.
So I was like– alrighty then!
If you ever visit Philadelphia, I strongly suggest that you not go to Chestnut Hill; unless you enjoy the feeling of FULLY COMPREHENDING HOW MUCH SAD YOUR LIFE IS.
You may not have realized that your life is 124 pounds of sad, in a 6-pound sack… you may not have realized that your life is a heretofore-never-discovered-level-of-sadness, that scientists should study so that humanity can thoroughly understand the full miracle of your human spirit that you are able to KEEP LIVING WITH SO MUCH SADNESS.
Now, important information:
The entire mirror is in exceptional condition— miraculously, the gilded details have survived really well!
We’ll use the wide part of the base, but leave off the legs. The whole thing assembled is too tall for our house; we only have 9-foot ceilings, (because as previously discussed, my life is sad.)
Please note: this is NOT the mirror’s final destination… it’s currently in the foyer, stacked in front of the antique chalkboard with the giant brass hinges.
I’m doing a lot of shuffling around in the last few months, and nothing is where it belongs and everything is a mess, but in the best possible way; because when you get to a point of STACKING ANTIQUES YOU LOVE on top of OTHER ANTIQUES YOU LOVE, you are winning life.
The mirror will eventually get moved to the dining room, where this bookcase is.
And eventually, eventually, we will move to a house with 12′ ceilings so that the mirror can live out its years in wholeness and peace, and so that I may begin collecting things exceeding 11′ tall… SO MANY THINGS!
Lastly, a random photo of the marble… I need to clean it, but it’s perfect! No chips, dings, nicks!
I have no idea why old Carrara marble is my THING… (ex: repurposed shower stall into marble for the piano island.) But something about it just speaks to me.
I LOVE the shape of the mirror’s base. I love the tight curve at the front and the super pointy points. Just looking at it makes me happy! (Which is either very nice or very sad, depending on the degree to which you can relate.)
September 28, 2017 @ 12:47 pm
It is always a treat to read your posts! I too love your adventures! BTW – since the antique ribbon cabinet doesn’t reach the ceiling, I will be glad to take it off your hands 🙂 …just let me know!!!
September 28, 2017 @ 12:47 pm
I stopped reading as soon as I saw you only have nine foot ceilings.
Maybe I’ll go read the rest, we’ll see.
What is important here is that Paul RAISE THE CEILINGS! IMMEDIATELY! THIS MUST BE DONE!
You can’t make that gorgeous lady live without her feet!
Honestly, VEB, have you taken your temperature or something? I think the SAD is getting to you.
September 28, 2017 @ 1:34 pm
Love all your posts…any advice on how you clean marble? Certainly you have lots of experience!
September 28, 2017 @ 1:46 pm
I must say, to be so tiny you lift heavy, tall pieces with relative ease. I’m jealous.
September 28, 2017 @ 2:32 pm
We share an affliction, although mine doesn’t drift toward Renaissance Revival. No fault in that, I grew up in an area with French influence. And I’m always up for a whomped up Victorian whatever. I’ve been an occasional Craigslist user but have recently discovered OfferUp. Bonanza!! Check it out if you’re not aware. You may find another door that leads into a new section of heaven. Me, I can always manage to squeeze just one more thing in the rented storage spaces or the basement. I recently picked up a slightly off period (1820’s) French Empire fall front desk with original grey marble top and gilt bronze mounts for……drumroll……$50. I tried to not let the seller see me cry. He said the desk had belonged to his partner – they ended up on the outs – I got the impression this was a revenge sale. Oh, well…………..
Keep sharing please – it helps to know I am not alone.
September 28, 2017 @ 2:42 pm
Hi Victoria – I didn’t know all those little videos existed, with such great music! They are SO entertaining! And you and Paul are strong people, carrying and moving and hauling all those pieces! Especially up to the second story! Wow! Enjoy all your finds and thanks for sharing such delightful posts.
September 28, 2017 @ 2:45 pm
Phooey ! Can’t make the thumbnails of the antique house work. Girl: You need a warehouse !!!!!
September 28, 2017 @ 3:23 pm
Love your writing! Talk about somebody loving your dream life 🙂 Side note: I believe it is disdain, not distain.
September 28, 2017 @ 4:13 pm
Glorious, glorious mirror!!!! Mazel Tov! Following the link reminded me that I haven’t seen the salvaged marble top on the piano island yet. Have plans changed? Dying to know!
September 28, 2017 @ 4:55 pm
But Why? Oh, Why Do You Continue To Taunt Us With An Unfinished Kitchen? Why, I Ask?
September 28, 2017 @ 5:17 pm
I have to ask, whatever happened to the kitchen. Did I miss the final pictures?
September 28, 2017 @ 8:07 pm
Another great find! Love your blog! You are such a talented writer! Here in Canada (eh!), we seldom find anything of that magnificence! I am super jealous! My husband and I go out on the weekends to hunt for treasures at garage sales and estate sales, and we recently started video taping our adventures. Just search “Bargain Barons” on Youtube! Just thought you might like to see what treasures we find up north. Plus, if you are ever in doubt about your tremendous acquisitions, it will confirm that your GFT’S are better then everyone elses!
October 3, 2017 @ 6:42 pm
You should screw the base to the wall and use it as a shelf in the kitchen or bathroom or something.
October 5, 2017 @ 1:06 pm
You should know by now — the ribbon cabinet was just a gateway drug…
October 5, 2017 @ 3:07 pm
Lol… you are awesome! You are so funny, original, assumed (as in responsible for your own thoughts and actions) and have exquisite taste.
October 6, 2017 @ 5:07 pm
Woohoo good on you, that is an AMAZING find!!! I’d love it if you could share a post on your search parameters someday ;P SoCal doesn’t offer all the amazing antiques of Philly but it would still be awesome to see what I could come up within the price range & wording you commonly use.
December 12, 2017 @ 8:43 pm
I love ALL of your beautiful mirrors! We lived in Philadelphia for a while after we were married and I miss the old houses and history that is everywhere. Now I am finding beautiful east lake mirrors wherever I go and am tempted to bring one home for my kitchen! You mentioned cleaning the marble base of the hall mirror… what do you use to clean marble? Our marble fireplace surround is stained and I’m not sure which method to use. Thanks!