How to make a bow… a step-by-step tutorial.
take the full holiday house tour here!
My mother is a cross between Martha Stewart and the set-design-team for a 1940’s Hollywood musical: creative.
If you said to my mother— look, tomorrow I’m having three-hundred people to my house for Christmas… and I didn’t plan at all… and all I have is this loaf of bread and some glitter… You would get the glitteriest, sparkliest, most-spectacular loaf of bread you can imagine.
People wouldn’t even care that they couldn’t eat it because it would be so magnificent.
Sadly for me, I did not inherit her talents… It’s not just that I lack technical skill, it’s that I lack patience. My irritation-indicator kicks in precisely at five minutes of frustration.
However. There is one crafty thing that even I can handle: making a bow.
My mother can do it one-handed, while also juggling knives and flamethrowers.
But we’re just going to use both our hands. And maybe a stapler if things get out of control.
Apparently, you can buy something called a bowdabra which will make all your bows perfect and amazing, but let’s assume you’re like me and enjoy doing everything the hard way.

You need next-to-no supplies. I mean, you need ribbon. But hopefully, that’s self-explanatory. And you need a thin but sturdy piece of wire. I use floral wire. You could also use string if you have someone to tie it for you. Or just staple it into submission.
So, get some giant ribbon.
You can also get non-giant ribbon… I don’t know why you would, but this is a free country. Get whatever ribbon speaks to you. But make sure it’s wired on the edges.
People keep asking me where they can buy it… this extra-wide ribbon is the closest I found online.
If you’re like me, you already have a massive bin of ribbon.
All of which has just revealed itself to be undeniably hideous and unusable. And you will have to go to your craft store and buy new ribbon. That’s understandable. Just make sure it’s wired.
The ribbon I’m using this year is extra wide. Four inches, compared to regular holiday ribbon, which is usually 2.5 inches wide…
The regular ribbon will still give you a beautiful bow, and it’s what I usually use. But this extra-wide stuff is lined in red on the reverse side which I LOVE.
And I am nothing, if not the sort of person whose brain is clogged with these kinds of minuscule details that are both irrelevant and of the utmost consequence.
If you want to get extra fancy… you can add some wired, battery powered fairy lights to the bow. This is extra nice for a front-door wreath or tree topper.
Depending on the size of the bow you want, and how many loops you want it to have, and how many bows you want to make… you may need a couple of spools of ribbon.
If you don’t know the advanced-mathematical Fourier Analysis formula for the trigonometry involved in calculating this? I would advise you to get more ribbon than you think you need.
Or, if you’re like me, you can skip this step, run out of ribbon, drive back to A.C. Moore, realize that actually, you got it at Michaels, drive to Michaels, find they’re all sold out…
Obviously, no other ribbon will do.
Drive home. Call other Michaels, find out no one in a thirty-mile radius has it. Call your mother’s Michaels, then call your mother and ask her to go get it. Ask her to mail it to you. Be sure she uses priority mail because the Internet is waiting with bated breath for your über-stimulating post on DIY holiday bow-making.
Take your ribbon’s end piece. Make a loop that’s the largest size you want. Pinch and twist the ends together so it’s narrow. Here, you can cheat and staple that center bit together if you’re ready to commit to that size loop. Or, if you get the hang of it, you can just hold it together with your hand and at the end, we will wrap the center tightly with some floral wire.
The key to a good-looking bow is to get the center really scrunchy. If the center is as wide as the loops, it’s not a bow, it’s a pile of ribbon.
Make another equal-size loop on the opposite side. Pinch and twist. Again, you can staple to hold it secure. There is no shame in this. For years, my bows were full of staples in the center. We’re going to cover whatever mess you make there in the middle, so it doesn’t matter what it looks like.
At this point, with the two largest loops, you can go view it against your wreath or banister or front door… This will help you make sure that you’re happy with the size, in relation to the space. Or, if this is supposed to match another bow, compare with that for size.
Keep going with the loops. Alternate their placement, making loops that are somewhat opposite each other. Work around in whatever shape you want it to have. If you want it to be circular, with loops all around, or if you want it to actually keep a traditional bow shape but more dramatic, you can layer the loops on top of each other.
I’m making a really large bow, and it’s going to eat three yards of ribbon… Depending on the size of the bow you want and the ribbon you’re working with, you may need more loops or ribbon.
You will ABSOLUTELY have to do this a few times to get the hang of it.
At some point soon, you will want to throw it out the window– it’s an important part of the process… just keep going.
When you have all the loops you want. Or are in danger of losing control, it’s time to put a final loop in the center.
Fasten the center. I use floral wire, which is thin but sturdy. And it’s coated in dark green so it tends to blend in with most Christmas stuff… wrap it TIGHTLY around the center where your hand is holding all the ribbon together. You want to keep the center narrow and secure– make a couple passes around the center with the wire. Leave enough spare wire to fasten the bow to whatever wreath, door, banister, or gift you’re using it on.
If you don’t have wire? Or if you feel that your bow has gotten rowdy and unpredictable—you can just shove your stapler in there and go to town.
This has the double solution of securing it and making you feel like you have exerted dominance over that which has irritated you.
Don’t worry about keeping the shape of the bow. Once it’s really tight in the center, you can pull the loops around to wherever you want them.
At this point, I would like to offer the disclaimer that I am aware you don’t care this much about bows, or ribbon. Or DIY crafts in general. But I am unable to stop myself from continuing.
I’m sorry.
I am like this in person too— unable to substitute a brief overview, if a lengthy and detailed explanation is available to bore you.
Once you hang it, it’s time to really get in there and rearrange the loops. That’s what the wired ribbon is for— to hold it in the shape you want. Like Spanx, for your bow.
If you want to hang your wreath from matching ribbon, on a wreath hanger, you can still keep the ribbon flat by stapling the loose ribbon ends to a thick piece of cardboard, and then sliding the cardboard over the wreath-hanger’s end.
The cardboard keeps the ribbon at its full width, rather than bunched up at the hook… and the cardboard is going to be covered by your bow.
CONCLUSION: Critical Theory of Bow Making.
Now I give you the ultimate secret of bow-making:
Accept the bow you have made.
There is a fine line between perfect bow-ness and the point at which you rip it apart, start over, and then three attempts down the line realize that the first bow of the day was actually the grail of bows, and now you will never recapture it.
Yes, you will absolutely need to practice this before you get a really great bow… But at some point, you are going to think: it’s ALMOST right. I’ll do it again.
Just one more time.
DON’T DO IT. Almost is as good as you get.
This is essentially what Kenny Rodgers has been trying to tell us—know when to hold it, know when to fold it— a song mistakenly interpreted to be about gambling and the meaning of life… but actually about the challenges of Christmas décor.

November 27, 2012 @ 10:20 am
I will never try this. Because I am inept with anything that isn’t a keyboard. Or a turkey baster. Neither of which will do me any good in the realm of bow-creation. But. I wanted to say that your OTHER DIY skill is the How To Blog and I hope to goodness that you’re considering a YouTube channel or something.
You can even bring a stapler. 🙂
November 27, 2012 @ 11:07 am
I considered a video. But I would first need to write my dialogue. Because A- I am a control freak. And B- I am a rambler. And C- I LOATHE when people ramble on and on…
Plus, the obvious benefit to simply blogging—I am wearing a ten-year-old sweatshirt and looking not at all holiday-glam-ish. 🙂
December 3, 2014 @ 11:24 pm
YOU ARE HYSTERICALLY FUNNY!! I came here for the bows..but I STAYED because you made me laugh and now I don’t so much care about whether or not I can master a bow. HA!!!
November 14, 2015 @ 12:46 am
I completely agree. You are a hilarious delight!
October 4, 2016 @ 3:39 pm
Me too … I was so relating and laughing
November 28, 2016 @ 1:55 am
Sooooo funny! You are a riot….I’m reading this, cracking up and trying not to wake up my 1 year old! Thank you for making my Sunday night.
November 21, 2019 @ 9:54 pm
Me too!😂😂😂
December 7, 2019 @ 10:30 pm
I thought this bow was in a few easy steps ??!! Never seen something so complicated and then the instructions omg I need a lie down after that …
November 28, 2015 @ 10:05 pm
October 4, 2016 @ 3:37 pm
That sounds awesome
December 10, 2016 @ 9:46 am
Just a warning…as I look down and see tiny sparkles EVERYWHERE around me…if you’re going to make your own bows, stay away from glittery ribbon! OK…I like how it looks, but I don’t want to think what it’s going to take to clean up after the 15th one!
December 23, 2016 @ 2:54 am
Sadly, I didn’t read the sparkly part till now. I have gold glitter EVERYWHERE! Maybe hairspray? Love this blog. And my bow turn out out quite acceptable. Far from perfect but oh well.very sparkly and pretty. Thank you.
November 27, 2012 @ 10:23 am
I can hear it now. . . Stuart Smalley’s “Bow Affirmations” . . . “I’m good enough. I’m pretty enoug. And doggone it, I don’t care if you like me or not.” Great post ~ Kat
November 27, 2012 @ 11:13 am
I just need a beige sweater and a mirror. ☺
November 27, 2012 @ 10:47 am
GREAT READ. I totally relate… however my mother is a cross between Martha Stewart and Rachel Carson. I just found your blog last night and already I’m obsessed with your banter, I consider myself lucky for this find. Not only did you pull off and create a fabulous door bow but you managed to make two matching ones. hehe
November 27, 2012 @ 11:15 am
The reason the bows match is because I stood outside on a ladder yesterday afternoon for FAR longer than is remotely reasonable. Twitching and adjusting and fidgeting and generally acting like a meth addict. But, thank you.
p.s.- I am the crazy vegan environmentalist in my family… I’d love to add Rachel Carson to my mom’s personality hybrid. If I could keep Edith, that would be the ultimate combination.
November 27, 2012 @ 10:56 am
Looks so professional! Am impressed – and don’t think I didn’t notice the sparkly hanger. 🙂 I do in fact have a bit of a ribbon collection – will have to see if they are wire rimmed…I think I will have to start small with this project and build up to your fabulous-ness. 🙂
November 27, 2012 @ 11:36 am
The sparkly hanger is the best part!
I kind of worry that I have either not explained well enough, OR made the post so incredibly long that no one will read the whole thing… but oh well. It’s my contribution to the blackhole of Christmas DIY posts. I now have greater appreciation for the effort behind how-to blogs.
November 27, 2012 @ 11:03 am
HAHAHA! The running out of ribbon, calling all the stores and asking to have it mailed, all because of “minuscule details that are both irrelevant and of utmost consequence”! Been there! And I’m adopting that phrase as my personal mantra from now on, by the way.
Since you are the Julia Child of Bows, then I am going to have to link you when I post about my Christmas planters later today, so that readers will be able to upgrade from the lame bow-making technique that I used!
You’ve definitely started my day with a few LOLs.
November 27, 2012 @ 11:19 am
“Julia Child of Bows” how clever, she crossed my mind as well as I read Victoria’s blog. Then proceeded to check out your blog… it’s a snowy morning and somehow it just feels right to be doing twenty things at once… one being reading blogs.
November 27, 2012 @ 11:22 am
Yes, I’m into avoidance again, knowing the next project is to go out in the snowflakes and do my outdoor planters! I was thinking of how Julia Child says “don’t apologize; nobody knows what you’re doing in the kitchen” or words to that effect.
Have a good one and good luck with your twenty things.
November 27, 2012 @ 12:02 pm
That IS good ribbon, isn’t it?? It was stupidly expensive compared to the standard stuff… but I loved it so much I couldn’t resist. Julia would approve—the craft equivalent of using 5 sticks of butter.
I can’t wait to see what your Christmas planters are… I thought I’d kind of run out of steam for decorating, but that perked me back up, so maybe I just need something new!!
November 27, 2012 @ 12:12 pm
The bows really are gorgeous and, yes, it’s the choice of over-the-top components like your ribbon, that really make it something you couldn’t run out and buy imported from China at a fraction of the cost of making it.
I am enjoying your Christmas decorating–keep writing!
November 27, 2012 @ 6:32 pm
You know, when I was at the craft store I saw some pre-made bows that they wanted $29.99 for. That is outrageous! I mean, they were nice bows. But not THAT nice!! Who pays $30 for a bow?
November 27, 2012 @ 6:59 pm
That is NUTS to just WRAP the gift–you may as well buy another gift with that! I did not get my floral arrangement posted today, but I just came from the grocery store where they had large outdoor “inserts” arranged/slapped together for $99 each. They were not unique either, let me tell you. Somebody must be buying an awful lot of this stuff, though.
November 27, 2012 @ 11:34 am
If I make typos in this comment, it’s because my eyes are teary from laughing so hard! Does your mom try to “help” you become more of a MS or does she just let you run wild? 🙂
I am the family bow expert. It’s because when we were transferred to Dallas from our homeland of Southern California (years ago) I took a bow making class. It WAS before the internet, where you can find out how to build a car if need be. I’m not sure my bows are quite as pretty as yours, so I will be practicing your technique in hopes of honing my skills.
November 27, 2012 @ 12:15 pm
Lol… What did we do before the Internet? Paul and I were just joking the other day that he doesn’t need to go in for minor surgery—I can just look it up on YouTube and do it for him in the kitchen!
I’ve watched my mom make bows a million times (her neighbors/friends ask her to make them.) At first, she did try to help me… but (as you know,) I kind of think it’s one of those things where you really just have to do it, and the more repetition you have, the better they turn out. My mom will whip out a set of six in no time at all, while simultaneously making pie… but I am MUCH slower.
p.s.- my ribbon is a perfect example of how I said to you that now the blog is my best excuse for buying stuff. Even if other people are totally inconvenienced and have to mail it to you…
November 27, 2012 @ 7:55 pm
Well, clearly, you are a multi-talented blogger and I can only wait in anticipation of what other DIY project you have for us. 🙂
I confess, I’m not sure my bows have ever turned out as perfect as your example, but maybe it’s all about the ribbon, I don’t think my ribbon has been wide enough. It’s wired but maybe I need to graduate to wider ribbon, I’ll get back to you on that.
I’m borrowing your excuse for purchasing items…Mr. B. will be none the wiser that I got the idea from a blog friend!
November 28, 2012 @ 7:59 am
If nothing else, the wider stuff cuts down on the sheer number of loops… which makes it easier. I also think the simpler look is nice. Although it’s possible that if there was more ribbon on the spool, I would have kept going and it might have been twice as good…
December 13, 2012 @ 2:30 pm
Like you Karen B. I am the family bow expert. I love making all my pkgs. beautiful and looking like I spent hours decorating then when in fact all it took was a few minutes. These beautiful pkgs make the person on the recieving end feel special, that’s becaust they are.
December 15, 2012 @ 10:35 am
A gorgeous bow REALLY does make a gift look special! (In my case, they may have actually upstaged the gift, on occasion.)
November 27, 2012 @ 12:26 pm
You know what I am most impressed with – aside from your calling your mom’s Michael’s and the priority mail thing b/c I do that all the time with my mom’s Walmart and Joe Fresh – is that you took photos that were clear while holding the ribbon with your hand. That is one of the biggest challenges of a craft post. Add glitter and you’re SOL and cursing for weeks at digging that crap out of the shutter release button come Easter. Bows are hard. This is talent.
November 27, 2012 @ 6:29 pm
LOL… well, the other 50 photos I *didn’t* post are completely out of focus. And I think actually, a few of the above are maybe not as clear as they could be.
Okay, I’m glad you ask your mother to mail you stuff… I felt bad calling mine. I mean, I am an adult who theoretically understands she has better things to do than run around and mail me ribbon. But true to form, she claimed it was totally fine and did it right away.
November 27, 2012 @ 1:32 pm
Reblogged this on Tia Lavoria's Famous Salsas.
November 27, 2012 @ 6:30 pm
Hey thanks!! Also, no lie—salsa is my favorite food.
November 27, 2012 @ 8:36 pm
November 28, 2012 @ 8:00 am
November 27, 2012 @ 11:49 pm
Oh Victoria you never cease to amaze. I bow to your bow… PERFECTION! Honestly people think these might be easy but I have really screwed up a bow or two. The bigger the bow, the bigger the screw ups (at least for me) Bravo you little bow maker, you! And hugs to your mom for being there when those bow emergencies occur. Now that is true (crazy) love!
My mother also taught me to make bows but they were mostly for gifts and I got pretty darn good at it. I don’t think, my entire life, I ever saw her buy or use a store bought bow. To this day I haven’t either. Your doors are beautiful, classy, and bowtastic! A reflection of the people inside, no doubt.
November 28, 2012 @ 9:38 am
Bowtastic is the title I was looking for but failed to think of… I hate that.
The bow also works like camouflage, on gifts you are not sure meet the recipient’s personal style… the Christmas before Paul and I got married, I gave my MIL a scarf, and put a giant bow on the box… I have seen the bow on the tree every year since, but never seen the scarf… LOL.
November 28, 2012 @ 10:35 am
GREAT STORY! (bursts of laughter)
I decided to go the very personal and thoughtful route with my MIL for that very reason. She gets a box full of cash! With a homemade bow, of course.
November 28, 2012 @ 3:44 pm
LOL… smart!
I am not one of those daughter-in-law who is excellent at shopping for their family-in-law. Paul always looks at me with dread when I tell him he needs to TELL me what to get them.
November 28, 2012 @ 2:48 am
I adore your bows. There’s no shame in having only one crafty skill, especially when you’ve mastered it! They look beautiful. 🙂
November 28, 2012 @ 9:34 am
Thanks! It would be better though, if my sole craft skill were not limited to four weeks of the year… ☺
November 28, 2012 @ 2:52 am
Victoria, you continually crack me up! This is the perfect bow making tutorial… I’m sure you are making your mama proud. I was just thinking I need to redo the one on my front door wreath and now I KNOW I absolutely have to.
Making sure you have the right amount of ribbon is a great tip. One year I bought 5 rolls of red ribbon for our Christmas tree. They had 15 feet on each roll and it was the perfect amount. Several years later when I wanted to update our tree, I bought 5 more rolls of gold ribbon not realizing it can come in such a variety of lengths. I am now the proud owner of 500 feet of gold ribbon. If you are ever in need of gold ribbon to go with that styrofoam turkey, I am the gal to hook you up!
November 28, 2012 @ 10:04 am
Laughing… Well, I hope you REALLY like that ribbon! At least you got a bargain. And you will never have to buy ribbon again. (Or you will buy new ribbon in a few years and feel vaguely guilty for not just using the stuff you have.)
The spools I bought were only 3 yards!! I literally could not believe I didn’t even think to check that… I mean, what can you do with three yards of ribbon? Not much…
November 28, 2012 @ 3:39 pm
Love the bow and the post (had a good laugh, you know how to lighten my day), makes me want to put a bow around my entire house!
December 2, 2012 @ 8:00 am
A bow around your house would be adorable! You’d need some pretty big ribbon, though!!
December 1, 2012 @ 10:56 pm
I found your blog searching for how to make bows (because I found wired-ribbon in my Christmas box and decided I wanted to try to be crafty). Your blog is absolutely the most humorous! I laughed nearly the entire time. I’m not sure how much ribbon I have on that spool, and it will probably be the situation – I think this is actually gonna work … oh NO! I ran out of ribbon! … no store has the same because I have NO idea when or where I bought it! … well I have to buy new ribbon because it’s going so well!! haha But I am going to try 🙂
December 2, 2012 @ 8:05 am
I’m so glad you found me among ALL the other nine million, bow-tutorial blog posts!!
I hope it goes all right for you… expect your first few to NOT look the way you had imagined. Unless you’re already pretty crafty? If nothing else, maybe you get an excuse for a trip to the craft store to buy ribbon (and probably ten other things you don’t need). 🙂
December 2, 2012 @ 4:32 pm
Alright, I think I just may have made the loudest, proudest bow in my town after these instructions! Using, I must add, 5 1/4-inch wide red ribbon with a glitter pattern all over it! No, not out of my ribbon bin, either, but having had to buy more new ribbon again. Looking forward to seeing it hung in all its wild and crazy glory tomorrow, by somebody who climbs very tall ladders (not me).
December 3, 2012 @ 7:43 am
Literally laughing out loud… can’t wait to see it!
The wide ribbon makes ALL the difference in the world, doesn’t it? 5” PLUS glitter? You have outdone me…
December 3, 2012 @ 8:07 am
Whatever I have done, I fully blame on you!
December 3, 2012 @ 7:01 pm
Hmmm. Really? I kind of get the idea you’re perfectly capable of your own ribbon extravaganza without my involvement. 🙂
December 3, 2012 @ 11:52 pm
Hahaha! May. Be.
December 7, 2012 @ 1:53 am
Thats so cool! I know the feeling, my mum was an occupational therapist who could whip up teddies, basket making, hessian figurines, leatherworks, silver work, baking in the blink of an eye. I couldnt handle fabric If I tried and sewing machines give me the jitters (give me a piece of timber however and i’m fine to design you something grand). BTW, menioned you on my blog re: a Leibster award (if you follow those kind of things, im not too good with pass the parcel things – but hey if I can spread the blogging love then its all good).
December 8, 2012 @ 8:49 am
Well, architecture is amazingly creative! So you must have gotten a version of your mom’s ability. I can think stuff up, but lack the skills with a sewing machine (or wood) to actually make it happen. Also I DON’T enjoy cooking or baking. Even though technically I can do it, I really don’t find it relaxing… where as my mom seems to genuinely love it.
Thank you so much for the mention, you totally made my day!!!
December 10, 2012 @ 10:54 am
Beautiful! Thank you! 🙂
December 11, 2012 @ 8:01 am
Thank you so much! I hope it works for you!
December 10, 2012 @ 8:16 pm
Forget making the bow! This is the funniest tutorial I’ve ever read! You are hysterically funny!
December 11, 2012 @ 7:57 am
I hope it’s obvious that you are now my favorite person in the world.
You totally made my day, thank you.
December 11, 2012 @ 9:34 am
And I hope it is obvious to YOU that you are now my favorite blogger! I can’t wait to read the other stories, and I am so thankful that I had to make a ridiculous bow for the office holiday tree or I never would’ve found you! And your instructions DID work; I focused heavily on the “get the center really scrunchy” and “you can just shove your stapler in there and go to town”. Those tips were critical to my new-found hobby (career?) of making bows. So, I thank you, my office holiday tree thanks you, and my insatiable need for laughter as often as possible thanks you!
December 11, 2012 @ 6:26 pm
I’m glad you embraced the stapler. It’s an underrated craft tool.
AND I’m relieved it worked for you. I was afraid people would try it and end up with nothing you’d want to display… Although? I guess it’s possible those people exist, and simply failed to leave me comments.
p.s.- your picture is fantastic. We have the exact same taste in wigs and glasses.
December 22, 2012 @ 9:23 pm
I now have a plan for my doors for next year. Good tutorial and since I read a newer post first, it was very cool to see you on page 1 of Google Images search!!
November 20, 2013 @ 10:51 am
Beautiful!! Just a question though — what did you do with the ends? When you started, did you start with the end flush with the center of the bow? And when you finished, how did you get the streamer to fall flat behind the loop? Thanks!