Mini barrister bookcase (and a foster kitten update.)
I never go to estate sales.
I used to, but at this point I’ve reached some kind of understanding that:
A- my time on earth is limited.
B- my eligibility for an episode of Hoarders is already imminent.
C- it is physically impossible to patrol a 100 mile radius around Philadelphia to ensure ALL OF THE THINGS ARE MINE.
It was basically for my own sanity that I had to back away.
In Philadelphia, estate sales are a professionally-run endurance sport: you have to show up hours before they start… get a number… wait in line… and then watch as all of the people in front of you walk out with the good stuff, (which was most assuredly NOT a bargain because even the crap no one wants is overpriced.)
Although, OBVIOUSLY if we drive by an unexpected estate sale, I basically leap out of the car before it’s stopped moving.
Which is what happened when we were driving through the middle of nowhere on a Saturday afternoon.
This petite little barrister is a combination I’ve not seen before!
You rarely see a barrister bookcase with claw feet… and I don’t know if it’s small because that was an option that Macey’s offered, or if it’s a salesman sample, or what.
Plus, it’s got a little drawer at the bottom where I can store other items of useless importance and unneeded fanciness!
Searching on eBay turned up nothing… although I did find this glorious representation of magic and inner peace embodied in a bookcase so far out of my price range that it fills me with sadness and covetous rage that my life will never be complete and I will have to die lonely and desolate.
Such a bummer.
Anyway. They wanted $150. I paid $100.
I don’t think that’s a STEAL… (I would have been way happier at $50,) but I couldn’t get them any lower, and I didn’t want to make the trip back the next day to see if they still had it.
Plus, it’s unique and I like anything oddly-sized. And it’s in perfect condition… these barristers usually start to have some veneer/finish issues, but this one is excellent!
We dumped it in the foyer because I have no spot in mind yet, which prompted me to realize that I never showed you the chalkboard mounted!
If you missed the acquisition of this brass antique set of hinged slate boards… it’s one of my favorite finds!
Hanging the chalkboard correctly (horizontally, so that the slate boards are moveable like book pages) would have made it too large for nearly any wall in this house, and I NEED the wall space I have left!
*Giant Fancy Things
Plus, this wall/location is where I wanted it visually… the size and shape are perfect for this small wall, and it adds interest (and note space) in the foyer, without adding any bulk.
On top of that, I feel like a vertical orientation is more sensible because it is OLD! Hanging it sideways would have placed stress on the far ends, and even though the hinges are huge, gravity is fairly persistent.
Paul cut a board to the outer width of the hinges, and then mounted that to the wall, (this way he hit all the studs, and the weight of the chalkboard is supported)… then we mounted the chalkboard to the board, which is mostly invisible now that it’s covered by the brass frame and hinges.
Since I was thinking of it, I searched to see if any more have come online for sale. (Because, why have one if you can have two?)
I didn’t find any. But I was reminded of this idea. Which I completely love and am storing away in case I find a fancy frame with no mirror. (Which I did one time, but had a mirror cut.) This would be such an easy DIY!

New topic: foster kittens update.
After much agony over left-behind kitten, when I called to go back for her – she had been adopted.
I am NOT sure I made the right decision with those three monkey babies. Most especially this one below (who got adopted with one of her sisters.) It actually hurts my heart to look at photos of her… I just want to reach through the screen and smooch her little face!!!
She was the one who was so sick, and she was my most favorite. (I know I’ve already told you this 47 times… sorry.)
I do not know how much of my ongoing attachment to her is the combination of that group being my first kitten fosters, mixed with losing Elvis, mixed with the basic fact of how lovable ANY kitten is.
On the other hand, I have emailed AND talked on the phone with her new mom (woman who took the two-kittens-who-got-adopted-together) and it could not be more clear how much she loves them… and that makes it livable.
I have not heard from left-behind-kitten’s new family. And that’s hard! But I realize that people have different levels of awareness about fostering. EVEN THOUGH they got a very personal letter from me about that specific kitten… it’s possible they did not even read it – maybe they just thought it was paperwork or something.
Either way, if I am going to do this, I have to accept a certain level of unknowing.
This is the crappy part.
Normally the way I deal with crappy parts is to just not do them… but I cannot see a solution here. I have to be able to accept and let go so that I can help more… like this little guy.
He is a MAD BUNDLE OF ENERGY… but after having three wild hooligans, having just one is like having NO cats at all!
He was plenty big when I got him, but too sick to get fixed. But once I brought him home, I was amazed at how quickly he started to feel better!
I got him fixed last week… and he’ll go to the adoption center when they have a spot for him. (no rush! I’m still snuggling him and telling him I love him!)
He is a love bug who comes when I call him and follows me around the house, so I know he will be adopted quickly.
Although, just like all the others – he refuses to understand how charming it would be if he would sit adorably in the tartan pram.
I tried to explain them that I need him to cooperate so that I can have the perfectly Christmas kitten Instagram. But he was all – lol lady, let me show you my claws… so I gave up on my dream and sold the pram yesterday to an adorable YOUNG guy who bought it for his mom’s Christmas present– she collects vintage dolls. He said that when he saw it he was like– oh my gosh! Mom will LOVE this!
I told him to be sure he told his mother that I said she clearly raised a superior human.
I am so thankful to have all of these kittens come through my life… they have made an enormous difference in how I have experienced Elvis’s death. I miss her UNBEARABLY. But also, this little guy marks 5 lives I have shared! Polydactyl kitty, the three sisters, and this boy! They have brought me joy and comfort and a feeling of truly making a difference, and I am deeply grateful for them.
AND FOR YOU… you are my people.
In case I haven’t told you lately how much I love you: your comments, your humor, having a place to share aspects of my personality that no one in my real life “gets”… Is a wonderful gift. Thank you for it.
Ok! I think that’s it! As of last night at midnight, both of my brothers are home and I finally feel like it’s Christmas!
p.s.- I didn’t do any holiday posts this year because it was basically greenery and bows… no glitter cannons or life-sized disco reindeer, so please enjoy these recycled posts.
My “How To Make A Bow” post has now been pinned 147,989 times… please go pin it so I can make it to 150,000 and feel like my existence on earth has been validated via social media.
December 22, 2016 @ 7:05 pm
I can’t help but notice that all of your foster babies so far have an uncanny resemblence to Elvis….hmmmm
December 22, 2016 @ 7:27 pm
what a fun-filled, love-filled post. thank you – i didn’t want it to end. months ago, i came to your blog for the decor/antiquing/dyi and stayed for the kitties. a happy christmas to you and yours and a blessed new year. –suz in ohio (and kitties muppet, louie, emma, julia and jake – louie’s kind of a tuxie/monkey face/harlequin mix).
December 22, 2016 @ 8:51 pm
You are SO SO funny! I just read your post about your brothers and you buying them goofy presents and jumping off the front porch, etc. It was so funny. I laughed out loud! I love your blog.
December 22, 2016 @ 9:32 pm
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Love your blog.
December 23, 2016 @ 12:25 am
Victoria, you are a gem.o
December 23, 2016 @ 2:49 am
You are so awesome. I wish I had a friend even half so awesome and “you-full” as you! Thank you for blogging. And ALL the pics of ALL the Tuxedo Cats forever and ever amen.
December 23, 2016 @ 11:01 am
Merry Christmas VEB! Fostering sounds like it’s been so good for you and the kittens. Still sorry for your loss of Elvis. Enjoy your time with your brothers. <3
December 23, 2016 @ 11:12 am
Hi, I’m fairly new to your blog, but I’m so glad that I happened upon it. Each post fills me with envy and longing for what is clearly your super power of finding these beautiful THINGS. I always find something that i can do that I would never have thought of. I also shed a tear or two when you talk about Elvis, THE kittens or any kittens for that matter.
Thanks for the roller coaster of emotions 😉 It’s good to feel things.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and thank you!
December 23, 2016 @ 12:04 pm
Dear VEB: I must type this quick, because I still can’t believe it myself. Have never even owned a cat, but thanks to you, have signed up to be a foster caregiver to kittens with our local Metro Animal Services. Haven’t been given a litter, or even one, yet, but the director said this is a slow time of year for kittens… but they’re coming. Okay, there I said it. I’ll keep you posted.
Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing your life with your readers.
December 24, 2016 @ 9:43 am
This is the best gift anyone could have given me. Truly.
December 23, 2016 @ 2:22 pm
Lovely little bookcase, obviously you need it. Thanks for the fun Christmas post and the break, as I am weary of elf-ing with my dual Kitchen Aids, tempering chocolate and tying up cello bags. Nice respite lying on the sofa in front of the tree, reading you.
Your tux kitty looks like such a love 🙂
December 23, 2016 @ 6:47 pm
Love your posts. Best wishes and many blessings,
December 23, 2016 @ 11:24 pm
You are adorable and I laugh all though your posts. 😊 I am a cat lover/owner too and feed every stray that comes my way. ( just fed “little gray” a big bowl of milk and a serving of kibble! 😊) Anyway, you and I could be bffs. If only you lived in Michigan! We could share estate sale and kitten tips and GFTs. 😊 Merry Christmas my friend, keep doing what you’re doing. You make many people happy, and you do not constantly post photos of peonies in a farm sink. 😊 Enjoy your holiday! ( I may or may not be slightly tipsy on Christmas champagne… hint: I am! lol!)
p.s. The left behind kitten’s parents should call you. (Seriously? WTH?)
December 23, 2016 @ 11:57 pm
I’ve (ok, ‘we’ since my husband was very interested, too) have just finished reading all of your posts from the very beginning. Wonderful blog, I wish I’d found you sooner. Thank you for sharing your boundless enthusiasm life and all of your hard work.
December 24, 2016 @ 7:48 am
can you ship that tuxedo male beauty to Canada???
December 24, 2016 @ 10:47 pm
Merry Christmas VEB family and foster kitties!
December 25, 2016 @ 1:32 pm
Dear Victoria,
Im smiling as I write this, wishing to THANK you for the gift your posts are! I discovered your blog a few months ago when researching old home restoration tips, and I laughed for hours that day, not making it past your site. I LOVE the way you express things and not only is your sense of humor a joy, but the understanding of that need to have these certain old and often one-of-a-kind things, is so wonderful to share! So again, and thanks for sharing your beautiful finds and sweet kitties. Most sincerely~ Lisa
December 26, 2016 @ 8:28 am
The glitter canon would have been epic. Next year…
December 27, 2016 @ 9:58 pm
Well I am thankful for you too you lovely loon.
December 28, 2016 @ 2:14 pm
When our sons were still at home we used to foster kittens every summer. Those kittens were all so well-socialized when we brought them back!
January 2, 2017 @ 2:17 pm
I just discovered your blog while aimelessly scrolling through FB and instantly fell in love with it. It was The Kingdom Mirror post that caught my eye and I ended up reading it to my husband on one our long drive to visit family. You are fabulous! Thank you for sharing your finds and your awesomeness. I look forward to reading more. May you have a very Happy And Fancy New Year!