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  1. C.Paget
    September 21, 2014 @ 3:37 pm



  2. Pam McMurtry
    December 20, 2014 @ 6:07 pm

    I cannot even begin to forgive your husband for suggesting we did not need to see your glorious disco ball extravaganza, he should be ashamed. I love your work; while you were glittering your world I was gluing 100+ pounds of candy to a giant styro ball for the Macy’s windows in Salt Lake City. One cannot go too far over the top for Christmas.
    Enjoy, my kindred spirit.


  3. Bob the Wonder Badger
    November 13, 2015 @ 10:01 am

    Ah Ha! So I see it is you who are the culprit and singularly responsible for causing me to be perched on a ladder under my porch. Almost three years to the day a blog post from the past has incited my wife to claim your vision for all those mirror ball ornaments in our attic to be stapled to the porch ceiling, and, may I inform you madame with my brow slightly raised, we have three porches and unfortunately enough balls for them all. There goes my Friday.
    Best Wishes–Bob the Wonder Badger
    P.S. I used micro-swivels (Sporting Goods/Fishing Department) at the end of each line to allow them to spin at the slightest breeze and a soft blue laser spotlight at night. Quite enchanting actually but don’t mention this to anyone I know.


  4. Renae Toseff
    May 10, 2016 @ 4:48 pm

    I just thought I would let you know that while reading your blog about Christmas decorating I couldn’t stop are so darn funny I am still crying a bit. I too am what ya call a mini hoarder so very refreshing knowing there are other women who sneak crap into the house or I am famous for leaving it in my car and when the coast is clear bringing it in! I can just imagine what my neighbors think! Thanks for making my day?


  5. Deb
    December 15, 2017 @ 12:18 pm

    You are the funniest (most funny?) person on the planet. I LOVE all of your extremes, the glitter, esp. the disco ball ornaments!!! PERFECTION! I honestly believe we are twins separated at birth! More IS more!! You leave a sparkle wherever you go and brighten up my world with your honesty, wit, charm, creativity, child-like quality and desire to make all things shine! Glitter on sweet lady! And those kitties…PRECIOUS! What a beautiful soul you are! Merry Christmas… God bless you and Paul!


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