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  1. courtney
    February 6, 2013 @ 5:32 pm

    Your journey into the abyss of WP blog backend is awesome to behold. Totally impressed that you plowed on/in and created the gorgeous blog you did. My business partner and I have been wrestling with very similar wants/needs/roadblocks with our blog but neither nearly bold enough to roll up our sleeves, not just yet anyway. Thanks for going there and telling the tale. And a wonderful blog. Come visit us in Brooklyn!


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      February 6, 2013 @ 6:01 pm

      I am torn on recommending the experience to people… now that I’ve made it here (more or less) I love it. I’m so happy to be able to spend all my time fidgeting with details, and being in charge of how many pixels deep the comments indent themselves…

      However? Getting here? Was not fun. I should have made some tech-minded friends, prior to the switch… the kind of people who say it’s not that hard… And? I have to say that at times I wonder HOW important it is to consider the depth of your comment reply indentation… do I really have NOTHING better to do with my time? Would that time have been better spent actually writing content? Maybe…

      Your blog is lovely… you Brooklynites have all the good stuff to post about.


  2. jocelyn
    February 9, 2013 @ 3:45 pm

    Lookin’ good! I tip my hat to you for going .org!!


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      February 9, 2013 @ 8:21 pm

      Hey thanks!! Now that I’m getting settled in, I really like it. The stress was BAD… but now I think it was worth it.

      Hope you and family are well!! I’m sure he looks completely different since your post!!


  3. carollynn
    April 3, 2013 @ 3:03 pm

    Just found your blog by way of Houzz. Love it, love you. Love this post. I am a web developer, my blog is in, and I do know the technology… and yet, its still painful.


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 3, 2013 @ 6:05 pm

      I did a little dance, when I read your comment… something about having an actual tech person acknowledge that it’s not a process made out of fairy dust.

      Although? At the same time? ALL my personal-favorite posts I’ve written have been about my experiences blogging. Not at all something I would have predicted… that I would have so much to say about it!!
      So good to “meet” you!

      p.s.- I helped a friend set up a blog in last weekend, and I walked away being reminded I was SO GLAD I moved!!


  4. John @ Our Home from Scratch
    June 4, 2013 @ 4:31 pm

    Brilliant blog. Just spent the last 30 minutes reading posts. I’m in the process of designing a new theme myself. I need to get out of my cookie-cutter theme. It’s cramping my style. I can’t even get that Tabber widget to load, let alone cutomize it. I’m promising myself I’ll have it refreshed by mid-July. Wish me luck.

    On another note, my wife and I are also Philly people. We live in South Jersey. AND I’m old enough to remember the Five Spot. I used to hang out there all the time back in my early twenties.. like ten years ago.


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      June 6, 2013 @ 4:00 pm

      All kidding aside, the tabber-widget drove me insane. At the time it seemed necessary. Why? I cannot say… (and now I wonder if anyone even uses it.) If I could do it again, I would spend the time elsewhere… like reading about how to fix my nine-million tags.

      p.s.- You remember the Five Spot!! It’s like a mythical creature…


  5. Alexandra
    June 25, 2013 @ 9:22 am

    At first, with part one, I had hope I could do this.

    I can’t do this.

    Happy for you, though. xo


  6. Karen Duke
    July 16, 2013 @ 3:28 pm

    I have built a couple of websites in WordPress, but find I’m way too challenged by html. I told the web host that just because I can drive a car, it doesn’t mean I should HAVE to know how to build one. There should be no reason I have to learn a new language just to build a website so I’m going back to Citymax. They speak WYSIWYG and that’s what I’m really good at!


  7. Ginny
    August 7, 2013 @ 1:39 pm

    YOU JUST DESCRIBED MY LIFE. I am in the middle of re-designing my site (after I spend 4+ days switching to and it is taking forever! I have completely lost all track of reality :). I followed your link at the bottom weeks ago and tried working with a themify basic theme – and now I am switching gears again. Seriously. I need this to be over!

    I LOVE your site and how perfectly perfect it is. So much thought has gone into it. I have one question – what do you use for your email subscribe widget? I have tried everything and can’t find one that I like.

    Thank you!!



    • Ginny
      August 7, 2013 @ 1:53 pm

      Along a similar note – which theme from Themify are you using? I thought “Basic” was perfect, but I had a hard time customizing the size. Just wondering! Thanks!


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      August 9, 2013 @ 9:59 am

      Hey!! GOOD JOB surviving the transfer.

      I’m using Elemin. (With a good bit of customization.)
      Jetpack is my email subscription… I’ve been totally happy with it, although I don’t do anything fancy like newsletters that you might want something like Mail Chimp for.


      • Ginny
        August 20, 2013 @ 3:23 pm

        THANK YOU! I JUST finished my new design – and it is EXACTLY like you described. And, I am mentioning you today in my blog – because everyone needs to read your posts!


  8. Amy (DishonDesignGal)
    September 4, 2013 @ 2:46 am

    hahahaha! And then there’s that moment when you realize that none of your links in all of your past posts work anymore and that you’re going to have to go through every. single. post. to fix them. It’s then that your OMG, I actually did this turns into OMG, what the heck did I do. Well… I might have said actually said hell! Love your site!


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      September 4, 2013 @ 1:36 pm

      That MIGHT be your link structure… I had a similar issue when I realized that ALL my incoming links were broken.

      I pretty much had twelve heart attacks. I nearly did not survive to find out it could be fixed.


  9. Amy (DishonDesignGal)
    September 4, 2013 @ 2:33 pm

    By the way, there is absolutely no reason that you shouldn’t be making money. You’re blog is awesome and one of the best out there. I’ve been blogging for years and have never pursued it until just now. It took me forever, it seemed, to get approved for google adsense – but I made it through the first step this morning. If you decide to try it, let me know – I’ll send you some of the things that I think helped me!


  10. Rebecca
    October 6, 2013 @ 10:44 am

    I’ve spent most of Friday and Saturday, no wait it’s now Sunday, shit, reading your blog. We’re renovating a long-faced split-entry that to me is still just a raised ranch and have many of the same personality qualities that you two have BUT at the same time also work together at “renovating” my medical practice which involves much of the same horrible stuff but also more humans in the mix. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I should probably start my blogs all over and combine all 3 into one. But the medical practice stuff was so painful and yet not well documented from a blog standpoint plus who the hell cares about how you move your medical practice into the world of Obamacare and EMR’s? Those doing it have NO TIME to read a blog much less make one. But just imagine if you and Paul were doing that at work and your husband was the GM of your medical office and sometimes works like 72 hours straight to fix something at work while you sit at home looking at the exposed studs and insulation wondering when he’ll be able to get back to this. Yes, I have a very good therapist. I hope you do as well. If only we had on the house to do… sigh. is the house that is going way to slowly. is the garden where I have more control and need less of his help so it’s therapeutic. old practice webpage. is my wordpress page for analyzing the stupid shit that comes out daily as medical media hype and almost always fails to truly educate us but just tries to scare the shit out of people. And can you tell I’m as ADHD as you are OCD?


  11. Rebecca
    October 6, 2013 @ 10:52 am

    I had to post your blog on my blog and plus I forgot to check the boxes so I know if you comment back. AND I should have put a blog in the website not my practice. It’s just when you say “your website” I automatically think the one with my name as the location…. I love your blog!!!! It has made me feel so much better about the madness that is our life. We are so much like both of you except we’re a blend of ADHD/OCD. Ok my husband is totally like you with the hyperfocus but sorry that’s not only OCD that’s actually more ADD. So you’re really ADD with hyperfocus. The ADD impulsiveness is what got you in the house in the first place. Not all ADD is just ping ponging around in space never landing on anything. In fact, many of us become much more OCD like and get paralysis from analysis because we so do not want to make a decision that we later regret like the wrong tile for the bathroom. So sorry for the psychoanalysis I just can’t help it, and anyway, I am joking about you being much much crazier, you’ve just exposed more of your craziness than I have and you are also better at writing. I need to work on that. So far no one really reads what I’m writing and it’s more of a diary of sorts. And as you can tell by comments I tend to write like I talk and perhaps I ramble. Your style is entertaining and conscise. LOVE IT! Someone to emulate!


  12. Kim
    January 30, 2016 @ 11:36 pm

    Why didn’t I see this post a couple of months ago before I signed up for Russian 100? Had I seen this post, I might have thought twice and signed up for something easier, like Theoretical Physics 500, or to be the model in an experimental art project where someone sets my hair on fire and people watch me run around like, oh say, a person with their hair on fire.


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