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  1. Bernie
    March 22, 2017 @ 2:07 pm

    As a dog person, I really love your kitties. I once took care of a friends dying cat (she HAD to go out of town for a family emergency) and spoon fed her and dreaded that I would find a dead cat on my watch… Thankfully my friend made it home in time, and her kitty died in her arms a few days later. Books…I absolutely agree with your assessment of The Glass Castle, life changing/appreciating really. Have you read One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus? It is such an interesting premise. I think you would enjoy it. I admit, I could not make it through the entire Dairy diatribe…maybe later. I admire your passion, but I do love dairy. I dont think I’ve ever met a cheese I didnt like, and oh… cream, and yes, even milk. Surely, there must be dairy farmers who treat their animals well, and do not separate babies from their mothers. I’m not sure I believe milk is a carcinogen, or maybe I just dont want to. I also really dont want to live to 100 if I cant enjoy one of lifes simple pleasures of ice cream. I havent seen any house updates or videos recently….when can we expect a new one?


    • teri
      March 22, 2017 @ 7:27 pm

      sadly the “and do not separate babies from their mothers ” thing – well milk only comes out of the breast / udder when it is stimulated – the cow can’t give milk unless it has delivered it’s baby, and if the baby stays with it the milk won’t go to humans. I’ve been vegan since 1978, I really never hankered after milk. Apart from animal welfare, it’s a feminist solidarity thing, – do as you would be done to.


      • Bernie
        March 22, 2017 @ 7:44 pm

        Well, humans can nurse a baby, and pump extra, why cant cows, goats, sheep? I know plenty of mothers who nurse their own, and give extra breast milk away to mothers who cant. I’m sure with some effort, it could be done, but I’m probably being overly optimistic. Kudos for being Vegan for so long, I dont think I could do it.


    • Alex
      March 26, 2017 @ 12:38 pm

      You can still enjoy ice cream. Even Ben and Jerry’s has non-dairy ice cream!

      Yes, casein is a carcinogen. This study, one of many, indicates it can cause prostate cancer.

      Check out the links in the blog, see what evidence is out there 🙂


  2. Bernie
    March 22, 2017 @ 2:12 pm

    PS I meant to add, that if cows milk is a carcinogen, I doubt it is because of it in its pure, natural state, it is probably because of what they are being fed.


  3. Niki
    March 22, 2017 @ 2:22 pm

    That is horrendous. I stopped using milk in my cereal years ago, and even as a child I was not a milk drinker. However, as an adult I love Brie and other creamy cheeses, and now I’m conflicted on how to view them? Is it better to simply avoid anything dairy that is american made, or do you have to cut out dairy all together?


    • Abby Bean
      March 22, 2017 @ 4:04 pm

      Hi Niki,
      I’m not speaking for VEB, but as someone who knows way too much about this sadness- it’s not solely an American “production” issue. On the upside, the strides that have been made in vegan cheeses over the last 17 years I’ve been vegan have been astronomical. In NY, we even have multiple shops dedicated to vegan cheese (Dr. Cow, Riverdel), as well as amazing options in mainstream supermarkets, HFCs, and even bodegas. The most intriguing option I’ve seen of late is caramelized onion Camembert: all vegan. Point being- don’t be too afraid of giving up too much; you’ll be surprised what’s available!


      • Niki
        March 29, 2017 @ 11:35 am

        Thanks Abby, I will keep my eye open for some vegan cheese options when I’m out shopping. I’m in CT so not far from NY. I’ll see if I can find those brands around here too.


  4. Amy G.
    March 22, 2017 @ 3:52 pm

    I am in the same boat, Katherine! I want to see how much I can do myself to decrease using animal products. The mama cow story was so upsetting and eye-opening.


  5. judy
    March 22, 2017 @ 5:09 pm

    I have been feeling creepy about meat for a long time and really had cut down on buying it but adult son came back home for a while and so back to meat again. I swear I will never buy meat again..this post reveals a terrible indifference to the pain and fear inflicted on these animals and I don’t want to be a single person who contributes to that in any way. It is sickening and shocking what money and profit does to the human soul. It permeates our entire culture from the slave made clothes in the mega stores to our Government,I actually heard a Government high muckety muck justify cutting out food for poorer children on the basis of its failure to produce better results in grades and conduct. This claim has been forcefully refuted but I know they will still cut the funds for this and for the EPA. Geez these idiots ever look at what is happening at the formerly ice locked poles of this Planet? Are they Dolts? or just sick with money love?

    The cattle and their offspring may live long after we Humans are extinct. Karma…bite you in the butt every time.


  6. Tracey
    March 22, 2017 @ 5:21 pm

    Wow…I gotta do some more reading….. I don’t like the feeling of feeling so unsure of… that seems basic…but…why is it basic? Ugghh, my brain hurts but in a good way I suppose…. anyways…..thank-you, I’ll have to learn more…


  7. Martha K
    March 22, 2017 @ 5:30 pm

    Victoria, I have followed your blog for nearly 3 years and have found it to be the place that I often seek comfort in with your humor and delightful take on all things DIY. I even sniffled along with all the rest in sympathy for your lost Elvis. I also applaud your fostering efforts as those sweet babies hopefully will go on to better, safer lives. However, I am saddened by your recent tendency to turn your blog into a soapbox. I came here to get a little happiness and escape from all that vicious, ugly, nastiness that exists in the world and which we are constantly battered over the head with. I understand your passion, but please reconsider making us laugh again rather than cry. I think that’s why your humorous columns have far more comments than the negative ones. I beg you, please please go back to being the Victoria that drew us all here in the first place!


    • Bernie
      March 22, 2017 @ 6:45 pm



    • Angie
      March 23, 2017 @ 8:30 am

      Do you always try to silence people who are hoping to make a better world? Or do you just dislike hungry children and environmental sustainability?


      • Martha K
        March 23, 2017 @ 11:17 am

        Yes, I “always try to silence people who are hoping to make a better world.” And in case you don’t understand, that was sarcasm. I never said anything about silencing; please reread my post again and see that I respectfully requested Victoria to reconsider the themes/tone of her blogs. Why does everyone and everything have to be socially damning and/or responsible for consciousness-raising? Can’t we just enjoy a little escapism from all the evil that’s in this world from time to time? That’s all I was asking for–to enjoy her original humor with which we’ve become accustomed and occasionally reliant.


  8. Tracey DeWire
    March 22, 2017 @ 5:30 pm

    I am in tears over the poor cow! Where did this happen??


    • Loran Watkins
      March 24, 2017 @ 11:59 am

      Tracey – this happens every day at dairy farms here in California. Mama cow is a symbol, but I can drive by ANY auction any day of the week and there are cows just like her. They’re usually shot, because a bullet costs .19 whereas a vet and fatal plus will run $200+. And don’t think that ‘organic’ dairies are any better because they’re not. If you guys want pics I’ll brave and auction and show you what happens on a moment to moment basis.


  9. judy
    March 22, 2017 @ 7:34 pm

    I am glad to be shocked into awareness of what I can do to make a tiny contribution to a better World. I sympathise with those who are up to their saturation point of bad news but therein lies enlightenment. Without our soap boxers we let the Evil roll on and pick up speed and dirty deeds done dirt cheap become so powerful they are unstoppable. We rationalize slavery around the world and accept “that is just the way things are” but we can change the world-we can be a voice for Goodness, kindness, and mercy or we can relax and return to the bliss of ignorance. Not that those who express distress at your posts are ignorant,just tired of too much hurt in the world… all of us need a heads up once in awhile.
    Nothing is easy that goes against the status quo but it is so worth it. I stopped buying eggs at costco and now they have cage free eggs-I hope that is true and an improvement for the animals…but maybe not.


  10. Ellen Shook
    March 22, 2017 @ 7:55 pm

    You are such a kind caring person. Also very smart. I had no idea of the statistics you have published about the dairy/cow business. So sad. You have done a great pubic service by exposing what goes on behind the scenes. So deplorable about that poor mama cow. What can we do?


  11. Cheryl
    March 22, 2017 @ 8:27 pm

    Someone has to be the voice for these animals. No one should be complacent about animal abuse. Thank you Victoria for speaking for them. Sometimes talking about animal rights in a different setting is the only way to reach some people.


  12. Sarah
    March 22, 2017 @ 8:51 pm

    Victoria, I always love your soapbox posts. I’ve already told you this, but my fiance and I both became vegan in the past year, in large part due to your posts (and Goats of Anarchy). We’ve discovered all the delightful vegan restaurants in Philly over the past year. It would be SO FUN if you could host a dinner for readers in the area at a place like Miss Rachel’s Pantry or Kawaii Kitty Cafe.


  13. Olwyn
    March 23, 2017 @ 12:37 am

    I cannot thank you enough for this post exposing the cruelty and sadism of the dairy/veal industry to say nothing of the disastrous health of the nation that consumes it. I have always loved your blog – now I love you even more as you raise these issues. I was raised on a farm with many animals and have never been able to eat them let alone understand the mentality that thinks it is okay to take a life … cruelty to animals is utterly abhorrent… the story of the cow tears my heart.


  14. Lori Sterling
    March 23, 2017 @ 1:11 am

    I’ve been vegan for about 5 years, vegetarian for most of my life. I have always wondered why people drank milk. I understand in some situations it might be the only available source of protein, but certainly not here in the U.S. We need to STOP eating animals and STOP milking cows. Thank you so much for writing this article and including so much information, heartbreaking as it is. The general population does not understand that milking cows are horribly mistreated. I just don’t understand how humans can let money change their idea of right and wrong. Inhumane is inhumane. Thank you so much for sharing. I love your posts, and your sweet kittens.


  15. Megan
    March 23, 2017 @ 1:23 am

    (And I reallllyy want to know how your kitchen renovation turns out. Please share more of your fabulous design and DIY posts with us!)


  16. Sheila
    March 23, 2017 @ 2:00 pm

    Victoria, thanks for this post. I haven’t been able to get the image of that poor abused cow out of my mind. I’ve decided to eliminate dairy from my diet and will work on eliminating meat and poultry next. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to think about food again without being aware of the impacts its production can have on animals, people, and the environment. Now, to figure out how to put that decision into action and learn to eat a completely different way…BTW, love your blog, especially the kitties.


  17. Joanne Andresen
    March 23, 2017 @ 2:54 pm

    I know you will be offended but at least read this. Edited you go crazy.
    I also have great sympathy for animals and concern for our diet. However, it is somewhat like false advertising to write so humorously about your house escapades and then find oneseneself reading about animal abuse. I think you should separate your blogs and then the person wanting house/ animal info will be able to choose. I think if you do not do this you are going to lose many of your readers who love your house stories.


  18. Susanna
    March 23, 2017 @ 3:13 pm

    A plant based diet is not how man was designed to thrive and survive. And the development of Frankengrains has led to a nation of sick and obese people. All of this aided by a government pushing 6-11 servings of grains for each person everyday. Dig a bit deeper, and see how Big Agra groups and lobbyists have pimped this poison to the American public.
    I choose LCHF because it makes sense to me.
    But I believe that all deserve to be treated humanely, in life and death.
    So I will agree to disagree with you. Which makes for a much more interesting planet.
    I love your blog and kitties and CL acquisitions and all your GFT. And your passion in all that you do.


    • selly
      March 27, 2017 @ 7:56 pm

      Agree. It is not dairy, it is pasteurized dairy. Raw dairy produced by small farmers is incredibly healthy and has been consumed by people for centuries. On top of that, it is Big Agra groups, like Susanna says above, who have ruined our foods. Check out how healthy grass fed beef really is, and how it is not destructive to the environment. Look into how veggie diets only harm our health. Check out Dr. Mercola and how to really eat healthy, and what is behind the destruction of our food supply in this country. You need to dig deeper to know the truth.


  19. Debora
    March 23, 2017 @ 8:48 pm

    I loved all of what you wrote- I an an inveterate cat rescuer and fail in all my fosters. They move in, they’re here to stay. But the last story- that poor animal. I cried- And what upsets me almost as much as watching her suffer, is that the police would not simply put her out of her misery, no matter what anyone else said. How is this level of cruelty acceptable to anyone? How could anyone see that poor cow and not be moved to move heaven and hell to end her misery. “scuse- need to go cry some more.


  20. liz
    March 23, 2017 @ 11:12 pm

    Advertisements for two separate cheeses danced in the sidebar of this very blog. And just now as I type, one from chuck e. cheese’s. I guess that if this seems an appropriate venue for all topics, then one might consider the inconsistency in message coming from such ads.


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