I laughed so hard I had crocodile tears streaming down my face while reading your story about the Craigslist Kingdom Mirror. The description of your interaction with your husband is spot on with my husband and I. I am going to practice your interpersonal skills/techniques and see if I can get him out of his recliner, curious if not enthused to accompany me on my Craigslist, estate sale adventures.
Tracey Harper
October 15, 2014 @ 10:33 pm
Would love to know more about the yard sale…date and location.
Kristie Heath White
April 9, 2016 @ 9:26 am
I laughed so hard I had crocodile tears streaming down my face while reading your story about the Craigslist Kingdom Mirror. The description of your interaction with your husband is spot on with my husband and I. I am going to practice your interpersonal skills/techniques and see if I can get him out of his recliner, curious if not enthused to accompany me on my Craigslist, estate sale adventures.