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  1. Jasmine
    May 27, 2019 @ 12:35 am

    Victoria Elizabeth Barnes, I am just a simple fancy person trying to enjoy your fancy blog. Why would you smack me in the face with nostalgia over CTY like that.


  2. Gail Stanton
    November 5, 2019 @ 11:54 am

    The problem with Marie’s method is that it is the current TREND, (I mean really, cleaning out has been going on since the beginning of time, she just put a fancy ‘process’ and marketing strategy together) I fear you will have regrets when her theology is no longer popular and the newest book comes out that says that our attachment to stuff has a psychological benefit that is not currently being espoused.
    Keep what you love, be it people, houses or the stuff that surrounds both. It’s part of who you are! Don’t fall for a marketing scheme, those people aren’t paying your bills or living your life for you. Joy comes in all forms.
    -My thoughts.


  3. Jennifer
    August 17, 2021 @ 10:39 pm

    I never knew pain until I had to downsize my home and give up years and years of collecting beautiful things. Eventually you reach an age that you have to say goodbye to the grand life and go to the next chapter. I am very thankful we had the opportunity to live a gracious lifestyle and I will miss it always. Just enjoy every moment because the time does go so fast.


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