Kitchen stuff, (and some other stuff).
Before I write about the kitchen, I am compelled to explain something off-topic… if you are only here for the kitchen, scroll a bit.
On my post about the sconces, people wondered— how is it REMOTELY possible that Paul would need to convince you to go into that shop!? (Or any shop, for that matter?)
This is actually a question I had intended to answer.
I (inadvertently) brought home the PERFECT photo to explain… but as that sconce-post got longer and longer, I decided— this photo is unnecessary… on so many levels.
But it would’ve helped you understand— SOUTH STREET IS WEIRD.
South Street is an amalgamation of 90’s counterculture, crossed with a dominatrix fetish, crossed with Dungeons and Dragons, crossed with spiky facial piercings, crossed with gargoyle jewelry, crossed with patchouli, crossed with neck tattoos, crossed with cheesesteaks, crossed with occult black magic wizardry.
If I needed to purchase an outfit constructed entirely of latex, hold a séance, or buy horrific items for a bachelorette party… I would go directly to South Street.
It’s like a Bacchanalia.
But held at Spencers.*
*yes, the mall store of gag gifts that I assume must now be closed after being crushed under the psychic-weight of the collective-embarrassment of all humanity.
I apologize in advance now, for asking you to absorb this photo I just googled– to see if my memory was accurate, or if I hallucinated a building with GIANT ANTS plus whatever is happening with that dude’s head.
I am unsure why it is important for me to specify– the ANTS are not a paint-optical-illusion. They are ACTUAL 3d ant sculptures.
Basically what I am saying– I was not kidding about the gimp mask.
Also– the lamp guy has NO sign out front. NO NOTHING. It looks like the place has LONG been out of business. All of the cardboard and crap piled in the entryway… it does not LOOK like an ACTUAL shop. Let alone an antique place. Let alone OPEN.
This made perfect sense to me because it is a FACT that on South Street, EITHER it’s an occult black magic wizardry dominatrix shop… OR IT’S VACANT.
Interestingly though, it turns out that the lamp shop actually IS occult black magic wizardry– I learned this when someone left me a comment that this shop has been closed for TWO YEARS.
And even though I KNOW FOR SURE that is impossible because I just bought the lamps, IN THIS, THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2019… I still believe this comment. Because I realized– the thing this shop MOST feels like is a ghost-pirate treasure-ship.
I was like– OH! I see! Yes, that makes TOTAL SENSE.
For the kitchen’s all-drawer base cabinets, Paul wants to do four, not three drawers… considering our stuff, he feels it is a better use of space.
He has been going around measuring/investigating our kitchen-items– stacks of plates, mason jars, all that… to figure out the best ratios; similar to when he built the piano drawers– we laid out how/where we wanted the tall/bulky kitchen items, and he designed around them.
I do really like how customizing the storage turned out, so I (THINK?) I am signing on to his theory for the other drawers… he is away for a minute, so I am mulling.
Anyone else do something similar? To be clear, we already have plenty of deep storage for giant pots, the food processor, etc.
New topic: dispenser for RO/instant-hot water.
If I could choose only one technology for the kitchen, it would be reverse osmosis water filtration— we’ve had it forever, use it 1,000 times a day, love it, love it, love it.
We are going to make it even better by adding filtered INSTANT HOT WATER.
Truly, this is the thing I am most excited about!!
I drink an INSANE AMOUNT of tea in winter.
A— I like tea.
B— I am married to a human who believes central heating is for those who lack the appropriate moral compass and also fail to value vigorous, early-morning marching.
It may surprise you to learn– despite all appearances to the contrary, I do actually try to accommodate the core principles of his being.
Plus, my mug is truly enormous, (the MOST GARGANTUAN I could find); so that amount of water takes more than five seconds to boil, which is obviously torture and unacceptable.
I have long purchased bulk bags of loose Peppermint tea leaves… but after reading How Not To Die, which I strongly endorse– I was motivated to incorporate so many EASY nutrition-improvements; example: obviously we all know that green tea is GOOD for us, but I don’t really like it… but UNDERSTANDING has changed my habits– so I now also get a bag of Green Tea and add some in the morning, (green tea has some caffeine, unlike mint.)
I use the biggest strainer I could find (they do come smaller!) but my mug is REALLY REALLY SO SO BIG.
Finding a dispenser for these two different water options— exercise in frustration.
1. must have two handles– for: not-hot, and hot.
2. would prefer unlacquered brass, but– A: really limits options… and B: uncertain I will like two DIFFERENT manufacturer’s brass in such close proximity– our faucet is unlacquered brass, but they do not make a matching dispenser.
All the other kitchen hardware will be unlacquered brass— the drawer pulls, fridge/freezer handle, piano pulls… but they won’t be directly NEXT to the faucet the way the filtration dispenser will be.
3. last-but-not-least I wanted wall-mount… I really wanted to get EVERYTHING off the kitchen counter… to me, the backsplash is the logical location for ALL this stuff… so I spent an INSANE amount of time trying to find a wall mount dispenser– which apparently does not exist… WHY?
I explored trying to DIY what lives in my head, using appropriately-unlacquered materials… but as always, my ideas are superior to anything that actually exists… the idea I liked best was a cross-handle, short wall tap, (do one for each water line)… I still like this idea, ESPECIALLY if I could find a pair of antique taps that I loved… but Paul’s head was melting as I explained.
After going around and around… I got over it and am resigned to a countertop dispenser.
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Photo above is this filtration faucet… I like it! BUT it’s $$$$$, and BIG– 10.25″… which brings me to my last consideration: size– if it cannot be a “match” I’d prefer small… no, I cannot get a matching faucet, already got the one I LOVE which is also the only one that works for our sink– explanation is here if you missed.
So I narrowed down to my smallest options, height-wise:
1. at 8″ tall, this Insinkerator is (I THINK) the smallest… I’ve looked at a LOT of specs, everything else is between 9-11″ tall… it’s stupidly expensive, and still have to purchase the hot tank… it does not come in unlacquered, so I would choose chrome or polished nickel?
2. I like this Newport Brass style better than the Insinkerator, it’s similar to above photo, but not as small as Insinkerator, it is less $$$, BUT it is more “look at me” and maybe there is value in LESS-noticeable… but consider this: I can special-order this one in UNLACQUERED BRASS… although to repeat from above, I’m uncertain two different brands will complement each other.
Note: I eliminated anything unbranded/made in China because even though a cheap one on eBay looks good, I’d be concerned about lead or something… Paul and I watched the first episode of the netflix series “broken” and it did NOT inspire confidence!
Any thoughts?
1. Which style dispenser do you like better?
2. What finish would you choose?
December 10, 2019 @ 2:03 pm
I installed an instahot gizmo for my tea too. I quit using it as it imparted a stinky smell to the water- kind of like rotten eggs. Now I microwave my water right in my giant mug.
December 10, 2019 @ 2:04 pm
I’ve had the hot water tap and agree with all the others above…skip it! The water is not as hot as you’d need to make proper tea. It’s not even hot enough to make a decent cup of instant oatmeal. Get yourself a $20 electric kettle instead. We lived in England for 5+ years and they have the best electric kettles. Those things are brilliant! Ever since we’ve been back Stateside, I’ve had one.
I love the idea about getting everything off the counters. So clean! And how have I never seen the piano drawers before now?!! So amazing! Love them!
December 10, 2019 @ 2:11 pm
Hello! What about the Insinkerator in Brushed Bronze? It looks very close to unlacquered brass – at least in the picture!
December 10, 2019 @ 2:26 pm
An electric tea kettle is faster than induction or microwave. And I love my Forlife stainless steel tea filter. Much bigger than the one you showed.
December 10, 2019 @ 2:31 pm
Love Love Love you and your blog!! But…you can’t hate on Zipperhead…it’s an institution (at least to all of us aging punk rockers who now love giant gold fancy things 🙂
December 10, 2019 @ 3:15 pm
Victoria, get the taps you LOVE! Any decent metal shop can delacquer and/or brass plate whatever you need.
Ditto also on the thumbs down on the “hot” water dispenser – a disappointing waste of money!
December 10, 2019 @ 4:55 pm
I thought you should know that icky Spencers is still alive and well–at least at the Exton Mall.
December 10, 2019 @ 5:13 pm
” maybe there is value in LESS-noticeable…”
Are you feeling okay???
Go with polished nickel, it has a better vibe.
Always happy to get the email that you’ve posted!! You make my day. 😉
December 10, 2019 @ 5:54 pm
“ as always,my ideas were superior to anything that already exists “- this is why I love your posts! Because me too!
December 10, 2019 @ 6:11 pm
Love your blog, your sense of humor and your knight-in-shining-armour, handsome, patient and lint-picking husband. Mostly I love your videos because of your amazing music. Please, please, please give us a playlist!,carolyn
December 10, 2019 @ 6:41 pm
Spend the money on the one you want…. why settle? You’ll be using it for a long (hopefully) time. Are 2 different unlacquered brass fixtures going to drive you insane? Won’t they age to a somewhat consistent brass color? Asking for a friend who knows nothing about different brass….
December 10, 2019 @ 8:14 pm
The Newport Brass is so jolly. It looks like a little butler just waiting to serve you tea.
December 10, 2019 @ 8:58 pm
I actually like the sound of South Street. I find people like this are the most sensitive of souls – only look scary. We used to have an arcade (really a walk through ally) off Elizabeth Street years ago. Had the best perfume shop run by a guy who looked like a blonde Robert Smith. It also had an amazing Russian Restaurant.
I like the idea of plating. A great way to get a very unique look
December 10, 2019 @ 9:05 pm
Newport style! It looks more stylistically closer to your faucet. And slight variations in metals, if noticeable, are in my opinion forgivable. In fact, I think it may even make the kitchen look more established, like it evolved over time.
Can’t wait to see the whole kitchen come together! These are the type of decisions that keep me up for weeks until I randomly order one and then am surprised by my choice when it arrives.
December 10, 2019 @ 10:37 pm
As a frequent visitor to South Street in the 90’s, I just want to say that A: apparently some things never change, and B: your description is dead on. Also, Team Tea.
December 11, 2019 @ 12:38 am
We also watched “Broken”, and we are very concerned about everything we buy. Especially honey.
Everything seems to come from China. I don’t even know where to begin looking for water taps that don’t come from China.
I’m curious where you are going to store the hot water tank and the reverse osmosis tank. We have our very large RO tank under the sink, and it is heavy enough that it is trying to separate the cupboard floor from the cupboard frame. Not kosher.
December 13, 2019 @ 12:24 pm
I am so tired of the China thing-for goodness sake can’t anything that doesn’t demand slave/forced labor and rampant unregulated pollution be made by Americans? Their children seem to be asthmatic & they had to close factories because the Olympic athletes couldn’t breathe.Does this crap stay in their air or does it spread to our children? Bought 1250 sq ft of Acacia hardwood,Acacia, (genus Acacia), genus of about 160 species of trees and shrubs in the pea family (Fabaceae). Acacias are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world, particularly Australia (where they are called wattles) and Africa, where they are well-known landmarks on the veld and savanna. Guess what the boxes said. Right! Made in China? So the wood was shipped to China Then shipped to America.For a long time it was unclear just how many of these containers go overboard each year on average. An estimate of 10,000 containers annually is entirely plausible, which would mean the equivalent of 27 containers lost every day.
December 11, 2019 @ 3:24 am
I’d suggest the RO faucet with Newport Brass as well. Their unlacquered brass finish patinas rather quickly if that’s what you are hoping for to match your wall faucet. I have a photo of a NB unlacquered faucet from my clients home if you’d like to see how it turns in just one year of use. Email me. [email protected]
I’d be happy to forward the images.
Enjoy your renovation!
December 11, 2019 @ 9:10 am
Definitely get an unlacquered brass filtered water dispenser. Once all your fixtures have started to patina a little, I think they’ll blend together just fine. I second the suggestion of bringing your faucet to see the Newport Brass finish samples in a store.
That said, there is a $$$$ option you might like and aren’t aware of. Waterworks is coming out with filtered water dispensers soon (in the summer I was told maybe by end of year). They are low profile with a single lever handle (turn one way for hot and the other way for cold) and would match the finish of your faucet. I know this because I’m working on a new kitchen for my Victorian house and went to visit a Waterworks showroom. I hope telling you isn’t too much torture because $$$$. I got a quote for unlacquered brass cold only and it is $820 plus tax and shipping and handling. I’m just guessing that the hot and cold option might be a little more expensive.
I completely relate to all your decision anxiety. Thanks for writing!
December 11, 2019 @ 9:11 am
I agree with all the comments about bringing water to a boil. No substitute. Also I brew in a pot. So before I put the tea in the pot gets boiling water to heat it up so it will stay hot longer. THEN the pot gets wrapped up in a cozy. Amazing how long it will hold heat. .
December 12, 2019 @ 2:32 am
Okay, so I must be missing something (it happens)….Why don’t you just install a “point of use” tankless water heater under your sink for all your hot water from the kitchen faucet versus adding second (or third if you count the pot filler…or did I imagine that) faucet? Or is this a fanciness thing?
December 12, 2019 @ 5:40 am
VEB wants filtered hot H2O for special purposes. So the tankless heater would be installed on the RO line, not the main sink water line.