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  1. Annette
    February 10, 2016 @ 12:20 am

    I am so sorry! I lost my cat , Calico, last year and it is still hard. I wake up St night thinking I have heard her walking around. You and Paul have my deepest sympathy.


  2. Jenny
    February 10, 2016 @ 1:33 am

    So very sorry for what Elvis is going through…for what you and Paul are going through…it’s never easy. Be assured that you’ve done everything you possibly could to make things better and more comfortable for Elvis. That you’ve loved her to the fullest. Because that is all we humans can do for our pets, is love them. May you have many, many more days with her.


  3. Kristi
    February 10, 2016 @ 8:14 am

    The duct tape – “there, I fixed you Elvis.” Awwww. Faithful companions. It’s always sad to see them go. I still reminisce about the crazy clever cats I had growing up. They are members of your family, you know, and you’ll always remember them. Hug Hug to you sweetie!


  4. susan
    February 10, 2016 @ 8:38 am

    I love the little heart shape on the white part of Elvis’ muzzle, you need to add that to the hell of a cat tatoo. The duct tape did me in too. Some things just squeeze your heart, this did.


  5. SilvanaJoanne
    February 10, 2016 @ 10:25 am

    I’ve been thinking about you and Elvis and I think you made all the right choices. I too would have chosen chemo. We always want to do what we can to heal our loved ones when they are broken… Elvis is a very lucky cat to have a mom like you my dear. You and Elvis are in my prayers. I know how painful this all must be but…. Always have faith and Never give up hope. That’s all I’ll say. My best wishes for your sweet little girl. <3


  6. Diana C.
    February 10, 2016 @ 11:56 am

    I’ve never been through this because my Molly is our first pet. A wonderful lab/husky mix that I spoil, fuss at, spend my days with, let up on the furniture, and love beyond words. She is almost 9 and under strict instructions to live forever. She looked at me and I know she said, “Okay” just to please me.

    Wishing you, Paul, and especially Elvis, all the best. Can’t imagine what you are going through, but know it hurts. Hugs and blessings, Diana


  7. Rennie
    February 10, 2016 @ 2:16 pm



  8. Susan Cain
    February 10, 2016 @ 2:19 pm

    Victoria and Paul, I am so sorry that your sweet Elvis is fading. She is so beautiful and obviously so much loved. Hugs and prayers to you three as you face saying goodbye. It is always so very painful. I love your blog and only follow about 3. If only duct tape could fix everything that hurts…


  9. Kim
    February 10, 2016 @ 3:49 pm

    We had a little cat who looked alot like Elvis, named Bob. He died of a bladder condition and it was really sad and we talk about him alot still. I like the picture of Elvis wrapped up in the towel but GIRL – YOU NEED TO SHAVE YOUR LEGS!!!!!!!

    Just trying to make you feel a little bit better 🙂



  10. PAR
    February 10, 2016 @ 5:37 pm

    I’ve been wondering how Elvis is doing. Hang in there??


  11. Loretta
    February 11, 2016 @ 7:53 am

    Crying as I type this. Lost my beautiful 12 y.o furboy ‘Sebastian’ 9 months ago & it still hurts. I tried everything to treat his liver disease & I’m so grateful for the extra time it gave me to spoil him rotten. I miss his unconditional love every day. Thinking of you at this time . It’s true what everyone is saying – you will know when it’s time. Xx


  12. Carol
    February 11, 2016 @ 10:01 am

    I am sorry about Elvis. I am new to your blog so was saddened when I saw this post as I am a huge cat lover and have many fur babies. Almost 2 years ago, we had to have our 7 year old Great Dane put to sleep after a cancer diagnosis. The vet said she could last 6-8 months but the cancer was in her back leg and it was only a short time before she struggled to get up and down. Her name was Molly and I still miss her and we were so lucky to have her in our lives just as you have been so fortunate to have Elvis in your lives. Our pets just love us flaws and all, no judging, well maybe if the kibble is not served quick enough. I think God gave us pets as an example of how to love all people. Enjoy what time you have left with Elvis and everyone and give yourself ample time to grieve properly as this is a soul just like we are all souls.


  13. Mary
    February 11, 2016 @ 11:49 am

    Lost our cat “Sand”after 20 years in September. She was actually 22, we adopted her when she was almost 2. Beautiful little soul. I wish I had some wisdom to offer, the fact is it just really really sucks. Its as plain as that. It hurts. In the end we are lucky to be blessed with love that is just so precious it hurts like that, it’s true.
    Many Blessings to you ??.


  14. Sarah | She Holds Dearly
    February 11, 2016 @ 8:13 pm

    I’m so sorry you are going through this, you are a good mama to Elvis.


  15. Liz
    February 11, 2016 @ 9:25 pm


  16. Mindy
    February 11, 2016 @ 10:15 pm



  17. Julie
    February 11, 2016 @ 11:53 pm

    Duct tape? Blub.
    Sending you, Elvis and Paul much love and deep peace.


  18. Tonya
    February 12, 2016 @ 8:40 am

    Sending best wishes all the way from Tennessee. My heart breaks for you. We lost a beloved cat ten years ago to lymphoma, and our border collie beat hemangiosarcoma only to be diagnosed with lymphoma a year later. We lost her in September. The day I made the decision to stop treatment was almost as bad as the day we lost her. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they feel about animals. And that makes you one wonderful person. Xoxo


  19. Lisa Mercado-Fernandez
    February 12, 2016 @ 7:41 pm

    Your sweet friend Elvis. I pray she is pain free and may she know how much she is loved. There is no comfort in knowing our loved furry friends will one day leave us. So sorry you are going through this. Tell her everyday she is not alone and that you love her in her ear. I lost my dog and although it was very painful I was comforted in knowing that my family was with him until the end. But my neighbors go to florida every winter and one winter they left me in charge of their cat. This was a stray cat that had wondered into their barn and they fed but the conditions were awful for this poor cat. It would break my heart each time I would enter the frigid barn in the heart of winter to feed this poor cat. Well the cat was very sick and somehow I knew this would be its last winter but I was worried that it would die on my watch. The owners are not animal people although they claim to be. I have always spoiled my cats and dogs and they have never been without a warm bed inside and a plate full of food. Well this one winter the cats health was failing. Every night my husband and I would walk over into the dark cold barn to check on the cat. I had brought old bedding and quilts and had created a bed area for it. But this one night I knew he was going. I waited for my husband to come home and we both agreed we couldn’t just let him suffer so without my neighbors consent we took it the next morning to the vet. I wrapped the poor cat in a flannel quilt and held it close to my chest. His breathing was labored and his eyes were closed. The entire ride I could not keep my tears from falling down my cheeks as I watched the poor creature struggle to breathe. I whispered in it’s ear, “you are not alone. You are not alone. ” I had already explained to the vet over the phone that this was not my cat, that I didn’t know the diagnosis. They took blood work and after waiting for a while in the waiting room the doctor told me he was loaded with illness and his blood showed signs of cancer, and they believed he was undergoing heart failure. She said the only thing we could do was to put him down. My heart broke for this cat who was not my own. I knew if I called the owners they would not have wanted me to take it to the vet because it would then be costly for them. I knew that if I allowed them to take care of him and relieve him of his suffering that we would have to pay. I knew my husband would agree. So I told the doctor that I would take care of it and yes it was time to relieve him from his suffering. When she thanked me for bringing him in she said I could go and she would take care of everything. That’s when I asked her “may I be there with him?” She looked at me and nodded and I followed her into a small room. There was the grey dear one laying on a table covered with a small sheet. The breathing was still labored and eyes still closed. She showed me where to stand and I asked her, “May I hold him, in my arms?” She said yes and pulled up a rocking chair. I sat in the rocker as she placed a sheet on my lap and laid the cat in it. I quickly lifted him and wrapped him leaving his paw out for the iv to be free. I held him close and told him, “don’t be scared okay. You are going to a wonderful place. I love you and I’m here with you. Don’t be afraid. God is with you. I am so thankful to be with you at this moment.” The doctor looked at me and at that moment we both cried. She nodded and showed me the needle and I nodded back and she gently injected the iv with the needle. I whispered in the cats ear, “Go with Jesus. You are loved.” And in a second the breathing stopped. Victoria the reason I shared this with you was to tell you that although it is so terribly painful to contemplate Elvis’s leaving you, Elvis has had the wonderful gift of you and your husband to love him. He has known love and has had a wonderful comfortable life on this earth thanks to you and your love. This cat suffered so. I just wanted you to find comfort in knowing that. God bless. Will pray for Elvis.
    By the way that night will always bring me pain and draw tears to my eyes. It was so sad and I shall never forget it. I’m just so happy that we did that.


  20. Teresa White
    February 14, 2016 @ 11:05 am

    I am so sorry about Elvis. We lost a 13 year old on December 28 and my almost 17 year old soul mate on February 1, both to cancer. There comes a day when it becomes obvious what the decision needs to be, but while the mind can grasp that, the heart refuses to accept it. I pray for the comfort of knowing you are doing what is best for Elvis. Treasure every day. ❤️


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