New Fluff Nugget Snuggle Munchkins.
I need some ambulance lights for the top of my car; because driving home in rush hour with new foster babies is HORRIBLE AGONY.
When Paul came home, my eyes were rolled back in my head, and I was curled up with the kitten-needle hanging out of my arm.
He said— so, I guess we are not going to look at refrigerators?
And I was like— drool, gaaahhhh, loooookkkkatttheeebaaabbiiiieeeesss.
What I’m reading: What Remains: A Memoir of Fate, Friendship, and Love,
I own this book. I’ve read it a few times. It’s good! But the reason I picked it up again is because I learned that Carole Radziwill is on a reality show (source: trash magazine in grocery line)… which confused me!!
Her writing is smart and thoughtful and understated… essentially the antithesis of reality tv; unless the real housewives sit around, sharing literary critique? In which case I have horribly misjudged them and I apologize.
Of course, now I am curious about the show she is on; but I cannot watch it because I know I would love it and I would melt my brain, and then I would be furious with myself for wasting time that would be better spent doing LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.
I know this, because I watched the beginning of the New Jersey version of this show… and I am embarrassed, to tell you this: it was amazing.
In the most horrific way.
The ways that people RUSH to embarrass themselves to be on television are terrifying; I’m so sad that no one has offered me the opportunity to voluntarily humiliate myself!
After four episodes, I prohibited myself from ever watching it again, because IT WAS ALL I WANTED TO DO. And that made me really mad at myself… I mean, these people are being PAID to act like lunatics… but NO ONE IS PAYING ME to waste my brain cells on them.
Anyway. Now I have to go because I am very busy:*
I have someone coming to look at my wares.
I am purchasing a new item of magnificence, so am selling everything I own… again.
I do a special type of math in my head: if I sell things I already own, and put the money towards NEW things; in my mind, the new things magically cost nothing because I did not have to go to the bank to get cash… (the fact that I still have cash to give is irrelevant.)
Sold so far:
This mirror
This petite clawfoot barrister bookcase
‘K bye.
*as evidenced by my time spent writing about reality television.
December 7, 2017 @ 12:33 pm
blimey, how ever are you going to let go of any of these adorable kittens who will grow up to be completely amazing cats, HOW?!). I wouldn’t get to see all the fab that is The Life of Paul and VEB.
OMGsh, how ever are you going to be able to say bye to any of those kittens – I live in the UK and just tried to convince my Paul (no, really, that is my husband’s name) we need to visit the grandchildren in the US (5 at last count) AND bring home the little grey love.
December 7, 2017 @ 12:35 pm
Does the mirror have to go out the same way it went in?!?!
December 7, 2017 @ 12:37 pm
Yes! Paul really enjoys the excitement!
December 7, 2017 @ 1:30 pm
Ohmy gosh, that answer made me actually laugh out loud!
December 7, 2017 @ 12:39 pm
What, oh what are you selling? How do I find out to see if I want to make your things mine…
December 7, 2017 @ 12:39 pm
I loved your urgency to snuggle all the snuggles. They literally expire and you can’t get enough!!!! I have a Mac and it seems like the ads are pretty normal-but-annoying-in-a-normally-annoying way (at least for me). Looking forward to seeing your new magnificent thing, as well as your fridge, unless that’s it, which is, of course, magnificent in it’s ability to produce all things delicious when we open the doors to the blue light and the angel chorus sings in the way food.
December 7, 2017 @ 12:41 pm
Did you sell your spool cabinet, Victoria? I liked to look at it every now and then when it was online.
December 7, 2017 @ 12:49 pm
Carole is very much an intellectual in a party of mundanes on the show–and watching her try to translate herself to be understood (aviva) made for fascinating TV. Much like YOU having to translate your GFT life. Peas in a pod. Her first season or two is absolutely worth the binge watch. However, her apt would make you yawn. Or cry.
December 7, 2017 @ 12:55 pm
Blarg!! Didn’t ask–did you go look at refrigerators? Anything new on kittens. SORTY, Kitchens ! (Went back to look at the leaping kitten and got stuck)
December 7, 2017 @ 12:59 pm
Did you see the recent posts about the fridge’s new location?
December 7, 2017 @ 12:50 pm
‘Floof’ is one of the nicknames for our Newf Angus. Love the kittehs!
December 7, 2017 @ 12:51 pm
It makes my day to see you have a new blog out!!! Your writing style is a big bunch of epic funness! Love
December 7, 2017 @ 12:52 pm
I so wish I lived near you and Self. I could get my kitten fix (as long as you would share – these are especially darling and not even feral) plus I’d be more than happy to buy whatever you’re selling. Plus plus you’d be such a hoot to be around. Love your blog even with those darn pop up ads.
December 7, 2017 @ 1:06 pm
I would endure just about anything to be able to read your posts and laugh out loud. Just PLEASE tell me how you get anything done with those little munchkins in your home? I just fostered my first little babies (with your help and guidance thank you) and GOT NOTHING DONE (don’t tell my family but deep down I did not mind all that much!)
December 7, 2017 @ 1:49 pm
I am so curious what I have said or done to make you think I am even remotely productive?
December 7, 2017 @ 1:21 pm
I love Carole’s book…and, like you, I cannot imagine her in that whole reality TV thing…..I have not watched…but, like you….I AM curious…..just haven’t caved in and gone there….YET…..who knows….
Kittens are ADORABLE to the nth degree!!!
December 7, 2017 @ 1:30 pm
These new kittens are yummy, indeed. I’m so grateful to be able to foster them vicariously through your blog, since we already have too many adult cats (and a very spoiled dog and dwarf rabbit) to add kittens to the mix. Beyond that, thank you for acting on your humane sensibilities; it gives me hope.
December 7, 2017 @ 1:43 pm
Send me ALL the gray and white snuggles! Ugh, we have 8 already, but 8 is NEVER enough!
December 7, 2017 @ 1:49 pm
More kitties ! Hooray … and they are adorable ! You are the absolute “BEST” for continuing to take them in. Oh and just so you know …. I am not getting a single pop up ad at all while enjoying your page !
December 7, 2017 @ 2:07 pm
I love your kittens. I have an old rather grouchy yet quite sensitive cat who doesn’t do well with other animals, including people. Just seeing neighborhood cats come in the yard freaks him out and he runs to hide in the closet. So I have to enjoy kittens through your blog. Thank you very much!
December 7, 2017 @ 2:23 pm
I am in love with your kittens. I have been on some of the sites to try to foster a couple of kittens but so far no luck. How do YOU get those adorable kittens to foster? If someone as crazy as you can foster, surely someone like me, who is only slightly less crazier than you could get some. I want all three of yours. I actually would love a tuxedo after seeing all your tuxedos. I am trying to avoid one that looks like my dearly departed Jazz and Janie (age 20). I visit the sites hoping for just the right kittens to love on until they get forever homes and then get a couple more. Where do you get yours? Please let me know.
December 7, 2017 @ 2:41 pm
I’ll list some suggestions below, but first what you (probably?) want to do is get approved to foster through a few places close to you… and then join their secret Facebook groups for foster parents! THAT IS WHERE YOU GET DIBS ON THE FLOOFS.
I am assuming you are local to Philadelphia… so here are a few: (they are high volume! in kitten season they post new kittens ENDLESSLY)
If you are wanting to be super particular, you could also add the other side of the Ben Franklin and check out (also high volume, and great support system… they often work with Philly ACCT)
XOXO thanks for helping the animals
December 9, 2017 @ 12:06 pm
we spell it fwuffeh. as in SOOOO FWUFFEH! de fwuffeh bebeh’s. so cuddliscious.
December 7, 2017 @ 2:23 pm
O. M. Gosh. Those kittens! Any chance you’d be inclined to post some video of Fluff Nugget Snuggle Munchkin shenanigans?
PS – if I was a rock star, I’d totally steal “Fluff Nugget Snuggle Munchkins” for the name of my kick-a band.
December 7, 2017 @ 2:52 pm
The kind of math you are using is called “Pug Dog” math. It comes from the movie “Life With Father” and I use it on my husband all the time. In the movie, the father is very budget minded and his son wants a new suit ( Movie is set back in early 1900’s) but since his father’s old suit fits him okay, the dad sees no reason why the son needs a new suit. But the young man was wearing it when a very young Elizabeth Taylor flirts with him and the boy cannot accept the affections of this beautiful young lady while in his father’s suit and pleads with the Mom to help him. The mother goes to the department store and buys a ceramic Pug Dog and brings it home and of course, the father has a fit and orders the mother to bring it back which she does but exchanges it for a new suit for the son. When the dad finds out, the Mom tells him that the suit really didn’t cost him any money since she just exchanged it for the Pug Dog. And when the father tries to get her to understand that he still has to pay for it, the Mom gets him so confused he just gives up! Great movie and an even better form of mathematics!
December 7, 2017 @ 3:17 pm
First thing I thought of when I read this blog post. Been using Pug Dog logic for years!
December 7, 2017 @ 3:27 pm
Oh those precious nuggets of fluffiness! They are all that and a bag of chips! I wish I could foster, but my husband isn’t Paul, and doesn’t understand how much it would give me existence in my retirement! I can only clean house so much before I go mad, and besides, he just messes it up anyway. I (shudder) almost hope to outlive him so I can live the life I was meant to live. Yes, I said it. I love him, but he insists on being the boss of me.
So – I watch SOME of those *reality* housewives, but not N.J. or D.C. ( Because they are fakeness personified and D.C. is beyound boring! But Carole is actually tame on her show compared to the others, and I think she mostly just watches the others be inappropriate so she can travel on the shows’ money! As I watch, I wonder how women can be so dumb/ childish/ rude/ abusive and still think these others will be nice to them. Then I remember they are *acting*. If I were in a restaurant while they were filming, my jaw would need to be scraped off the floor. But, it’s better than chasing dust bunnies endlessly!
December 7, 2017 @ 3:29 pm
Forgot to add that I also watch a lot of PBS. I’m open to anything, and PBS has been a real treat! They have some good series that I may not have given a glance at in the past.