Hiding the refrigerator… before and after!
See the finished fridge instalation here.
Paul did some stuff here.
*waves magic wand*
I was not even in the same timezone, so both Paul and I enjoyed the experience immensely!

If you missed the post describing how we decided to hide the refrigerator, it explains what is happening above (and includes some photos of armoire fridges, if you have not seen one, they are worth a look!)
I could not be happier!
If it took you a second to figure out what I am showing you, THAT IS THE BEST PART! (hint: the foundation is white, still needs to be painted grey.)
The difference is utterly unremarkable, and for the first time in my life I appreciate an unremarkable thing! You cannot even see it from inside, unless you stand at the far side of the window and try.
Now, inside.
*first photo below is a STANDARD depth fridge, recessed to appear counter-depth.
*please remember this is a construction zone, not (yet) Versailles… this is not the fridge’s final placement or appearance! AND we are still undecided about which fridge we are going with, so the trimming-out of the new opening has to wait for fridge specs!
In the photo above, the blank wall on the right is where we added shelves in the basement stairwell… the last you saw, it was still untaped sheetrock on the kitchen side.
While looking through old photos to find “before” pics, I was shocked to revisit the PURPLE.
And the ORANGE.
And the rest of the RAINBOW.
If you’re new and have never viewed the wide array of near-fluorescence this house endured during the previous owner’s residency, you might enjoy the house “before” gallery.
Boring kitchen part of this post is over… now, to thank the gorgeous and wonderous person who told me about the night of 100 Elvises.
You are an amazing unicorn who brought magic and delight into my life.
Thank you.
I made a huge error by not wearing a colorful wig, way more accessories, and definitely a tiara… but that’s my fault, not yours.
If this looks up your alley, there is more in my Instagram stories… go watch before they expire! Kid-Elvis is good!
Swipe on the photo below to see them all! And, um if you are new to my love of ALL THINGS ELVIS… you clearly missed the post where I crashed the stage at an Elvis competition.
View this post on Instagram
Full disclosure:
I must share the tragic news that Paul felt my enjoyment of the evening was disproportionate to reality… I didn’t want to tell you this, because I am ashamed to be with someone so unable to appreciate the finer things in life.
But I cannot be unhappy with him, because as we were driving there, Paul said– you know, it REALLY CANNOT BE the night of 100 Elvises; it’s night of 99 Elvises, because THE MOST IMPORTANT ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING.
Then he said– I bet they will do a special tribute to her.*
And I still, after all of this time, have no way to account for what I did to deserve Paul… I am worried the mistake will be uncovered and some kind of karmic comptroller is going to come to me (with a clipboard) and say, I’m sorry, there’s been a mistake… we need to take him back.
*it occurs to me that I should explain I had an Elvis soulmate catbaby.

Final item of note: I saw someone carrying this bag, and I thought I should share, incase you need a cheap AND perfect gift for someone who is incredibly stable and on top of things and not at all prone to accidentally exploding their life.
December 5, 2017 @ 10:53 am
Wow! Paul is a genius in so many ways. The bump out he added for the fridge nook is seamless. You would never know it was not original to the house. Einstein said that Imagination is more important than knowledge. Maybe, but Paul is the perfect balance of knowledge to match your imagination. What a team!!!
December 5, 2017 @ 10:56 am
Was I the one who told you about the Night of 100 Elvii? If not, it was remiss of me!
December 5, 2017 @ 10:58 am
YOU BUILT A HOUSE FOR YOUR REFRIGERATOR I APPROVE. Well Paul did, for which we are thankful, but I do not think he would have built an exterior extension for a fridge for anyone but Queen VEB. (ps I am loving the font as I type because it even makes the fancy line in Q look fancier)
December 5, 2017 @ 11:09 am
Somehow I’d never read your post about the Elvis contest and now I have a new understanding of the other dimension you seem to live in, and I NEED DIRECTIONS.
I do not even like Elvis (the man, not the cat)
December 5, 2017 @ 11:10 am
I have a “Paul” too. He is super talented in all aspects of construction. I show him what I want, he tells me what we can afford, and then he makes it so ( kind of like the line in Star Trek — John Luc Picard ” Make it so Number ONE”). We are blessed. If I get the chance I will find the Elvis picture with my Mom and her friend in the 1950’s. Since you love most things vintage and Elvis you will appreciate this picture. She and her friend saw him driving down the street in Memphis and stopped him for a picture…..and he stopped. He really was a wonder man. Are fostering any kittens now? My niece fosters old and sick dogs ( she has 5 now) , God Bless all the foster parents out there!
December 5, 2017 @ 11:17 am
Brilliant! Paul is definitely a keeper! He’s got skillage in the carpentry department for sure. He took out a window too right? And built that nook for the fridge. So much better flow too.
December 5, 2017 @ 11:45 am
Hey, those before pictures just reminded me! Weren’t you converting the attc into a reading room?
December 5, 2017 @ 12:06 pm
The problem with commenting on your blog is that I used up All the Superlatives years ago, and end up sounding like a broken record.
That being said…. C’est MAGNIFIQUE!!!!
Paul is a Wonder. You are worthy of all his gifts and talents.
December 5, 2017 @ 12:45 pm
Paul is a saint. Nothing more to say because this sums him up perfectly!
December 5, 2017 @ 2:13 pm
It’s been said before and I will say it again, Paul is a saint.
December 5, 2017 @ 2:41 pm
I am soooo excited to see the fridge project once it’s completed. I find myself lying in bed at night cursing you for taking so long. Also, I kind of want to marry Paul.
December 5, 2017 @ 2:54 pm
Yeah, I kind of want to marry Paul, too. And I already have a wonderful husband I’m crazy about. But he doesn’t build. And he can’t really dance.
Wait. I’ll come in again…
December 5, 2017 @ 3:04 pm
Paul is wonderful, but that goes without saying. The refrigerator in our 1868 farmhouse is essentially invisible, black and under the stair landing (because there were no refrigerators then). I wondered if, instead of door panels for the refrigerator itself, you could put doors to conceal the refrigerator inside the “closet”?
December 5, 2017 @ 4:09 pm
Watcha doin with all the tomatoes?
December 5, 2017 @ 6:41 pm
I wondered about all the produce also…
The work you are doing in the kitchen is clever and impressive. I wish I could do things like that. Looking forward to seeing more progress.
December 5, 2017 @ 9:36 pm
That man of yours……… He . Is. All.
December 6, 2017 @ 8:20 am
Not to add to the kitchen chaos, but have you read the blog Living in a Fixer Upper written by Kelly? She talks about a company that modernizes wood refrigerators. They look very cool.
December 7, 2017 @ 10:49 am
Paul is a gem. Nice work. Is your kitchen truly not finished or are you just holding out and tantalising us with tiny bits here and there? I admire your fortitude living in a construction zone this long.
December 13, 2017 @ 1:22 pm
I tried to “tag” on a FB post by Sarah Richardson and the new Monograms refrigerator. Not sure you would like it but every time I see a not so ordinary refrigerator ( and tuxedo cats and Elvis and Mirrors..you get the idea) , I think of you.
December 20, 2017 @ 6:47 pm
I have the Frigidaire glass front comercial fridge you posted in your other post and just thought you should know it rocks!! I would never go back to another fridge. No only do I love being able to find things and check what I need without having to open the door it allows me to display things nicer like in vintage metal or wicker baskets so things look nicer (I’m a decorative artist and totally visual person. Function over form everytime works for me) I highly recommend it. If you do decicde to get a panel fridge and want it to look like it has antique mirrors on it contact me I can walk you through the way to do this very affordably.
December 22, 2017 @ 4:39 pm
Wow! Paul is a genius in so many ways. The bump out he added to the fridge nook is seamless. You would never know it was not original to the house.