The VEB Review— it’s fine to mock rich people.
You people like to send me things that fall into two categories:
1. Things I cannot afford.
2. Things to demonstrate the extent to which my life is sad.
This 1884, Italianate mansion in Savannah, has a listing price of $3.5 million dollars… and if you look through the house tour, at some point you will ask yourself this: WHAT did they do to their floors to make them so shiny?
Is it paint?
Is it lacquer?
Is it the general patina of the physical manifestation of privilege?
You might also ask yourself: why is there a Vuitton valise displayed coyly at the end of the bed? Doesn’t this seem a little gauche and try-hard?
Do these people not understand that anyone viewing the photos knows YOU HAVE SEVEN BATHROOMS… we can see that you have already won life and can definitely afford to over-pay for a suitcase.
Molding envy aside, I was able to take a small amount of comfort that their furniture is mysteriously generic… I mean, tasteful and all, but like they bought everything from the Horchow catalog.
This is unfathomable to me, because if I could afford a $3 million home… I could also afford to fill it with the most magnificent antiques in the entire world. (Also, I could pay people to live my life for me so that I was not required to leave my house.)
A Season of Splendor: The Court of Mrs. Astor in Gilded Age New York: I’ve read this book at least 5 times, and it’s still my favorite of the Gilded Age genre; it’s an amazing slice of American (and architectural) history.
Some 500 workers from Europe had labored for seven years crafting the cavernous rooms from rare marbles, mosaics, and imported woods. The ceilings –even in the bedrooms– were an astonishing 19 feet high.
26 bedrooms, 31 bathrooms, 5 art galleries… and below the basement’s Turkish baths and swimming pool, a railroad spur brought in coal for the furnace which burned 7 tons on a typical day not only for heat but also to power two elevators, the cold storage plant, the air filtration plant, and the 4,200 light bulbs.
I recently finished Empty Mansions, which was great. (I had already read The Phantom of Fifth Avenue: The Mysterious Life and Scandalous Death of Heiress Huguette Clark which is essentially the same story as Empty Mansions, but I liked both of them.)
If this is your thing, I also recommended The Big House: A Century in the Life of an American Summer Home I wrote a whole post about it, back when I was still figuring out what my blog would look like.
Now. Please enjoy this photo of Elvis while I assemble my soapbox.
Products WITHOUT toxic chemicals are BETTER for you.
What we think of as fragrances, or suds, or staying-power, or stain-remover; in everything from lotion, hair products, cosmetics, deodorant, candles, detergent, perfume, all-purpose cleaners… are ACTUALLY chemicals; industrial chemicals.
- U.S. researchers report that one in eight of the 82,000 ingredients used in personal care products are industrial chemicals, including carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins, and hormone disruptors.
- Dioxin, Formaldehyde, Triclosan, cocamide DEA, phthalates, parabens… the list is endless.
- And they are present in everything from BABY shampoo, to cosmetics, to laundry products, to perfume.
Just one example is the Washington University analysis of leading laundry products (detergents, dryer sheets, fabric softeners) which found MORE than 25 volatile compounds… including acetaldehyde and benzene; which are classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as carcinogens with no safe level of exposure.
Is this reasonable?
Because it does not SEEM reasonable.
If a product causes cancer, WHY do we want it in our homes, worn on our bodies, rubbed into our skin? I DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO THESE QUESTIONS.
I’m not sure why no one has come up with a solution yet, but I have one: how about we JUST NOT USE TOXIC SLUDGE?
That toxic sludge has a secondary impact: in the United States, it’s tested on animals.
“Consumers are largely unaware that sentient creatures are still poisoned for the sake of new shampoo and lipstick.”– The Humane Society of the United States
Did you know that EVERY country in the European Union OUTLAWS cosmetic and household-product testing on animals as cruel and unnecessary? Yet the United States continues to allow corporations to dictate our values.
- Animals in US laboratories are exempt from animal cruelty laws.
- Legal tests include burning, poisoning, starving, forced inhalation, mutilating, blinding, electrocuting, drowning, and dissecting/amputation/surgery without painkillers.
- There are over 80,000 ingredients that companies can choose from to formulate their products– ingredients that don’t need to be tested on animals, because they’ve already been proven to be safe.
- Animal testing is funded with tax dollars, and it is a very lucrative business: delivering grants to universities, huge profits to pharmaceutical and chemical corporations, and funding for government agencies.
You can make a difference:
- VOTE WITH YOUR PURCHASES… even though your current shampoo/laundry soap/bodywash is past the animal-testing phase, it STILL contains toxins, AND you’re still supporting a company who is in the business of testing NEW products on animals… Instead, choose to support companies whose values align with yours!
- TELL OTHER PEOPLE! Educate your family and friends on the cruelty of animal-testing AND the lunacy of buying products that are toxic!
- SIGN PETITIONS… support the Humane Society’s efforts to pass the Federal Bill to End Cosmetics Testing on Animals… This is incredibly important, and YOUR VOICE MATTERS! (The Humane Society International was responsible for creating the change that resulted in an EU-wide ban!) Calling and writing to your representatives will make a difference… Here is a PETA petition.
Let’s say Unilever wants to create a new oven cleaner, shampoo, or laundry detergent… NOT because the world needs more of those things, but because sales and marketing are driven by new products, advertising, and increasing market share.
For fun, Unilever decides to use some new toxic substance because they are owned by Dow chemical (which just merged with DuPont chemical)… because chemical companies are in the business of making new chemicals!
***veers into conspiracy theorist lunatic ranting***arrives at shouting about how Monsanto’s board of directors includes CO’s of Colgate-Palmolive and Procter & Gamble***shakes fists***pulls own hair***redirects***
Almost every brand sold in America is owned by one of a few BIG corporations.
- They all sell you stuff with toxins.
- Johnson & Johnson, S.C. Johnson, Colgate-Palmolive, L’Oreal, Estee Lauder, Procter & Gamble, Clorox, Unilever, and Dial/Henkel.
Instead! CHOOSE COMPANIES WHO ARE NOT EVIL SCOURGE OF THE EARTH, (as proven by my own strong opinions and also their willingness to put carcinogens in baby shampoo.)
Educate yourself! Big corporations are in the business of SELLING YOU STUFF. They have great marketing, huge budgets for lobbying, and a core interest in profit… they have figured out that a shampoo named Herbal Essence will sell WAY BETTER than a shampoo named Chemical Solvent Also In Pesticides.
This is called “green washing.” AND IT WORKS… Until you become aware of it.
- Greenwashing is the appropriation of environmental virtue by a company or industry, to create a pro-environmental image, to sell a product.
- The phenomena of socially and environmentally destructive corporations, attempting to preserve and expand their markets or power by posing as friends of the environment.
You can look for the leaping bunny certification… the one on the left is the most common and they also have an app (same as above I linked… NOTE: companies who are owned by parent companies who are NOT cruelty-free are annotated with a colored square.)
- Seventh generation dish soap & laundry, (I buy it at the grocery store.)
- Alba Botanica body lotion (that’s a giant bottle, it’s cheapest online, but also avaliable at the grocery store)
- Whole Foods brand shampoo/conditioner comes in a big bottle and is super cheap, (I stock up during their 4x annual 25% off body products.)
- Crazy/delightful Dr. Bronners. I like almond for bathsoap/handsoap, (I cannot find a good price online… it should be about $12 for a 32oz bottle, which goes a LONG way… weirdly, the best price near me is at Bed Bath Beyond with a coupon; I go there every few months and buy all they have.)
Alright. I know you are sad this post isn’t longer with more links. But I still have one more thing to say:
Transitioning your home to a cruelty-free place, where you reduce your exposure to toxins, will take a little bit of time and research, but the benefits are huge. For you, for your family, for the animals, for the environment.
April 27, 2016 @ 12:19 pm
Note that even in a $3,000,000+ house the kitchen still has boxes for cabinets and looks considerably like the bathroom. Ew
April 27, 2016 @ 12:24 pm
Here’s what made me feel better about the Savannah mansion — power cords! Electrical cords poking out unceremoniously everywhere! They are dangling in plain sight and making me feel just slightly less failed in life.
Julie Bradley
April 27, 2016 @ 12:30 pm
I have loved reading your blog since….well, since I found it! Your Craigslist shopping sprees are Epic and have made me seriously question my life! And my local Craigslist which never has any good Giant Fancy Things! WTF!?
But this new side of you? It makes my heart sing! Thank you for being brave enough to share your personal beliefs about what is really most important. Thank you for educating us about things which many of us knew nothing. I am definitely goin to donload those apps and start purchasing the above products! And thank you especially for doing our homework for us. For, while I may not be rich, thanks to the internet, and your blog, i am still able to sit back while someone else lives my life for me! (Best line ever btw!)
I love you, love your blog! Keep up the good work sweetie!
Claudia Phillips
April 27, 2016 @ 12:45 pm
THANK YOU for the informative rant about dangerous products and animal cruelty. YES we vote with our purchases. Every time we spend a dollar we are voting for what kind of world we want to live in. Americans have been conditioned to believe we need toxic chemical to clean things. And the picture of the beagles. Just heartbreaking.
April 27, 2016 @ 12:51 pm
The shiny floors? I knew a couple that had them. The answer is likely Turtle Wax liquid. The one for cars, and which contains zero turtles. 🙂
April 27, 2016 @ 1:05 pm
And only sock feet on the floors!
Tal Saarony
April 27, 2016 @ 12:52 pm
Thank you so much for this post! Kisses from my house bunnies.
I just want to point out that at least the Peta Certified is not exactly reliable. They still list Aveda as cruelty-free, even though it now belongs to Estee Lauder, which *tests on animals*, and on Aveda website and products they say they test where required by law. It is *only* required by law in China, so we know Dollar Over Morals is their motto. It is illegal to test cosmetics on animals in the European Union, Israel, India, but apparently not enough money to be made there.
April 27, 2016 @ 12:55 pm
I’m confused. You had Elvis on chemo to prolong her life for your personal enjoyment. Shouldn’t you have just let her go. Naturally?
Tal Saarony
April 27, 2016 @ 1:43 pm
That is a callous comment at the best of times. Worse when you know nothing at all of the actual circumstances.
April 27, 2016 @ 9:29 pm
One saves a beloved child to the degree possible not for selfish reasons but to give them as many years as possible to live comfortably and be well. To those who love their pet friends as much- preserving their Life is a must not a casual choice. I am 75 and I always heeded my mothers advice -if you can’t say something nice -say nothing at all. Even the Bible says “sufficient unto the day is The Evil thereof”. Never deliberately add to it, thoughtless comment and even cruel. Thanks so much Victoria for this very informative post. I was under the impression that animal testing was long gone and I will switch immediately to your recommendations. I’m full of old bromides today but “a journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step and I think many of us have been directed to a different and better path by your words and that is an accomplishment to be proud of.
Deb Lindsley
April 28, 2016 @ 2:51 pm
Judy! I love your response. I have copied and pasted it to my Wisdom File.
April 27, 2016 @ 1:19 pm
Yes, i also think that suitcase looks out of place and totally screams gauche……my beat up suitcases from college are somewhere up in the attic 🙂 a bank money bag would’ve been just as effective……….
As for the animal testing, thank you so much for continuing to educate people on this horrible practice. My daughter is big time into animal cruelty, from drug testing to the treatment of cattle and horses at rodeos- she boycotts any products that continue to advertise at these functions. It is so rampant and common i wish more people knew that those cosmetics they use and soap they wash with is not only full of carcinogens but also had to be tested on an animal. What everyone should know is that today it is so EASY to support the efforts of companies that make environmentally friendly products for public use; you mentioned a few of them, and many are found as close as your grocery store. Besides the ungodly practice of animal testing people need to think about this: we know anything put on your body is absorbed through the skin (think of cigarette and estrogen patches) and simple over the counter remedy s (which are animal tested) are used all the time for skin moisturizers, antibacterial ointment, toothpaste etc etc. when there are natural plant derived oils and ingredients that are not only better for you but have the same result. I believe God put everything anyone needs on this earth to live and it is only the greed of giant companies and cooperation’s that bombard the public into thinking what they manufacture in a laboratory after testing on an animal and spend millions to advertise will get your clothes cleaner and make your kitchen smell better. These items are actually introducing cancer causing compounds in peoples bodies. So how many days in your life have you put Brand A deodorant under your arms? You can make natural deodorant that is just as effective and works BETTER, i know because i do. Thank you again Victoria for these very important posts, keep it up!
Ok, now i’ll get off the soapbox on this side of the screen 🙂
April 27, 2016 @ 1:38 pm
Thank you for posting this. One of my two cats died recently of cancer. I have always used natural litter (surprisingly, many people use clay litter even though it is toxic) and natural foods, and she was 15 or 16 (she was a rescue, so we don’t know), but it was still a tragedy that I don’t know if I could have prevented. One tries to use natural products, but it can be difficult. Well worth it, though, for both our health and the health of our furry companions.
April 27, 2016 @ 2:30 pm
This broke my heart. I thought it was now against the law to test animals…boy, where have I been!?! I saved this page so I could study all the products that I will not be buying in the future. Will make a list and keep it with me to check when I go shopping. HOW could anyone live with themselves and go to sleep without nightmares that do the actual testing on these poor animals..and WE the people pay it for with tax dollars?!! I literally feel sick to my stomach. Thank you thank you thank you for posting this. You’re a super person and so is your husband. Am very glad I found your blog a while ago. Hugs
April 27, 2016 @ 2:34 pm
For anyone looking for a natural toothpaste alternative – check out HealThy Mouth Blend by OraWellness. It’s basically just essential oils, but I find that it works REALLY well and keeps my mouth feeling cleaner longer. No affiliation, just wanted to put it out there for like-minded folks!
April 27, 2016 @ 2:53 pm
I am so so sad and so disturbed by this post. The beagles totally break my heart. My Nicky and Mr. march are long gone off to DOg Heaven, but the preciousness of those jolly dogs makes me want to storm the corporate offices and tear into the researchers’ offices and SCREAM!
I live in Savannah and there are some stunning old homes that have been restored. I am with you – why use a reproduction made of pressed wood when you can, for the same or less, have a beautifully made and designed piece of furniture.
April 27, 2016 @ 2:56 pm
Hubby says the floors are most likely finished with moisture cure urethane. They have a product called super shiny. He was in the hardwood floor business for over 25 years. He knows a bit…
Love that trim above the windows! They beg for puddling sheer curtains. Dreamy!
April 27, 2016 @ 2:58 pm
I am new to your site and have loved reading through your archives about all your adventures in renovating your home. Too bad we don’t live closer because I think you are my soul sister.
There’s an app that a friend told me about called Cruelty-Cutter. It scans in the bar code on the product you are considering and tells you whether it is cruelty free or not. I love it and use it all the time.
The beagle pictures kill me. As a former beagle owner, I don’t understand how anyone could do this to such a sweet animal.
April 27, 2016 @ 3:06 pm
Victoria, you made me stop and think. I’ll do some more research before I shop.
Patricia A.
April 27, 2016 @ 3:51 pm
Skin Deep is the The Environmental Working Group’s searchable database of toxic ingredients in cosmetic and personal care products.
You can search for the exact product you use and/or you can research the type of product to find out what the toxic ingredients that you will want to avoid. While it is easy to get overwhelmed it is also possible to make incremental changes over time.
Knowledge is Power!
Don’t get overwhelmed, one can make incremental changes over time.
April 27, 2016 @ 4:10 pm
I’m not trying to make light of the situation of animal testing, I’m really NOT. It’s very serious and I understand that and I applaud you for taking a stand.
However, when I saw Accuvue on the list, all I could think of was “How in the world do they get an animal to sit still for contact lens application and then how do they get it to read the eye chart?”
I hope you get my humor. I really do. I’m an animal lover. I have a rescue dog on whom we’ve spent thousands of dollars on insulin, cataract surgery, prescription eye drops and the works. He’s our “baby” in our otherwise empty nest.
Please don’t hate me for this comment. I absolutely love your blog! 🙂
Jean Franks Beck
April 27, 2016 @ 4:19 pm
Love this post! Reason: This is YOUR blog, and I love that you are not afraid to express YOUR opinions. That may sound ridiculously simple, but I feel like so many bloggers feel they must “tow the line” – whatever that may be, or stay in one lane (home decor, food, etc.) and try not to offend everyone. I first discovered your blog because of your awesome eye for GFTs that I also totally love. I got hooked because of your humor and wonderful writing. And now I am your blogland friend for life because you are you, and you share, and I feel like we could chat over coffee if we met this afternoon. And it doesn’t matter if we agree 100% or 85% or whatever because people are different and that’s why we chat/talk/discuss. Love it. Keep it comin’ – all of it! (And good luck with Elvis – glad to see she’s still whiskering around!)
Terri Golding
April 27, 2016 @ 4:22 pm
I have begun making my own shampoo, conditioner and moisturizer in the last few months. I will continue to unhook myself from anything that would cause harm to animals who I love. We should also complain at the store cosmetic counters and call or email these companies as well as boycotting them. Thanks for the information as I was not aware this was so prevalent.
April 27, 2016 @ 4:50 pm
Hi Victoria! I’ve already encouraged you to come to Butte, America and visit the Copper King Mansion, childhood home to Huguette Clark. But here’s a little extra Craigslist enticement. Not sure how many sets of clogs you’d have to sell to afford this GFT, however. It is in Butte; I have seen it in person and it is YUMMY, I promise.