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  1. Diane Villano
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:33 am

    We just trapped four kittens and mom last week. The kittens went to a local compassion club where they’ll be socialized and adopted. We kept mom and she’s gradually coming out of her safe spot to interact with our other indoor cats. Then two days ago, found the fifth kitten. And decided to keep her. Bringing the total to nine. I have a “crazy cat lady” magnet on my car, because I believe in truth in advertising.


  2. Suzanne Jenkins
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:36 am

    I’m dying to know what you got at the auction. A husband’s anger is fleeting, but auction purchases last forever. xo


  3. Suzanne Forbes
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:41 am

    such precious babies!! ahhhh!!! Please take lots of pics of Minka, I have wondered how she is doing 🙂


  4. Elisabeth
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:41 am

    VEB I love your blog! You have such an wonderful way of looking at the world and I admire your passion about all things – cats, big furniture & mirrors and of course all things fancy.
    Thank you for the reading recommendations, I also loved The Nightengale so I feel I will enjoy your suggestions.
    I recently read a book that I thought you might like – “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” by Gail Honeyman.
    Looking forward to your next post,


  5. Leisa
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:42 am

    Victoria darlink,
    If you believe in reincarnation even a tiny bit then perhaps Prequel is actually Elvis Redux?
    Prequel Redux. Nice Name. Sounds like a cool Cajun kittie.
    But I digress…
    Best to you and the meowzers :- )


  6. Cat Ohala
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:43 am

    My only question is: Why are you not keeping Yoda? Are you just not ready?


  7. Ellen
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:44 am

    As someone who would have killed for a cat as a child and is now married to man who is allergic, I loved this post and the delicious photos you took of all the babies.


    • Jax
      June 22, 2018 @ 9:43 pm

      How allergic is he? My husband was allergic too, but after we adopted two kitties his allergies cleared up within a few months! He had to take allergy meds every day for a while but in time he didn’t need them any more.


  8. Vicki
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:46 am

    We got 4 kittens a couple of years ago (of course feral). Their mom moved them around about 17 times and then while I was having surgery, got into something (I think at the neighbor’s because we don’t keep poison around). The kittens had been moved by then, but one day when I was at the barn, they returned to the scene of the crime … Muffy, Peachy, Irma and Thomas. Thomas decided he didn’t want to be a part of the group, so now we have the three sisters. We were asked to foster them until the locals could take them to Chicago, but when the time came we couldn’t let them go. So now, because we already have 2 cats and 2 dogs in the house, they have a lovely house in my horse barn. I would have brought them into the house, but I do have a husband that has some say. LOL

    I love that you do this. They are amazing kittens and I too would be totally in love with them. Every. Single. One.


  9. Sunnie Mitchell
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:47 am

    I am cuddling my elderly-but-not-in-his-mind Roo (Si-Aby cross) as I read your latest post. The kittens are all gorgeous but that Baby Yoda…there is something special about her. The look in her eyes says quite clearly – ‘I’ve been here before and it can be a very good thing’; she seems an old soul in the photos. I’m throwing my vote in for her to become your furever kitty – imagine what a help she would be to welcoming fosters, and easing the small quiet empty spot in a way the fosters can’t. Ftr, I am completely awed by your fostering.


  10. shireen
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:47 am

    So precious! Your Sprout looks just like my Bandit and her sister Nose! We have 4 adults now – they started off as 2 feral kittens, an adult dumped on our cul de sac and one Humane Society adoptee – all loved.


  11. Lisa A.
    June 21, 2018 @ 11:57 am

    Fostering my second litter thanks to YOU! Waited to tell husband until they were in house – “Hey, could you help me with something?” “Sure, what do you need?” “I need another pair of hands to help me put together the monster crate in the spare bedroom” “What for?”……Silence……”Kittens?”….Silence….”When?”….Silence, avoid eye contact ….”Are they here now?”…..”YEP!!!!”….. The only down side to all this is the anxiety about finding them good homes in a reasonable amount of time.


  12. Melanie Kite
    June 21, 2018 @ 12:00 pm

    I’m so glad I live on the opposite side of the country from you. I want Yoda, and Sprout. And . . .

    Bless you for what you do


  13. Maria Barnes
    June 21, 2018 @ 12:10 pm

    Baby Sprout could come live with us in the mountains of southern Oregon. She would join Thelonius Monk, our grey with white paws rescue.


  14. Tina
    June 21, 2018 @ 12:36 pm

    My daughter, upon seeing the pictures of the kittens and hearing that you have 6, said the following, “She has six?! She can’t complain about anything ever again!”
    I think she wants to be you when she grows up. Minus the GFT, just with all the cats.


  15. KellyB
    June 21, 2018 @ 12:40 pm

    I love your kitty posts. We are on our first trio of foster kittens (thanks to your inspiring posts + my endless love for kitties + the need to hang out with as many different kitties in my life as possible). We converted our guest room to a kitten nursery since we have never once had anyone stay in our guest room LOL. Best idea EVER!
    I would love a post about kitten care – what your kitten space looks like (if you have one).


  16. carolyn
    June 21, 2018 @ 1:14 pm

    If I didn’t have 7 cats already ( a combination of strays and adoptees) I would adopt them! But I think 7 is my limit….or at least my husband’s limit! I’m not sure I have one.


  17. jamie ramirez
    June 21, 2018 @ 1:53 pm

    they *are* incredibly cute… but just watch out, because they start spraying/pee marking at a surprisingly young age, and it’s not just the cats you hate that do it, one of our all time favorite cats did it, and it can soak into the legs of a piece of furniture, making it not only irreparably stinky to your nose, but a magnet for all future cats to do the same. it can also ruin the nicest antique leather armchair of all time, crushing your spirits forever because reupholstering is not only $1200-2000, but also may not remove the odor. they may also, during kittenhood, claw an antique arts & crafts settee, ruining the beautiful, seemingly irreplaceable perfect-olive-green leather (yes, we’ve looked, no one can find this color). at the same time i am cooing at those adorable faces, i am cringing with fear that some irreplaceable treasure you waited your whole life to find, may be permanently ruined. maybe i’m cold hearted, but i can’t help but think a critter that lives 15-20 years has no business ruining a timeless treasure that will last for hundreds.


    • Pam
      June 22, 2018 @ 3:08 am

      Please never adopt a cat.

      Signed, The World


    • Pam
      June 22, 2018 @ 3:14 am

      I would also like to add that we human critters, that live 60-90 years, have made it our business to ruin a timeless treasure called earth that has lasted for millions of years.


  18. fixitchick
    June 21, 2018 @ 3:17 pm

    Firstly, what do you do to those adorable kittens with that you are able to read? do they not want to ‘help’ with turning pages? All of the pages? Immediately?

    Second, though perhaps more important, why are you only adopting them in pairs? We found through the years that the existing members of the menagerie were much better at accepting a single new furbaby than any other age/numerical combination. Sadly the Mr is allergic to cats. Since we lost the last one, I’ve been campaigning.


  19. Sharon Hubler
    June 21, 2018 @ 3:52 pm

    Thanks for all you do for the cats. You are amazing, and have great taste in fancy!


  20. Keren
    June 21, 2018 @ 4:27 pm

    Sadly, cats and good furniture don’t always mix. We currently have four, but have had six at one point – all rescues and feral. At present, we have a Phantom Widdler – we think we know the guilty party, but have never caught her in the act. Whether she doesn’t like furniture being moved, doesn’t like the locations of the litter trays or what (it’s not a physical problem – had her checked), we don’t know, but the Phantom widdles on floors, carpets, and even in or on plastic bags, regardless of contents. She also knows the best way to get what she wants is to claw the furniture, because that makes Mummy get off her arse to see what’s wanted.

    The cat collective also finished off a perfectly good vintage leather Knole sofa by hurling themselves on to it at such velocity that eventually the leather split. The Phantom Widdler struck on its replacement. Other pieces of furniture were deemed suitable for particularly good parkour workouts that required use of claws on difficult sections. Luckily, most of this took place on reclaimed pine pieces, but if Mummy found this happening on good pieces of Muscular Gothic furniture from the 1870s, she would not be amused.

    All cats need love and homes – but be prepared that your furniture might not be what it once was.


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