Let’s start the year out right – giant antique card catalog.
I like my New Year’s resolutions to avoid any whiff of self-evaluation. I am already the best at what I do: irritable, controlling, whimsical, hoarding, weird grammatical choices… there is no room for improvement.
As validation that I am doing life extra right, the universe has sent me yet another giant piece of furniture that I do not need… practically for free.
Thanks, universe!
Paul and I were both home… We had an out-of-town event and were planning to leave around noon.
By 11 o’clock, I still hadn’t taken a shower. Or packed. Or generally done any of the things I needed to; but because there is never a time when procrastination is not appropriate, I decided I should look on craigslist.
And? This is why you always, always, always, always check craigslist.
No. Matter. What.
I already said this in the Victorian Wardrobe post but it bears repeating:
When there is something on Craigslist that you really want, and it is listed for a ridiculously low price, you must contact them correctly.
To stand out from the 400 emails the seller is going to get, you must be the one person who requires nothing. You must be a beacon of simplicity and straightforwardness:
I want that.
I can come anytime.
I can move it myself.
I don’t need your help.
Here is my phone number.
My social security number.
My bank account number.
Then I went and said to Paul– small detour ahead.
Paul said – you know, we need to leave pretty soon.
And I was like – yes. I know. THIS IS WHY I NEED A CREW.
He looked at the pictures and said – I thought you didn’t like oak?
I said – true. I do not like oak. However? For $50? I REALLY LIKE OAK.
It was not even 10 minutes away— in the loading dock of an office park.
It’s not in perfect shape, but for $50? It’s in FANTASTIC condition.
In the craigslist photos, I could kind of see that something was off about the stacking… if you look above, you can see that there is a thin, chipped board sticking out; but it turned out to be no big deal– at some point they had split up the sections and made a makeshift top.
It’s missing two strips of the decorative molding… one of which we found in a drawer. We’ll hold off on reattaching it until we figure out what side needs to be the “good” side.

**random transition**
This post has been sitting, (unfinished) for over a month now…
I have tried to end it a couple of ways: speculating on what I might use a 55 drawer card catalog for. Gibberish about repurposing it for the kitchen. Trying to think of new and ridiculous ways to stage it.
But what does it really matter? I’ve acquired it, it is awesome, eventually its purpose will be revealed.
The End.
It will serve no purpose, and it will just take up a giant chunk of space and become yet another unusable area of the house.
Based on my research conducted over the last weeks, this is the likely outcome.
I’ve moved it from room to room to room to room to room… stood back and thought – that does not look right… then after a few days, I start stacking other unused furniture bits on top.
If I reach the ceiling, I win some kind of disorganized/hoarding prize.
see all my favorite Craigslist finds
January 6, 2015 @ 11:03 am
I bought some library card catalogs on craigslist years ago. Made the very UNWISE decision not to bring them overseas with me. What was I thinking?! I could have used them in countless ways, especially where we live now (a 395 square foot casita with no storage whatsoever). As it was, I bequeathed them to my daughter who uses them to store all manner of goodies (mainly craft supplies).
I have also seen where women have created new pieces of furniture by putting legs on a set of drawers.
With your imagination, I’m sure you’ll come up with something fabulous.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:04 am
Love it, Love it, Bargain , Love it!
It would seem however, that Elvis is still not sure about it, he was not in one single picture.
January 6, 2015 @ 12:34 pm
she 😉
January 6, 2015 @ 11:05 am
That thing is fabulous…could be the largest most shiniest jewelry box I ever did see!!!
Aloma’s Antiques
January 6, 2015 @ 11:09 am
if I ever grow up I want to be you…I could only wish to acquire all the stunningly beautiful huge unusable furniture you’ve found on craigslist. It could become a problem though, as I have downsized to a small house by the beach and I have nowhere to put any of the huge beautiful furniture I already own now, but why start dealing with reality when there are so many amazing pieces out there just waiting to be shoved into a corner of my already crowded bungalow? sigh.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:14 am
I want to hate you- such amazing finds. But. Somehow. Are. Just. Drawn. In…. You’ll find a home for this before too long.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:17 am
I neeeeed one! No, I have nothing to do with it either. Nor a place to put it. But Card Catalog!
January 6, 2015 @ 11:17 am
I have been looking for one I can afford forever!
I am drooling!
You are so awesome!
You must be doing something right. 🙂
January 6, 2015 @ 11:19 am
First of all, I have to agree that you are already absolutely, 1000% perfect with no room for improvement.
Second, I would have to get that piece even if I lived in a tiny 250 sq ft studio. It is just too gorgeous to pass it – what? and let somebody else have it? NEVER!
I once saw a similar piece, albeit much taller, practically all the way to the ceiling, in an antique store where they wanted $3,600.00 for it (Canadian dollars). It was so magnificent that I actually measured at home where I would put it, totally oblivious to the fact that I don’t have four grand kicking around (I don’t recall if that was when we paid 15% or 13% tax).
Congrats on the new acquisition!
January 6, 2015 @ 11:22 am
Wine cabinet. My son is on the hunt for one to
Store all of his 2014 vintage cheap wine. I agree that some extra time in oak might be good for it.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:22 am
I just died of envy.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:34 am
It’s wonderful find. And if the drawers have a hole along the center, you can cut pieces of mat board to set in the bottom–buttons, brushes, pencils, scissors, jewelry, Cracker Jack prizes–all kinds of small stuff that floats around in too-big drawers. I’m surprised Paul doesn’t want it for himself.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:39 am
Well, I have the perfect spot, and use, for this monstrosity. It would go in “My” room, headquarters for all things creative, and house the many odds and ends tools and supplies associated with knitting and sewing and watercoloring and glittering, etc.. Each drawer would be fronted with have a sweet little photo of what it housed. Much better than my current system of sifting through drawers full of little tools and supplies to find ‘the one.’
I could then dispense with those rickety plastic rolling stacked drawer thingies I have hidden in the closet because they are oh so so ugly- but practical. Then I would enjoy opening that closet door.
So if you decide to sell it, I’m your person. I can be there in no time flat and need no help. Cash in hand.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:56 am
Cynthia, I’m with you on those big ugly plastic rolling thingies! Have tons of them, yet never have enough! But, without a GF card catalog, I guess I’m stuck with plastic!
January 6, 2015 @ 11:39 am
I think the bedroom is the perfect spot for this. Storage for bras (replacing those ugly plastic boxes), underwear, socks, hose, scarves, hair accessories, combs, brushes, gloves, hats (just checking to see if you are still reading), etc. I agree about a strong dislike for Oak, but this is truly an exception. Who ever saw a cherry card file? Carry on…or out, in your case.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:40 am
You have the ability to make me laugh like no one else. I secretly, way down deep in my gut, have the same genes as you but due to an endless list of bad choices have had to become sensible, self controlled and boring. How I long to be free to be me. In the mean time. I truly thank you for letting me see glimpses of how life might be!
January 6, 2015 @ 11:45 am
LOVE IT!!!!! And the possibilities are endless, which is why you can’t figure out exactly what to use it for, it’s really the narrowing down process, meanwhile, it’s gorgeous!!!
January 6, 2015 @ 11:45 am
I was just looking for one of these for storage for ALL OF THE LEGOS. I have not been this lucky.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:48 am
I have one like this and i use it to store shoes. the added benefit is that you can mark each drawer as to what’s inside it.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:49 am
Card catalogs are fantastic, and that was an amazing price. I have one with 60 drawers and 3 tray sections. It’s like the most amazing utility drawer ever. It holds: vitamins, medicine, tools, office supplies, old extra game pieces…so many things. And of course, everything can be nicely labeled so it’s easy to find.
When it’s modular, like mine and what you’ve just found, you can also use some drawers here and some drawers there. A few layers could fit on a kitchen counter, for example. A few layers could be put on a small platform with wheels to make a great coffee table for your funnily-shaped room off your kitchen.
The sky’s the limit. And damn, $50 for 55 drawers. You did great. Mine was $450 for 60 drawers, and I thought I did well. (All the drawers are used, by the way.)
January 6, 2015 @ 11:50 am
My God, I’m sooooo jealous.
January 6, 2015 @ 11:51 am
I NEED this. I have been looking for a library card catalog for about 10 years. My husband would have a cow, probably, because until one of my kids moves out in April, I do not have a room I can put this piece in. But I DO NEED one. (I am a maker, principally of jewelry but also of other things, and I have a lot of tools and materials that are in dire need of organizing.) But if I could find one for $50 I would not be agonizing over how to use it. I would be trying to push my kid into moving the wedding date up, or finding a friend’s couch to crash on until April, so I could convert that bedroom into a workroom. However, Craigslist in my city hasn’t been very fruitful so far. Clearly I need to move to a city with better junk.
January 6, 2015 @ 6:19 pm
When I look on Craigslist, I see mattressed and box springs. Not very exciting. If there’s good junk around here, they’re hoarding it.