Reclaimed marble slabs for our kitchen countertops. (AND another grand piano) *video*
So. We got another square grand piano.
(Here is the first.)
Somehow in my world, this is not really a big deal and what I’m actually writing about are the marble slabs that were also headed to the dump.
But the piano is how we got there, so I guess requires some explanation.
This was the umpteenth free antique piano of this style on Craigslist… It was nearby. And it was made in Philadelphia.
I saw it on Craigslist on a Friday. By Sunday, I had annoyed Paul so much that we went and got it… To be fair, I think Paul was correct: we do NOT need another piano. But I think I was also correct: this is not a piano that should go to the dump.
Shoenbacker is a fantastic piano, and it says Philadelphia– both on the front in gold leaf, AND inside on the plate; the sort of detail I become obsessed with.
Besides, we are practically professional piano movers by now!
I know that some of you will wonder: but what did you plan to do with it?
And the answer is: I didn’t think I’d DO anything with it!
I thought: here is a free Giant Fancy Thing!
I should get it.
And yes, I do understand that thought-process is how people end up living in houses filled with free grocery circulars.
Guy getting rid of this piano was rehabbing and needed it gone immediately.
I am someone who is comfortable with the possibility of having a piano in every room.
= a match!
Although, it turned out that the actual equation was:
spare grand piano ÷ funding issues for CLOGS = sold piano.
(The person who bought it is restoring it to play!)
Now for the exciting part:
The day we went to get the piano, Paul and I spent some time talking to the guy about his old-house restoration, and he ended up giving us a tour.
Upstairs in the second-floor hallway, there were three LARGE slabs of solid marble shower walls.
The guy gestured to them and said how he was going to have to pay someone to cut them up to get them downstairs. Because MARBLE SLABS ARE HEAVY.
And I was like – my friend! We can help you with that!
It’s hard to say if the marble shower was part of the original home, (built in the first part of 1900.) Shower stalls existed, but they were not common or popular until later in the century… but on the other hand, this part of Philadelphia has some extraordinary houses and it is likely that builders were using these materials, so anything is possible.
If you enjoy reading about this sort of thing, the history of American plumbing from 1840-1890 is fascinating. And also the evolution of modern convenience.
I hate this part of a Craigslist pickup.
There is something deeply uncomfortable to me to be in someone’s home, taking something from them, in the most vigorous, potentially-stair-destroying way possible.
There is simply no way to unobtrusively dismantle a grand piano, or wrestle three giant slabs of marble down a flight of steps… And I end up feeling like not only are we intruding in their home, but also like we are hosting a circus ON THEIR STAIRCASE.
Adding to the weirdness, I am now a person who scurries around taking pictures and video of the circus… I assume my behavior is completely inexplicable to the homeowner, and that they must think I imagine myself the Werner Herzog of Craigslist.
So, please enjoy my latest cinematic masterpiece: a dark (sorry! the house was really dim!) and gritty (sheetrock dust) film exploring the cultural landscape of free stuff on Craigslist.
Bravura! Realism! Suspense!
see all my best Craigslist finds!
May 11, 2016 @ 5:30 pm
Awesome, awesome haul of goods, girl! The guy gave away marble slabs!?? And Paul is awesome to to assist you in your escapades…
May 11, 2016 @ 6:35 pm
Oh Divine One:
You are truly the Goddess of GFTs and the Craigslist Karma Queen! Loved seeing Her Magnificence, Elvis, in all her cat-like glory. I am certain I want to be you when I grow up.
May 11, 2016 @ 6:43 pm
I cannot – simply CANNOT – understand why the Universe chose to reward YOU with this marble, when I have been Jonesing for the very same thing. Mom always loved you best. Phooey.
May 11, 2016 @ 8:11 pm
this is no jab at your video at all, so please don’t take it that way, but Elvis is the best part of that video! She is adorable. Good job on that additional craigslist pick up!
May 11, 2016 @ 8:57 pm
I die! I’m so jealous. What a wonderful score. 🙂
May 11, 2016 @ 9:37 pm
Oh girl. You have preceded to one-up mine and my husbands great finds with this one! I am now on a mission…
🙂 gwingal
May 11, 2016 @ 11:39 pm
Lora Hart, that would be the one-and-only Bobby Darin, I think. Whatever, those are some mighty swell slabs.
May 12, 2016 @ 1:41 am
I’ve been lurking and LOVING the stories of your find and seeing what you do with them. My husband and I have back issues, so that puts a real damper I such adventures for us. I do find the occasional must-have and cajole (heh) him into them. I arrange for the transportation and the help. 😉
May 12, 2016 @ 9:43 am
I enjoy your writing so much! Glad to see Elvis looking so wonderful!
May 12, 2016 @ 1:39 pm
I really think that you should tell Paul to open a (paid!) workshop titled “basic skills for Craigslisting” on how to:
– moving things in and out of a person’s home
– knowledge of how to disassemble and assemble old furniture (this!).
– how to pack furniture yourself so that it doesn’t move/break/kill people on transport
– how to maneuver and bring those giant stuff upstairs in small stairs, and why he chose that way.
…. with example cases all of your GFTs.
I’d totally paid for that! Or if he is shy, online course, or Youtube videos on your GFTs.
May 12, 2016 @ 2:27 pm
What a win-win situation. Love Elvis’ cameo. ?
May 12, 2016 @ 11:16 pm
I cannot believe someone would take a piano – any piano, much less that beautiful piece of history – to the dump. Not only must he be tasteless and an idiot, but soulless! And don’t get me started on the marble! I’m glad you have the standards that let you see how fabulous those are. I’ll bet what’s being put in their place in their original home isn’t near as nice and won’t last a decade. Why oh why can’t people with old homes with great features appreciate what they have! By the way – seeing Elvis playing was the best part of the whole video. All our prayers and good thoughts must be helping!
May 14, 2016 @ 8:07 am
I’m new here, and have to say I love your blog, and your wonderful mad inventiveness. But I have to admit I cringed to see that lovely first piano pulled apart, even though the final result is way original. Thank God for originality! So I’m confused -what are you going to do with the second piano?
May 14, 2016 @ 3:56 pm
YOU ARE A WOMAN AFTER MY OWN HEART! A bit jealous of all the wonderful antique stuff available in the Philly area. Out here in So Cal, we have only been civilized since WWII, so older homes being torn down or renovated are hard to find. HOWEVER, I DO love Craigslist. In fact, I love Salvation Army as well.
About a year ago, hubby and I got a gorgeous Louis XV chair frame for $10. It had been sitting outside in the rain for who knows how long, but it was sound. Now I just have to decide what fabric to use when upholstering it. Six months ago I bought a genuine 1880, antique Armoire with double beveled mirrored doors. I have wanted one of these for 20 years! It only cost $250. About a month ago I bought a genuine, antique French oak table with snail scrolled legs and two arm chairs for only $100! Haven’t decided if I will keep it, but I could re-sell the table for $500 to $800 and the two chairs for $150 to $250 each on eBay or Chairish.
As an accomplished pianist, I cringed a bit when you cut up the piano, but I understand that it was non-operable. Hope you sold the “guts” to a piano restorer. The ivory keys are almost impossible to come by.
May 17, 2016 @ 9:23 pm
I think it is time for this post .
I first read your blog regarding your GTF mirror located in some alley that you had mislead your adoring readers because you thought they might jump on it ( rightfully so,sistah) . This rant , made me laugh so hard I was crying and my husband ( was actually asking me ) what am I looking at ? What’s going on??. I identify with the family condition you describe ! The conviction you impart! The reluctant , yet inspired devotion of your husband ( give him peace;)
As I sit in front of the fire , in my most fabulous yet somewhat impractical , seating arragement . I’ve been I inclined to tell you I’m reading … THE PHANTOM of FIFTH AVENUE … And thoroughly enjoying ! Keep doing what you do ! You are funny and now inspiring skeptics , like me, to take your opinion . Keep going ! You are on to something !!!
May 19, 2016 @ 10:07 pm
I can’t believe how lucky you are with the Craigslist finds. I live outside of Philadelphia and never find anything. I wonder how much time you (waste) spend looking at Craigslist? I think if you get this amazing stuff, it is NOT WASTED TIME!!!!
May 20, 2016 @ 3:34 pm
Really looking forward to seeing how you turn the slabs into countertop. Are you DIYing it or hiring someone? I have the reclaimed marble from two fireplaces that I want to turn into a countertop — I can imagine how to do it, but haven’t found anyone yet to implement my vision. Hoping you will document the process so I can find someone to show it to!
May 21, 2016 @ 12:40 pm
I have some questions about square grand pianos. Since you’re almost an expert now, I thought I’d ask you! You said some of the pianos you looked at worked! How did they sound? Have you seen any “cottage size” square grand pianos? How does the one you just bought sound? Are you going to sell this piano? There’s a company that charges LOTS OF MONEY to restore these pianos. I wonder if they all really need to be restored. I think they said something about the leather wearing out. They were made before they used felt in pianos. I really would like to buy one or get one for FREE! I don’t have room for a huge one, unfortunately! I live in an 1889 Queen Anne Victorian house in northern PA. I used to live in South Philly in a row house. My husband practically redid the whole thing. We brought the marble slab that was in the vestibule on the floor with us. I want to use this as a table top. I need to find a base or get him to build a base! I’m so glad you saved that gorgeous piano from the dump and found that marble. Your blog is so interesting and funny! I think you should get “the most amusing blog” award! I hope you have time to answer my questions. Please email me if you don’t want to answer them on your blog. Maybe someone else would be interested in the answers, though!
May 27, 2016 @ 5:31 pm
Elvis ?
June 1, 2016 @ 5:49 am
I love the free piano and marble, the GFTs, the renovation! I stumbled onto your blog and have gorged myself on it. My husband is Paul’s twin, down to the cutting open a tube of toothpaste to get the last bit. I cannot tell you how much I have laughed out loud reading your posts. I completely related to hopping in the car the minute we find something on Craigslist. We drove to Pennsylvania from SC for a wrought iron fence at an insanely cheap price. My GFT is a fountain in my front yard that we drove 2 hours, one way to get.
I also empathisize with Elvis’ illness, and am delighted Elvis is still around. ? We went through the that heartache with our 17 year old dachshund. We regret nothing we did to help improve her life, though we jokingly called her the 6 Million Dollar Dog.
We are renovating a 1945 Craftsman bungalow, saving all the original bits, if possible, and taking the rest down to the studs. We are beginning the kitchen gut job, and are going with a wall mount faucet, too! Keep up the great posts, and I am looking forward to the kitchen antics.