Reclaimed marble slabs for our kitchen countertops. (AND another grand piano) *video*
So. We got another square grand piano.
(Here is the first.)
Somehow in my world, this is not really a big deal and what I’m actually writing about are the marble slabs that were also headed to the dump.
But the piano is how we got there, so I guess requires some explanation.
This was the umpteenth free antique piano of this style on Craigslist… It was nearby. And it was made in Philadelphia.
I saw it on Craigslist on a Friday. By Sunday, I had annoyed Paul so much that we went and got it… To be fair, I think Paul was correct: we do NOT need another piano. But I think I was also correct: this is not a piano that should go to the dump.
Shoenbacker is a fantastic piano, and it says Philadelphia– both on the front in gold leaf, AND inside on the plate; the sort of detail I become obsessed with.
Besides, we are practically professional piano movers by now!
I know that some of you will wonder: but what did you plan to do with it?
And the answer is: I didn’t think I’d DO anything with it!
I thought: here is a free Giant Fancy Thing!
I should get it.
And yes, I do understand that thought-process is how people end up living in houses filled with free grocery circulars.
Guy getting rid of this piano was rehabbing and needed it gone immediately.
I am someone who is comfortable with the possibility of having a piano in every room.
= a match!
Although, it turned out that the actual equation was:
spare grand piano ÷ funding issues for CLOGS = sold piano.
(The person who bought it is restoring it to play!)
Now for the exciting part:
The day we went to get the piano, Paul and I spent some time talking to the guy about his old-house restoration, and he ended up giving us a tour.
Upstairs in the second-floor hallway, there were three LARGE slabs of solid marble shower walls.
The guy gestured to them and said how he was going to have to pay someone to cut them up to get them downstairs. Because MARBLE SLABS ARE HEAVY.
And I was like – my friend! We can help you with that!
It’s hard to say if the marble shower was part of the original home, (built in the first part of 1900.) Shower stalls existed, but they were not common or popular until later in the century… but on the other hand, this part of Philadelphia has some extraordinary houses and it is likely that builders were using these materials, so anything is possible.
If you enjoy reading about this sort of thing, the history of American plumbing from 1840-1890 is fascinating. And also the evolution of modern convenience.
I hate this part of a Craigslist pickup.
There is something deeply uncomfortable to me to be in someone’s home, taking something from them, in the most vigorous, potentially-stair-destroying way possible.
There is simply no way to unobtrusively dismantle a grand piano, or wrestle three giant slabs of marble down a flight of steps… And I end up feeling like not only are we intruding in their home, but also like we are hosting a circus ON THEIR STAIRCASE.
Adding to the weirdness, I am now a person who scurries around taking pictures and video of the circus… I assume my behavior is completely inexplicable to the homeowner, and that they must think I imagine myself the Werner Herzog of Craigslist.
So, please enjoy my latest cinematic masterpiece: a dark (sorry! the house was really dim!) and gritty (sheetrock dust) film exploring the cultural landscape of free stuff on Craigslist.
Bravura! Realism! Suspense!
see all my best Craigslist finds!
May 11, 2016 @ 11:05 am
Nevermind the fact that you and Paul are being so clever with your repurposing, I am beyond impressed on how professionally you pack and move things. And not light and frilly things but substantial pieces of masonry, antiques and a fafillion other things. Amazing!
May 11, 2016 @ 11:07 am
Around here, responding to a Craig’s List ad or posting one can and does result in murder or robbery. Sad, but true. I’m scared of Craig’s List.
May 11, 2016 @ 11:16 am
From reading the comments, I may be your only male reader, but the hell with it. I find your taste exquisite and your writing funny. My face lights up everytime I open my email and see you have an update.
May 11, 2016 @ 11:23 am
Ok, first, I love this blog. I am living my great big fancy things life vicariously through you. Second, I love this one specifically because I have a business that recycles cast away pieces of granite and marble from countertop fabrication into other products. As such it hurts me when people smash up these slabs and throw them away. I LOVE that you found a home for those gorgeous pieces and saved them from the dump. YAY YOU!
May 11, 2016 @ 11:27 am
I adore how brave you have become, because I know using porous marble that has been in a bathroom for a century and will now be used for food prep isn’t the easiest adjustment in the world. It is beautiful! Enjoying watching the kitchen (finally!) come together 🙂
May 11, 2016 @ 11:29 am
As Louise Pasteur and Richard Branson have observed, Chance favors the prepared mind. You have done insanely well here, scoring free, recycled, restored and cash all in a single trip. Paul is lucky to have you! Oh, wait. That was Paul hefting the marble down the stairs…ok, you are lucky to have each other.:-D
May 11, 2016 @ 11:34 am
I know why you were gifted with free beautiful marble-because I made a dumb tasteless suggestion that marble was too light and you should use some darker granite. The Gods of GFT things were so appalled and nauseous they immediately slid some free marble your way to prevent such a calamity even being considered. Of course I know you are incapable of bad taste -but I’m thrilled about the marble and if I can help out with other decorative choices -let me know. I’m finished making my house look like a blind Elvis and a drunk Liberace collaboration so I’ve got some free time. Love to you all and Miss Elvis looks wonderful!
May 11, 2016 @ 11:48 am
I loved seeing Elvis doing cat stuff! You scored big time with this haul. I love Tammigirl’s idea of making the piano into a table with a glass top. One thing, I hope your vehicle has super strong shock absorbers and axels, because that was some heavy load! Shop on!
May 11, 2016 @ 12:12 pm
I can’t play the video because of its privacy settings! How come others can play it? I do not want to miss one of your videos! Any ideas?
May 11, 2016 @ 12:21 pm
Never mind–it suddenly appeared. Kisses to Elvis.
May 11, 2016 @ 1:09 pm
Dear Victoria – you inspire me to visualize my own fancy free things off of Craigslist! I have excellent parking karma, and now I want the fancy free things karma as well. Thank you!
PS: I cannot believe that someone would GIVE AWAY a gorgeous antique piano. Wow!
May 11, 2016 @ 2:21 pm
Great find! Thank you for rescuing the piano, the things people will pitch just kills me. About 10 years ago I was involved in a show home reno of a historic mansion here in Denver. We redid a bedroom and bath. The bath had that same type of marble surround, and of course they ripped it out. I kept asking what they were going to do with it… they also ripped out all the original hardware in the kitchen. People are idiots. But my point, in higher end homes at the turn of the century, marble walls for the bathroom were common. Glad you saved yours! And free is always good!
May 11, 2016 @ 2:22 pm
Was I the only one who guffawed aloud at, “Werner Herzog of Craigslist”?
May 12, 2016 @ 9:42 am
No. I gave a shout. It’s my favorite part of her writing. You never know whats coming.
May 11, 2016 @ 2:25 pm
The Werner Herzog of Craigslist! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAhahahahahaa!
May 11, 2016 @ 2:41 pm
Paul can never question your desire for Giant Fancy (and free) Things when you’ve proved they lead directly to more totally cool and needed free stuff, like marble countertops!
You can point to this moment for the remaining decades of your marriage …
May 11, 2016 @ 2:42 pm
about the piano: I know, I know – we had to give away my mother in law’s Swiss made piano for free, although they are being sold for CHF2’500-3000.- a piece – but it’s transporting them, retuning, and doing out backs!!! And of course we all have our own pianos already, and space comes at a price, and we’re not handymen/-women….
A dear UK friend mourned for MONTHS after he had to give away his one piano so that he could take over his uncle’s even better one!
And free marble – I literally would have killed to get my hands on those slabs – and you guys just moved it in such a professional manner – I can’t get over it, honestly!!!!! As if you’d always expect to return with masses of extra goodies from each trip – great video too with lovely Elvis who looks so healthy and well!!!! Thanks a bunch for this joy.
May 11, 2016 @ 2:56 pm
Simply AMAZING – for the free marble and for happy Elvis!!!
May 11, 2016 @ 3:31 pm
You have some amazing Craigslist Karma and I wonder if it’s the Giant Fancy Powers That Be rewarding you for your consistently entertaining writing and enthusiasm. As someone who lives in a Craigslist wasteland where people have the gall to charge for rickety melamine dressers, and the closest thing to marble is a roll of contact paper; thank you for letting us live vicariously through you!
May 11, 2016 @ 4:10 pm
I’m so happy you saved the piano! And the marble too. I HATE waste.
May 11, 2016 @ 5:16 pm
Elvis – you’re looking good!!