Kitchen FAQ: weird windows, NO HOOD, cooktop in the island?
This post is just facts and boring, so if you are only here for the fancy, save yourself and bail now.
If you missed:
I got another massive mirror… it’s going in the kitchen, so now the previous layout plan is in upheaval because I axed a wall of cabinets to make room.
FAQ #1:
HOW are we going to vent the cooktop now that it is going in the piano island?
We’re not!
Here is my post about my pure burning hatred of range hoods and why I am not having one.
Common misconception that it’s a necessity to meet code… some places, sure; but not our township, and besides we are doing induction so there is no “safety” reason for us to vent.
Frying bacon is also not an issue for us because bacon has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen… Group 1 is: cigarettes and other things we KNOW FOR SURE cause cancer.
I personally need to stay alive as long as possible.
Once I am dead, other people will be allowed to touch my things.
FAQ #2: those windows must drive you crazy!
I’m already crazy… maybe that is why I think they are fine?
This is an old house… I do not want to erase the quirks.
Even though I can be particular about symmetry, I am only concerned about the symmetry of the choices I make in this century… However! The above photo really emphasizes the difference; look below, then I will explain more.
The way you enter the kitchen, the smaller window is not in your initial line of sight because of the angle.
The two big windows with the red arrow (above), mirror each other and are identical– so we would not change the big one.
The smaller window is going to be associated with the sink area– the countertop will run into the wall under that window… so the sill cannot be lowered to meet the big one.
I am left with the option of lowering the height of the one that goes all the way to the ceiling; we could bring it down to match the other ones… but that has no appeal for me.
For me, more light > less light… always. Easy decision.
I understand you think it is horrible!
But hopefully, now you better understand the horror!
the mirror will be mounted right up to the ceiling, flush against the wall
Some all of you felt– WHAT!? BLARGH!! NOOOOOOOO…
And I’m doing it anyway.
if you missed: we hid the fridge, and our kitchen island is a repurposed antique grand piano.
I’ve gone back to insetting the cooktop… there are examples in my first post on induction, at the time, your comments talked me out of it… but now am revisiting.
I’ll explain (far more than you wish to know), once I finish my research… we are DIY-ing the entire countertop AND IT WAS FREE… if something breaks or gets ruined, not a crisis.
FAQ #4: why preserve the mirror but repurpose the piano? also you already have enough mirrors. stop buying mirrors you are stupid.
Important distinction going forward:
I am not collecting mirrors… I’m collecting GIANT CARVED ORNAMENTS FOR MY SOUL… the glass is just white space for the frame– it EMPHASIZES THE FANCY.
I wrote a post about the some 57,000 pianos avaliable on Craigslist any given day… so if you are upset that I “ruined” an antique, would it have been better to let it go to the dump?!
Pianos are plentiful! EVEN THE FANCY ONES! I could go get a FREE antique square grand piano on Craigslist, any day of the week and twice on Sundays… it would be driving and effort! But FREE.
I cannot go anywhere. Ever. For any amount of money. To get a monster visual representation of my soul that is LITERALLY THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN.
I am still planning to mount the lady head mirror over the sink, but I’m going to need to see her in the space before I can tell how much open shelving I want to crap it up with.
I have another idea for more storage in another location if we need it… I’m going to leave that for my storage post; because it’s not on this wall and doesn’t involve actual kitchen cabinets so is just me hoarding.
ABH— always be hoarding.
FAQ #4: Resale doomsday predictions.
We are not planning to move… but also: in the last few years, MORE THAN ONCE, we have been close to moving to Hawaii.
I am SUPER not into it but Paul would love nothing better, and I don’t want to be the person who ruins his life… so I cannot say what will happen.
Hopefully we don’t move soon.
But if we had to, maybe everyone would hate our kitchen.
That would be unfortunate.
But if I love it.
Maybe someone else will also love it.
Or maybe someone else adds a big range and hood… Wall B is exterior and will be easy to add cabinets and a range and tap right outside for a vent.
Or maybe this is the worst decision we ever make and we rue it until the day we die.
I did mention to Paul– the part about rueing until death.
But he said that he doesn’t think that the best way for us to make decisions, is to ask ourselves what we think other people think we should do.
So this seems to have been decided.
With some kind of logic.
Ok this post is over but.
important public service announcement.
they have made a movie JUST FOR ME.
I would strongly endorse seconds :27 – :40 of the below trailer.
you’re welcome.
but I have dibs on the guy at :35.
After I watched 57 times, to be SURE that I UNDERSTOOD CORRECTLY, (and then stalked them all over the internet)… there is a Marine training center doing research to create superhuman special ops soldiers… and they JUST EAT PLANTS.
I have packed my bags.
I’ll send a postcard.
lol no I won’t.
It’s been real, yo!
Hopefully, this will be the movie I can hand people when they ask me where I “get” my protein.
I don’t know what people EXPECT me to say… but I know for a fact that they are disappointed when rather than screeching: REGURGITATED UNICORN GLITTER AND WATERMELON!!
I start with a basic overview of what “protein” even IS:
Protein consist of 20 different amino acids.
11 of which are made naturally by the body.
The other 9, are called essential amino acids.
They are all found in plants.
Essential amino acids are also found in meat and dairy BECAUSE THOSE ANIMALS EAT PLANTS… running your amino acids THROUGH ANIMALS before eating them is the very least efficient way of “getting” amino acids.
NOT TO MENTION, you get all of the cholesterol, hormones, pharmaceuticals, AND PESTICIDES… those animals are eating AN INSANE AMOUNT OF PESTICIDES HERBICIDES AND OTHER CRAP THEY FERTILIZE CROPS WITH… 80% of antibiotics used in the USA are GIVEN TO THE ANIMALS WE EAT… this stuff doesn’t DISAPPEAR… it concentrates in their flesh.
Do you know that our government ALLOWS 100% of meat to have fecal contamination?
That sounds totally fine!
And delicious!
By now, people’s eyes have rolled back in their head… and I’m BAFFLED.
The meat and dairy industry has spent AN INSANE AMOUNT OF MONEY to CONVINCE US that we WANT to EAT POOP.
Do you THINK I WANT to type the word POOP on my blog?
I promise you, I DO NOT.
The meat and dairy industry are intentionally DESTROYING FAMILIES.
They KNOW their product kills people.
Should I tell people?
now I will light myself on fire and have a banana.
with a flourish, VEB
(internet enemy #1)
May 22, 2018 @ 11:28 am
I am not collecting mirrors… I’m collecting GIANT CARVED ORNAMENTS FOR MY SOUL
Love. It.
May 23, 2018 @ 10:21 am
Moving the Mirrors to Hawaii sounds like an epic novel! I’m not sure if it’s a Thriller or SciFi or Romance but please put me on your beta reader list should you ever write it.
June 7, 2018 @ 6:12 pm
My favourite (pretend) responses to “where do you get your protein?” are: “from where your protein gets its protein”, and “from the grocery store”. Not that I would actually say either of those things to anyone in those words, but I amuse myself by thinking about them.
Anyway, I found you via your hood fan post (hear hear!). And now this fantastic post on your fabulous mirror AND veganing!?
You are my spirit animal. That is all.
May 22, 2018 @ 11:31 am
I recently found my spirit animal here: But you are my spirit person. Thank you for sharing your kitchen and you GFTs. And I think the kitchen layout is SPECTACULAR!
May 22, 2018 @ 11:33 am
I am with you. Giant fancy antique things are amazing. Everyone needs more of them not less. Especially if they are old.
As to resale – you are putting less in the kitchen not more; I’d think that would be a selling point because it is cheaper to change if future owners want to. xAllie
May 22, 2018 @ 11:36 am
Okay Victoria –
Sounds great by me. Sorry you felt you had to justify your choices. I really don’t think anyone meant to be critical – we all just enjoy engaging with your creative processes and vicariously doing the renovations we’d like to do, IF we were as brave, wise and pioneering as you. AND had your fabulous taste and skilled in-house craftsman/husband. Carry on! And thanks for giving us a peek!
May 22, 2018 @ 11:40 am
I fully and happily endorse you doing whatever the hell you want to in your kitchen. Having been talked out of a few really kick-ass ideas (and resenting it OR paying to have it redone) I say stick yo your guns and carry on! You will NEVERregret it!
Ps I own about 47 mirrors…from about 3” to roughly 5ft….next one is going to be BIG.
May 22, 2018 @ 11:42 am
I admit I’m totally confused about the layout for the kitchen but I can’t read maps either. I think I’ll have to wait until it’s finished. However, I love your reason for staying alive- to keep others from touching your stuff. Best reason I’ve heard! Keep up the good work.
May 22, 2018 @ 11:43 am
Victorious Saurious! It is a movie made for you. I’m “only” a vegetarian, but I get the same questions. I just tell them: “Do I look sick? I haven’t eaten meat for the last 32 years. You get enough protein from plants. I beat breast cancer – I’m HEALTHY!” Great trailer, where and when is the movie? P.S. Your kitchen will be fabulous!!
May 22, 2018 @ 11:45 am
Did not have my glasses on …. thought it said “KITTEN FAQ: weird windows, NO HOOD, cooktop in the island?” 🙁 …… I NEED A KITTEN FIX!
May 22, 2018 @ 12:18 pm
OMG, makes 2 of us
May 22, 2018 @ 11:50 am
The windows on that wall being different sizes never occurred to me as a problem.
Your choices aren’t my choices aren’t the next person’s choices. It’s your kitchen and only you have to be happy, and you have to make sure Paul is not terribly unhappy. In the distant future, when someone else contemplates buying the house (maybe when you and Paul have passed away of very old age, in your sleep, surrounded by gorgeous GFTs), they might say, “We’ll have to add some counters on this wall, and more cupboards, and what the heck is with that mirror?” That’s okay. That gives them a project, like you’ve had projects.
Apologies — my keyboard seems to only want to print left facing quotes.
May 22, 2018 @ 11:51 am
Oh, and sure…the quotes in the comments are facing the way they should, to make me look crazy. Ugh.
May 22, 2018 @ 11:53 am
The only reason I like a hood is for the odors. I cannot stand smelling onions and garlic wafting thru the house and upstairs when I go to sleep….and I cook with a lot of garlic😉.
I seem to accidentally collect antique gold framed mirrors..non as large as yours but one beau was not happy to hang one in the stairway!! I would love to have a giant mirror. You are the queen of giant mirrors!
May 22, 2018 @ 12:14 pm
Hey, you don’t ever have to justify your decisions. The house is for you and Paul to live in and be deliriously happy. When there is a next guy, he or she will do whatever *they* like with the space.
Having said that, I’m still confused. The shelving in the basement stairs is now closed off from the kitchen, right? Leaving the wall to the left of the doorway free for a counter run? I think I’m like that other commenter, needing to wait to see the final set up.
Meantime, enjoy the ride. The induction cooktop in the piano island sounds divine. I even like saying that phrase: The Induction Cooktop In The Piano Island….sounds like something gloriously unique and wonderful!
May 22, 2018 @ 12:20 pm
Moneymaking idea: reproduce the piano island hardware — I will buy at least 15! Then you can buy more GFT’s! Seriously, has anybody suggested this to you? I bet you could make a KILLING! I cannot find ANYTHING like them ANYWHERE and I LOVE THEM!!!!
May 22, 2018 @ 12:22 pm
Have you watched The Magic Pill on Netflix? Great documentary on how our country eats. I think you would enjoy it. Of course, you probably already knew what it’s trying to tell us.
May 22, 2018 @ 5:21 pm
Mary, The Magic Pill pushes the Keto diet, one high in fats (not just the “good” kind) and meat. I asked my cardiologist about it and he is definitely not a fan because it is too high in cholesterol.
May 22, 2018 @ 12:23 pm
Aside from the kitten confusion noted above, my thoughts are
#1, wouldnt something like this look great under your island:
#2 Hulk Smash! if you traded Paul in for Mr. 35 seconds who would do your finish work? I can see him doing great demo, but not re-springing your fancy settee, let alone making you a piano island.
#3 I love the sofa/tv in the kitchen. and I dont know why you’d be ashamed of anything. you are UNDER RENOVATION. My houses have looked like this since 1995. and my husband married me anyway
May 22, 2018 @ 12:23 pm
Hi Victoria, I LOVE all of your GFT, and I especially love the way you repurpose everything….I mean, an antique piano for a kitchen island….Brilliant! I LOVE the giant mirror on the wall instead of boring cabinets….You should do exactly what makes your heart sing, regardless of what anyone says (not that there was any doubt that you would) …..But…..regarding the piano-island…..Please just picture this before adding the cooktop: You have guests over and everyone is drooling over your one of a kind amazing kitchen….sitting on the piano-island (and reflecting in the new kingdom mirror) is a gorgeous spread of beautiful foods, so pretty and appetizing…also, huge bouquets of flowers ……that island, especially now that everything will be doubled in the mirror, should be filled with the most beautiful, yummy eye candy….or maybe plants…whatever, it should be a platform for beautiful vignettes…..not a cooktop….Thank You for listening.
May 22, 2018 @ 3:59 pm
But the cook top will be inlaid and completely flat and it doesn’t get hot, so she could just put a tray of food or big vase of flowers on the cook top to hide it.
I’m more curious about if they will still be able to use the drawers Paul installed in the piano with the cook top there.
May 22, 2018 @ 12:30 pm
I am happy you do what you do for YOU and no one else (OK, except maybe for Paul, sometimes.)! We decided that we were remodeling our house for us and not resale ROI. When we die, the kids can do whatever they want with the house, we will have enjoyed it! xo
May 22, 2018 @ 12:42 pm
Thank you for that Trailer link! I hadn’t heard of it, and am excited for it’s release. Thank you for being strong in who you are!
A vegan that subscribed to your blog for home inspiration a million years ago, and got a wonderful surprise when you started posting about animal advocacy.
May 22, 2018 @ 12:45 pm
This kitchen is going to be absolutely fabulous !!! I love it all !!! You can always help the offset the height difference in the two windows that flank the enormous stunning mirror by adding a small transom window above the shorter one or adding a decorative wood header of some sort above it and paint it the same as the window trim.. ??? or leave it as is ….. stunning !!
May 22, 2018 @ 12:55 pm
First of all I adore your blog. I think I came in about the Kingdom Mirror or just before. It makes me happy to know that there are others passionate about things like this. Second, your blog gives me hope that one day I will be able to remodel my own kitchen in my own vision. A tall order as I want only one thing attached, the sink. I want to be able to rearrange my kitchen the same way I do any other room. My chef friend thinks I’m crazy. But as my own culinary skills are mostly used for baking, I don’t care. Thanks for being you!