Inset induction cooktops.
Initially, I wanted to inset the induction cooktop, INTO the kitchen countertop.
But your comments dissuaded me.
IN the counter is fantastic… until it needs to be replaced; at which point you now have a custom hole in your countertop the exact size of your old cooktop… so you’d better hope you can get a new one that exact size.
Is that going to happen?
Of course not.
Fortunately, logic does not apply to me; so I’m planning to inset the lightest color cooktop I could find (in the American market)… it has one, lonely, terrible, angry review… which, for me, was invalidated by his surprise at something happening that any research will TELL you CAN HAPPEN.
The cooktop is made of GLASS… insetting (rather than resting on top)– and securing a piece of GLASS inside a dissimilar-material and then heating and cooling the GLASS, and giving it absolutely no flex because it is caulked/glued on all four sides.
There is a possibility that the glass can crack.
You know, because it’s GLASS.
If you are considering induction for yourself, the comments on my introduction to induction, and follow-up, comparing induction cooking to a traditional gas range, are a wealth of information about other people’s actual lived experiences.
I found them so helpful because I had literally NEVER SEEN induction.
Like… I vaguely knew there was some other random option… but thought nothing of it because… Pinterest?
Our previous plan had the cooktop on the perimeter wall… which meant that it would be integrated into a piece of solid countertop about 10 feet long; which would itself be secured to all kinds of things: cabinets, walls, backsplash.
It would not be simple to remove a countertop that is attached on multiple planes to different types of material… I could see how having an issue down the road would be a real pain in the neck.
So I thought – it probably won’t kill me to have a thin piece of glass resting on top of the counter.
it’s nice to have proof of how reasonable I am.
Also, lots of you had great ideas for disguising the cooktop… fancy silver trays, buckets of flowers.
Weirdly, no one suggested the method I find most effective:
piles of crap!
Have you not tried it this way?
the induction cooktop is in the antique table
But now that we have rearranged everything to accommodate the NWoF, we are putting the cooktop into the island, and it would seem that the pain-in-the-neck-equation… has tipped back.
Probably because I have absolutely zero understanding of what we are undertaking.
But also, if we NEEDED to reformat the countertop… it would be… not a problem?
The phrase “not a problem” is not EXACTLY accurate.
But you understand what I am saying.
Also: it turns out that the antique piano island will lend itself perfectly to removing one of the TOP/hidden drawers- the lower drawer will not be affected.
What about the wires?
So inconvenient.
Do I have IDEAS for hiding the wires?
Of course.
So many ideas.
The BEST ideas.
With various levels of practicality.
Ranging from lol, to sheer idiocy.
The sheer idiocy ones are SO GOOD.
And actually?
Upon reflection?
My IDEAS are the bane of my existence.
Right now I am counseling myself to KEEP IT SIMPLE.
But simultaneously, Self submitted a new proposal: SUPER FANCY OLD STOVE… inset the cooktop in THAT.
I cannot
Obviously, I just spent 97hours looking for that stove.
It is nowhere to be found.
I could only find disappointing drab stoves that were not designed by the Victorian Liberace.
So we are stuck with the boring old piano island.
No bigly brass.
Old news.
Also, obviously– my IDEAS are not ACTUALLY solutions; they are just me trying to figure out how to have more stuff.
I like to have goals I can excel at.
May 30, 2018 @ 10:37 am
You really need to think about just getting gas burners ~ that is, if you love to cook.
My ex-husband was an appliance salesman and I’ve had many kinds of ranges.
I’ve had glass cook tops before and hated them with a passion. I didn’t like having to wait until it cooled down to clean it off….especially if we were getting company and there wasn’t enough time.
I love to cook. The last stove we bought was a Viking 6 burner gas range ~ and I love it.
Beautiful to look at and a joy to cook on. So much control ~ unlike electric ranges or glass cook tops.
Think about it…….. 🙂
May 30, 2018 @ 10:45 am
Are you confusing electric with induction? The great thing about induction is that when pasta overboils or whatever you can put your dishtowel right onto the surface. Yes, the water is hot as hell, but you have that problem no matter what stove.
May 30, 2018 @ 10:55 am
Maybe read everything already written on this blog about gas vs induction (not glass top) before commenting?
May 30, 2018 @ 1:33 pm
Victoria, there are brand new kitchen stoves that look just like beautiful antique wood stoves.
Just like the photo you posted above. They come in electric and gas and even wood combos.
You should do more research.
May 30, 2018 @ 4:22 pm
You should probably read the blog before giving advice. Victoria’s reasons have been thoroughly dissected in multiple posts about her kitchen. She doesn’t want a gas range; she doesn’t want a Viking industrial range; and she doesn’t love to cook. I won’t be surprised when your inflated opinion doesn’t change her mind.
June 4, 2018 @ 7:46 pm
June 11, 2018 @ 1:09 pm
Why all the vitriol?! Is there a policy to read all blogger’s posts before making a comment? In that case, I will forever refrain from commenting because who has the time to read everything a blogger has ever posted on the subject before making an innocent comment?!
May 30, 2018 @ 10:39 am
FYI…..suggestion 895….gas slide in range and sink and dishwasher on long wall European style, leave piano island alone in all its glory. Then all messy stuff is corralled in one area and won’t be reflected by giant fancy mirror. Just saying.
May 30, 2018 @ 7:46 pm
Yessss………protect pretty reflection of Piano-Island in GF Mirror at all costs!!!!
May 30, 2018 @ 10:39 am
I’m sure Paul could construct an open ended narrow box, attaching mirrors to each side to go under the piano with the wires inside that box. The box could go from the floor to the top of the bottom of the piano. One side of the box could be hinged so you could get to the wiring if need be. This option would basically be invisible since it would reflect the floor, wouldn’t have to be very large and it would be easy to keep clean.
May 30, 2018 @ 1:36 pm
Jayne, that is a FABULOUS idea. Especially if it is on bottom sliders to provide extra storage that is lost with the open legs. It will also give Paul the opportunity to custom make another beautiful drawer, and thereby flaunt his skills and make other husbands [or potential replacements] look inferior. Take THAT Mr . 35 seconds.
If you look closely at the legs, I think they are wide enough for Paul to take either a spade bit, or a concrete bore [like this:!2966!3!50916697797!!!g!82166338077!&ef_id=VJPgVgAABVDLF1r4:20180530173445:s ] and drill a hole through the leg for wiring.
May 30, 2018 @ 4:14 pm
Victoria, how are the outside of the drawers finished? Can we see a photo of the finished island? (Ok, I know nothing is ever finished…)
May 30, 2018 @ 10:43 am
I love having goals that make my husband look at me like he’s not sure what century, or galaxy, I am in. It keeps the bar very low, so that ideas that would otherwise be dismissed seem rational.
I can’t wait to hear your ideas for hidingthe wires. I hope they involve gilding.
May 30, 2018 @ 11:24 am
……amazing you don’t have a drinking problem…………! 🙂
May 30, 2018 @ 11:32 am
Cast iron stoves – this one is nearly identical:
and this one is similar:
I love reading about your latest GFT’s! Thank you for sharing your life, your home adventures, your fluffcats, and your love of animals with us. <3
May 30, 2018 @ 1:36 pm
YES! There ya go….many other styles too….
May 30, 2018 @ 11:53 am
828 miles vs. 1874 miles. Doable. The money tree should start producing soon.
May 30, 2018 @ 12:01 pm
Victoria, you are one brilliant woman! Piles of crap do indeed hide everything, and as you say – you can use them all over your house.
I’m excited to follow the continuing saga of the induction cooktop with no vent hood. I love having you and your fanciness to pave the way for all of us vent-haters to come out of the closet.
More kitten photos though, please and thank you.
May 30, 2018 @ 12:04 pm
you mean, it’s not just a piece of glass on the countertop? Wires are too mundane a consideration to curtail your flights of Fancy…
May 30, 2018 @ 1:50 pm
Elmira Stove Works.
You will die.
May 30, 2018 @ 4:37 pm
oh, my Gosh NevadaNy, died and gone to heaven
May 30, 2018 @ 1:59 pm
More munchkin crazy pants photos pleeeez
May 30, 2018 @ 2:01 pm
How are you functioning in this kitchen? I am right there with you on taking forever to make a decision to the point where I just give up and the decision becomes no decision (there are three rooms in my house that still need to be finished because of this beautiful trait) but I feel like we need a video of you cooking in the current kitchen for a point of reference. Is it driving you mad? Do you guys have a target date to finish this project? I agree with the people that are saying to put the stove against the wall and leave the island alone. You can use the island for prep.
May 30, 2018 @ 2:20 pm
Do not hurt the piano. Do not trade it in for old rusty GFT-stove. Put the induction in it if you must (seriously, just make a decision already) but don’t actually get rid of it. My taste falls in the modern/minimal side, but I LOVE the piano island! (also love that you went with no upper cabinets. unless of course you have changed your mind by now)
May 30, 2018 @ 2:24 pm
You are my kind of woman. “Hide the stove top under all kind of crap”. You go girl!!!
May 30, 2018 @ 2:28 pm
Because Tucson Arizona bakes your brain in summer, I bought an induction hotplate. What a Godsend. It does everything I need done. In the winter I put it away and go back to gas. You are amazing to invest in this new cooking medium. There is some getting used to it. It makes noise and it turns on and off. But the speed of delivery is great stuff.
May 30, 2018 @ 3:03 pm
I love that that stove literally says “MAJESTIC” on it… twice. Seems about right!
May 30, 2018 @ 4:12 pm
I’m so excited for you to get the dang induction cooktop installed, use it and report back.
You are going to L-O-V-E it S-O much!! (First commenter has no idea what she’s talking about.)
May 30, 2018 @ 4:14 pm
P.S. We don’t have a vent either and have lived with it for 11 years. No problemo!
May 30, 2018 @ 6:54 pm
Mill Creek Antiques, Paxico , Ks advertise antique wood and gas stoves and their restoration. If you wanted something customized, they could perhaps do that too. Thank you for sharing your adventures and for loving animals. Best wishes.
May 30, 2018 @ 6:55 pm
I just cooked a curry on my darling induction hob, I have a fan sucking vent thingy above it, and I’m glad because it’s nearly midnight and if I opened a window loads of daddy long legs would fly in towards the light and drive the cat nuts. You could buy a baby induction thingy to play with, my neighbour has one in her kitchen next to her Aga, I’ve seen them for like 40$ handy at Xmas.