Building shelves where the refrigerator was… SO MUCH STORAGE!
Paul is home alone, because I am off gallivanting with my brothers.
I assume he’s having the most fun ever, because he gets to do this project with zero input from me.
I’m beginning this post on Sunday, at the airport, on my way to New Mexico… my baby brother is getting married next weekend!!
Matthew is everyone’s favorite, and Chris and I fully support this; because he is OUR favorite too! Like, if Chris or I were the favorite, we would wonder what was wrong with mom and dad!
Just as exciting, for me; (EVERYTHING IS ABOUT ME, as you know): I’m going early, to spend a week with JUST my two brothers beforehand.
We are road tripping randomly, with no goal other than to spend ALL OF OUR TIME MOCKING EACHOTHER, vomiting with laughter, and generally basking in being alone with the only humans who share some version of our brain.
This experience defies words.
My brothers are my favorite people on the planet, (apologies to anyone else who might have expected to hold that title,) and they are also the only reason on earth that I would voluntarily leave my house overnight. *shudder*
We are going to party like the deranged animals that we are!
We are going to lie on the floor, crying… immobilized and shrieking with laughter, while Matty mimics my father: asking my mother if she has seen his shoe trees, (not something I made up, shoe trees are an important Dad accoutrement).

Fast forward to Wednesday, I need to say to my mother, (because, let’s be honest— my mother sacrificed her entire being at the altar of her children; and Dad got to enjoy the benefits of that blood ritual, while drinking a cup of coffee and offering pointers… NOT THE SAME.)
Dear Mom,
Jazz Hands,
Your annoying female child.
Ok… now kitchen stuff.
Now that we are moving the refrigerator, we have access again to the basement stairwell; read this post to understand why the fridge was there, etc.
So now we have an unused space… so we are going to build a wall here, and extend the kitchen counter across this wall.
But what I’m writing about is what is going to happen on the OTHER side of the wall– the side that faces the interior of the basement stair landing (where the ladder is.)
We are going to build floor-to-ceiling shelving for shoes, and all the other nonsense that floats around your home near the front door.
I’m now unable to sustain interest in this post… just look at the photos!
I would have liked to skip writing anything until I am home/regain some space in my brain; but Paul will be WAY past this; I assume the wall will be finished.
And I have realized this about myself: if something non-fancy is happening with the house; blah, blah, details, blah, blah, boring, blah, blah, construction… if I don’t blog about it immediately, I lose any kind of interest… and I just skip it because it’s too boring to write about.
But this irritates people because they WANT TO SEE CONSTRUCTION!
So here you go!
Random note of clarification on my refrigerator dilemma: I’m getting lots of different suggestions (thanks!!!) but a good percent of those suggestions are for 36″ panel ready options, and I get the feeling that some of you are like, girl– did you even google this?
YES! I did! I promise! BUT my entire fridge dilemma is based around 36″ of refrigerator, being 36″ MORE INCHES THAN I WISH TO SEE.
And if I spend nine million dollars, I can get the same cubic feet of 36″ storage, at 30″ of actual refrigerator… and this BUGS ME… just because I am poor, I must have an extra 6″ of ugly?
If this bothers you, you will have to take it up with someone else because I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR JUDGEMENT.
November 9, 2017 @ 12:51 pm
OMG, there is so much to see and do in Santa Fe. Most important – just practice SEEing. Breath (not easy at that altitude), drink lots of waterLook at art, look at the mountains, absorb the clean air. Practice being still. When you’ve mastered how to be in Santa Fe, it’s time to move on to Taos. Visit the Square, buy something fabulous at Santa Fe Dry Goods, look at all the art on Canyon Rd. Eat everything with red and green (chile).
Laugh until the mountains echo with your brothers’ voices!
November 9, 2017 @ 4:55 pm
The Georgia O’Keefe museum is kinda cool. But my favorite thing in Santa Fe is the Children’s museum. Just in case you’re thinking we are not children we don’t want to go there, just know that you can stand inside a giant bubble that you make yourself. So after 5 minutes you can leave.
November 10, 2017 @ 2:35 pm
I love all your work!! My kitchen has been tore up since last year. I decided I wanted to update it by painting cabinets and putting in new floors. It started off well than in December my husband got really sick. Was put into ICU on the 13th. He had gotten the flu shot and contracted Guillian-Barre Syndrome. This ended up paralyzing him from his waist down and his fine motor skills in his hands. He had to learn how to walk again and do things with his hands. So needless to say our remodeling has come to a halt. Now with hospital bills or savings is drained so can’t pay anyone. Oh well it’s still functional-able. I have all these ideas in my head on what I want to do though. I write them down and maybe one day we can get to them!! Love the idea on enclosing the refrigerator!!! 😁 that’s another for the idea book!!
November 10, 2017 @ 10:58 pm
Daytrip worthy stuff around Santa Fe: make sure you see the Loretto chapel in Santa Fe, the spiral staircase, ask nearly anyone once you’re in old town Santa Fe. There’s also some pretty cool stores in Old town, especially if you get back into some off the main plot. I think you would love Madrid which is off the Turquoise Trail about 20-30 min from Santa Fe, cool art galleries and stores. And I adore Ojo Caliente, a hot springs spa place that is beautiful and relaxing and you can get a day pass for $20 and along with the hot springs there’s a sauna too. Very cool amd beautiful there! That’s my suggestions! And if you make it to Albuquerque eat at El Pinto because it’s gorgeous and the atmosphere is top notch, and the food is ok too lol.
November 15, 2017 @ 7:25 am
What a terrible blow…..You seem to be standing strong and and dealing with this unexpected tsunami with impressive strength and force of will. Good luck to you and your Husband. I hope he’s on the mend soon and everything gets better and better as time goes by.
November 12, 2017 @ 9:18 pm
Go to Chamayo, the church of the holy dirt and look at the crutches left behind. This is an important pilgrimage site in North America. Feel free to take some dirt if you are in need of healing (losing Elvis counts). Really, they replace it so visitors can do this. Blessings.
November 13, 2017 @ 1:35 pm
Do not miss Tesuque Village Market (its actually a restaurant and market). Have a blood orange margarita and the veggie chile relleno (request black beans for the vegetarian option). Chile on the side unless you are a masochist. That is all!