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  1. Irene
    February 11, 2015 @ 10:55 am

    I just found your blog, and I started at the beginning–
    I stopped short when I got to this entry though, because I think my hubby and I used to live here! I can’t quite remember the number (maybe 105 Bank Ave? I can see the address sticker on my Victoria Magazine in my mind’s eye 🙂 ha ha)(Is that mag even still in print??) but there were several mansions-carved-into-apartments along there. We were on the ground floor, in back, in a two-bedroom, with amazing high ceilings and ivy-wallpaper in the kitchen. This was 1990.
    Anyway, we were preggers so we bought a home in Cherry Hill and the rest is history.
    Dying of curiosity now– is there an update? This place really needs to be a B&B!


  2. Michelle Haye
    August 13, 2016 @ 10:29 am

    Oh. my. I think I just fell in love with this falling down mansion. I came across your site on Pinterest and have been reading this morning to this point. Holy cow this is exactly the same kind of reaction that I would have had, and my husband would have looked at me like I am crazy, and I would have persuaded him that this would be PERFECT for our first house. Totally sane, right??
    Ah this is gorgeous!


  3. story castings
    August 25, 2016 @ 5:36 pm

    It had me at the reflection of the sunset on the water in the window.
    Found you on I don’t even no where at this point but it had to do with the ginormous kingdom mirror that you bought off of CraigsList. I have since been reading from the beginning bit by bit. You are hilarious and I covet your current house.


  4. Jack Berry
    December 11, 2021 @ 4:18 pm

    I actually worked on this mansion in 1964 for a home remodeling company called Stankovitch Construction company out of Gloucester. I was part of a team that was putting cheap paneling over all of the walls, most of them with beautiful intricate details. I was only a 20 year old college student at the time but I cringed every time we put up another panel. I don’t remember it being in a state of disrepair at that time, but only needing much TL……not paneling! I think my boss was the first owner to convert the upper floors into rental apartments.


  5. Darrow
    September 3, 2024 @ 1:47 am

    My grandparents lived here in the 60s ( second floor) and I would love to visit


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