Color Blindness
Until this weekend, the exterior of the house has been low on the list of priorities, seeing as how the inside looked like this:
Our plan was to finish the current project in the hallway bath before spring.
But as usual, everything has taken seven times longer than expected—the sum of which is the stalled progress in the bath.
Paul has taken the blockade surprisingly well… Perhaps after the last two years, he is better able to take in stride the limitations of doing a project with a slow and indecisive partner.
Or, I have just worn him down. Either way, he’s getting started on the countless exterior issues.
The foundation of the house and the porch both need some extreme renovation. Structurally, they are fine. But aesthetically and practically, they are a disaster.
Witness the color of our foundation:
Obviously the glass block delights me to no end.
If you look at my About The House page, you’ll see that the interior of our house was painted every shade of the neon rainbow. And they carried that frenzy right out to the base of the house.
We are constantly amazed by the lack of attention the previous owners gave to detail, upkeep, maintenance… versus their endless supply of attention to paint.
Plus? If you’re going to paint your porch ceiling orange? Don’t you at least want to stay inside the lines?
index of the front porch restoration project
Gwen C
August 18, 2013 @ 8:23 pm
I just found your blog and I have to say I. LOVE. YOU. I’m not sure but I think we must be related somehow. It’s all about the controlling, OCD, I want it like I want it characteristics that we share. You are HIL-LAR-I -OUS and your blog is delightful. Oh yeah I love Craigslist too!!
June 9, 2014 @ 1:02 pm
Looks like the previous owners wreaked all kinds of havoc with cans of spray paint!
April 30, 2016 @ 9:49 pm
I feel your pain. We bought a stone cottage fixer two years ago. It was built in 1930 and still had the original floors, trim, and huge sink (well, actually, I think the sink was 1945-ish. It was originally part of a custom steel kitchen.). Unfortunately, the previous owners painted all of the massive trim with a poo brown, high gloss, exterior paint (They painted the exterior trim the same color. It’s just *gorgeous* against the local Arkansas stone. Sarcasm strongly implied here…..). I’ve spent the last two years trying to turn this trim white, and I’m only about half-way done……..
March 8, 2017 @ 8:46 am
Hee hee! I feel your pain. When I bought my house a few years ago, every single color of the rainbow was represented inside. One of the bedrooms was painted not one but two hideous shades of obnoxiously bright yellow. I, too, always marveled at how much consideration must have gone into choosing what amounted to 13 different paint colors…yet the leaking bulkhead which resulted in a giant puddle in the basement every time it rained was apparently something the previous owners easily overlooked. I fixed the bulkhead in a weekend, which was way less time than it took to paint every room.