The care and feeding of Baby Godzilla… *video*
I’ve been super busy being a stress hermit… but it’s time for a second post about a kitten named Baby Godzilla.
This second post is necessary, because I need to share that Baby Godzilla has a name: Minya… and also because the video at the end of this post shows you Minya in action: DON’T BLINK.
Minya’s top-secret name was shared with me by one of YOU: before Godzilla was Godzilla, when she was only a baby, her name was Minya.
I googled this to learn more, and I have to say that the Godzilla story… lacks… clarity.
Example from the Shin Godzilla Spoiler Thread at the Kaiju Combat Community Forums where I was able to glean this research: Minya’s mutated life cycle (unexplained), from an egg, Baby Godzilla, the Minya-clone stage, then the Godzilla jr, which would turn into a new Godzilla.
So. Basically no one knows what is up with Minya.
I could have told you that.
The important part here is that I have validated the science of what I already knew, IN MY BONES: I am caretaker of the world’s smallest floof monster.
I am Tiny Minya.
Destructriss of fluffy toys.
I am alarmingly serious for someone with such short legs.
I stayed at my parent’s for the week between Christmas and New Year because my entire family was there.
And also because how else could my mother’s Christmas tree be dismantled in two seconds?
Weirdly, the kittens were content to simply LOOK at the tree… until Minya was all– STAND BACK.
I am Tiny Minya.
I bring the fury.
Staying at my parents was great, because I can say for sure, that I’m definitely an adult now… I mean, a poorly-functioning one, who would prefer to never leave the house; but at least no longer the MOST ANNOYING VERSION OF MYSELF… So, that’s something, I guess.
How I know this:
One night I had just gotten in the shower— really committed; soaking my head and everything… and someone downstairs turned on BOTH the dishwasher. AND the washing machine. SIMULTANEOUSLY.
I had forgotten that my family’s trade secret is not stopping to assess a situation before plowing ahead… this is entirely my own fault, because living with a human who is incapable of NOT assessing the situation, has made me soft in the head.
I had FORGOTEN that in the Barnes house, BEFORE SHOWERING, you must go door-to-door and threaten all who use water.
Failure to do so will result in your own demise-by-brain-aneurysm-of-rage.
The shower was like being spit on: NOT EFFECTIVE.*
*see also: rage.
But instead of assembling a flamethrower, my new-and-improved-adult-self just gritted my teeth and muttered to myself: DEATH TO YOU ALL.
This post is almost over because 57,892 things of horror are happening to me. Probably you get to hear about it as soon as my stress level is not at ninebazillion.
But one final item of importance: my mother inadvertently designed the world’s greatest kitten toy; I’ve said before that my mother is like the original Pinterest, (sans burlap and mason jars).
And I guess also of importance: even if your children are LONG GROWN, if you are a Mom, you are not allowed to have nice things.
By the time I left, the kittens had basically made the fringe EXTRA FRINGY by shredding it and turning it into thread… I couldn’t stop them because THEY ARE SO CUTE!
Sorry mom.
Hey, you!
Do you love MunchkinBabyFluffBombs?
But why stop there?
Why not expand your circle of compassion to include ALL BABIES?
Just like humans, cows must be pregnant to produce breastmilk… and just like humans, cows carry their babies for nine months.
Still wet from birth and unable to walk, newborn babies are taken from their mothers immediately… so that humans can drink their mother’s breastmilk.
If the baby is a girl, she becomes a breastmilk factory.
If the baby is a boy, he becomes veal.
They will never see their mother again.
Choose compassion for ALL BEINGS!
Lisa D.
February 2, 2018 @ 11:10 am
OMG! They are so beyond adorable! Loved the video, and the soundtrack was great.
February 2, 2018 @ 11:24 am
I’m so excited you are posting again!! Bring on the kitten Godzilla pictures, those monsters are so cute. I hope your stress level returns to normal soon, good luck with everything! xAllie
February 2, 2018 @ 11:40 am
How do we stop baby cows from being taken from their mothers?
February 2, 2018 @ 1:15 pm
Don’t drink milk or use milk products. Search for groups that are promoting ethical alternatives. Share the groups here and everywhere.
Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
February 2, 2018 @ 1:46 pm
We TELL people.
LOUDLY and without ceasing.
Once we SEE, anything less denies our own soul.
We say it over and over, again and again.
We spend no energy on people who wish to silence us.
We focus on the people who HEAR.
The hurdle I find most often is this:
Humans who eat animal stuff, hold their norms to be self-evident; and getting humans to question that which they hold to be self-evident, is… challenging.
So, we SHOW people what dairy is.
We show facts.
And science.
Here are some resources that I find engaging.
The photojournalism series by Jo-Anne McArthur at a small-scale dairy and veal farm. People think of small farms as “humane” but they are based on the destruction of the mother-child bond, same as any other.
Her photographs are beautiful:
Below is a FASCINATING HISTORY of how dairy came to be what it is today:
Below is a quick but thorough overview of the dairy industry:
This last one has subtitles, but her voice and her words are gripping… she used to be a dairy farmer:
The screams of the mothers … I still hear the sound. It won’t go away. I keep thinking about it. Today I am a mother, and I don’t understand how people who say that they love animals don’t see it. Don’t understand it.
All the sorrow that I caused to them is forever engraved upon my heart. I have no idea how many mothers and babies I put on the trailer to send them to slaughter. How many mothers were left without their babies. And they cried and called for their babies. They call and call. If someone would touch my daughter or my son… I don’t know what to say, just the thought of it frightens me. When I worked on the farm, I saw no problem with it. I sent mothers and their babies to slaughter. I separated babies from their mothers.
XOXO, veb
February 2, 2018 @ 12:21 pm
I want your mother’s carpet! I’ve been looking for years and it’s just not made any more.
Shirley Wong
February 2, 2018 @ 1:35 pm
OMG I’ve missed you so! And your little monster, too!
February 2, 2018 @ 1:52 pm
In Massachusetts one thing people in this state agree on is protecting animals. It seems to be the one unifying thing. We just passed a law about veal and chicken confinement. We passed trapping laws also. I stopped a women sitting near us in a restaurant from ordering veal. I told her about a 60 minutes show on how they get veal tender. It was so heartbreaking that even my meat eating husband stopped eating veal. People must become more aware of what’s going on raising animals and slaughtering them. We now have to import people from other countries to work in the slaughter houses. American citizens would report abuse.
February 2, 2018 @ 2:03 pm
Here’s hoping the things of horror piss off and leave you alone.
And to the non vegans reading this, maybe you could try one day a week? Or one day a month. It all helps. I’m nearing my 40 years a vegan anniversary, and I’m still here! xxx
Lori Sterling
February 2, 2018 @ 2:40 pm
I so appreciate you posting the animal stuff. People don’t realize that drinking a glass of milk means a baby was taken from it’s momma, and treated like garbage. So sad. We CAN change it!
Lisa A.
February 2, 2018 @ 2:43 pm
Only someone who has fostered kittens can truly appreciate that hilarious video that I cannot stop watching. Thanks to you, I am a member of that club and took the plunge and fostered my first litter and have the scabs all over my legs today even though they have all been placed into loving homes and I am “itching” for another go around….did I really just say that? Don’t tell my husband…..and you may also take credit for indirectly helping a little tuxedo find a permanent home in my daughters house. In efforts to get my daughter on the fostering “band wagon” – she fell in love and now has a cat that was suppose to be a “short term” foster. YAY!
I am giving this vegan thing some serious thought next. No telling what you might be able to convince me to do….
February 2, 2018 @ 3:01 pm
I wouldn‘t recommend soy as a milk substitute, but almond milk is just great!
tiffaney jewel
February 2, 2018 @ 11:04 pm
Yeah, soy milk isn’t great. I’ve been into hemp milk the past few years, using almond milk if the store is out of hemp. They’re both wonderful! Target has a flax milk which is also perfect. Always get unsweetened. I bought sweetened once by accident and it actually startled me. Far too sweet.
Catherine W.
February 3, 2018 @ 11:59 am
I came across this video about puppy makeovers in an animal shelter that I think you will love. (Well, it’s not kittens, but puppies are pretty darn cute too!) If you don’t want to use the link, just do a search on youtube for puppy makeover Tom Mabe. Enjoy!;_ylt=AwrDQ2qG5nVaiwUA_BE0nIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ–?p=youtube+video+puppy+makeover+Mabe&vid=f47bc0b257d4dcec3f4f203d18ae5ff5&
February 3, 2018 @ 9:10 pm
Every good kitten deserves a warm saucer of Milk.
February 4, 2018 @ 11:55 am
You may not abandon me to blogville limbo without filing a writ of abandonment and the name of a good conversationalist/wit/GFT expert and possessor of strangely immaculate hardwood floors even though you are the proud possessor of a constant stream of floofBalls. How do you manage that-Roomba? I am having the darndest time posting items like yours to facebook-controversial and I get the on/off flash screen. Posting drivel,no problemo? Is it a plot or is Facebook trying to exclude all controversy? I hope your problems are solved or ignored to the point of rendering them moot. From my seventies I can assure you the only things that matter are those that bring a smile-the others are not worth your time. If you can solve um- great-if not-why pay them heed? Let them dry up and blow away into a dark lonely corner of your indifference……