Subzero, delivered!
From my last refrigerator post, I removed the sentence: we bought a floor-model subzero.
It had not yet been delivered, and we weren’t 100% certain we would actually get it… and right before I hit publish, I thought– you know what? LET’S NOT JINX MYSELF.
I did not edit well, and my re-write sounded like I thought my only option was to spend many-times the cost of my original-but-now-scorned-frugal-fridge… that is not what I intended to convey.
The storage/warehouse for the Philadelphia Wolf showroom, (where we were introduced to induction), is also the distributor for all the places (in whatever radius) that carry Subzero; and because they were moving to a bigger warehouse, any floor models at the warehouse (not to be confused with the showroom) were HALF OFF the already discounted price.
The warehouse also had a floor-model Wolf induction cooktop, in the below style… and the price was great! But the brand new ones come WITHOUT that stainless “frame.” And I like it better without; even if we do not flushmount it into the counter.
So we passed… maybe I get to kick myself later for that.
You can imagine we were SUPER excited that they had the fridge we wanted! And also how the fact that it was ON HOLD for someone else, was nailbiting!
We had to wait to see if they took a different one… which they did, or we would have taken one with two lower drawers and slightly less interior cubic feet.
We paid a little over $3,000 including delivery.
I think $3k is a lot of money for a refrigerator… but the transformation to our particular space and kitchen layout; and also my personal obsession with the height-factor makes it worth the money to us.
You know when you go to crop a photo and you can choose the aspect-ratio? That is what I’m trying to describe… that taller/narrower ratio will mirror the height of the window next to the refrigerator. And theoretically, we’ll be able to create molding and panels for the fridge that are complementary to the window trim.
We took a tradeoff: the floor model fridge we bought is right-hinge, and we would have preferred left… either way, the door blocks the same space; but situated differently in the work triangle.

It was a simple decision… for us.
But! I fully understand that this is high school the internet, and I will be derided by some faction of popular-girls hinge-experts who will announce my impending demise because DID YOU SEE WHAT SIDE HER FRIDGE HINGES ON?
I know: I am a scandalous loser of tremendous proportions.
Turns out I’m fine with that.
This is not its home… but Paul is away and we did not know when delivery would be and failed to move stuff before he left blah blah blah.
In case you missed it, HERE is where the fridge has been moved to!
April 3, 2018 @ 10:59 am
Mazel Tov!!! It’s glorious!!!!!
April 3, 2018 @ 11:14 am
What an amazing deal, you must be so excited. i can’t wait to see the finished product! GFT fridge > any other fridge xAllie
April 3, 2018 @ 11:16 am
Hey, I fully support your decision to go with that fridge! You gotta do what you gotta do, forget the haters! They’re just jealous anyway! I can’t wait to see the final result of your kitchen renovation! Been waiting a long time, thank goodness there’s lots of good fur-baby posts in the meantime!
April 3, 2018 @ 11:27 am
I’m with Brenda on this….all of it
April 3, 2018 @ 1:49 pm
Me too! 🙂
April 3, 2018 @ 11:25 am
Congratulations! You found a wonderful refrigerator at a great price! And I bet it feels great to have that particular issue decided and done. I’m eagerly awaiting the completion of your kitchen. I know it will be gorgeous!
April 3, 2018 @ 11:26 am
Wow!!! You got your fridge for an A-@#$@-Masing price!!!! Again, wow!!!! Color me green!!; mine cost the equivalent of a small country’s tax base. But!!! I do truly love my fridge. Although, during guest visits, family affairs, and WTSO sales we overflow into the basement fridge. A must needs for us as we both come from large families and enjoy drinking wine (WTSO). Enjoy you purchase; it is definitely worth the $$$$
April 3, 2018 @ 11:26 am
You are entirely too fabulous to be concerned about what anyone, let alone Random Strangers on the Internet, think about anything you choose to do. I would have thought beautiful women were immune to that sort of thing, but maybe not. I certainly wouldn’t know from personal experience!
You got SUCH a good deal and it is so very exciting to know you’re getting closer to completion!
April 3, 2018 @ 11:28 am
Are you sure you can’t reverse the swing of the door? Most refrigerators have that option — maybe not Subzero? No matter — you got a great deal — some Samsungs and LG’s are close to $3,000!
April 3, 2018 @ 8:26 pm
I agree with Jayne, you should be able to switch the hinges! Please share some more fur babies with your next post, I’m going g through withdrawals!
April 3, 2018 @ 11:39 am
On almost ANY refrigerator, the swing of the door can be changed. Look where the hinges are, and on the opposite side they should be “plugged”. Same goes for handles. We had ours switched when the delivery guys came….but ours what not a Sub Zero, so maybe theirs are different….although it wouldnt make much manufacturing sense to only make left or right, instead of interchangeable.
April 3, 2018 @ 4:48 pm
Nope, there are only a few subzeros that have that feature, and they’re all under counter fridges.
April 3, 2018 @ 11:44 am
Is this warehouse sale finished? How did you suss this out? I am really happy for you. My mood has been lifted more than once by your blog. Just a tiny bit of advice with the fridge- remember to vacuum the compressor every four months. This will keep the unit working for twenty years. I had one in my last house along with my cat and dog and you would not believe the hair that travels to the vent even though it is not on the floor.
April 3, 2018 @ 11:51 am
Yaaaaayyyy so happy for you! And seriously looking at your previous fridge post, I can’t see how it’s so terrible that it’s right hinged – I can see advantages to both directions, so looks to me like it’s all good. Plus with your amazing piano island, and all the other GFTs I know you’ll incorporate, you will have the best kitchen on the planet! Envious…..
April 3, 2018 @ 12:02 pm
So you spent 3 grand on a fridge… it’s a fridge and it’s beautiful and it will make your life happy and your kitchen the way you want it. If anyone disses your choice just remember, that person probably bought an iphone for a grand and will be replacing it shortly. Or will drop it into a puddle/toilet and be sobbing when it happens. You on the other hand have a kick ass fridge.
April 3, 2018 @ 12:41 pm
You won’t regret that fridge. Mine is over 20 years old, easily repaired, and going strong. And it looks great: on Easter my 5 year old great niece was looking for a straw for her sister’s drink and opened the fridge. The adults were amused and told her she wouldn’t find it in the refrigerator, but then my brother looked at me and said: “well, it does look like a cabinet, so why wouldn’t she look there?” Why, indeed. Enjoy your great deal.
April 3, 2018 @ 1:20 pm
Yay! What an amazing ideal!
April 3, 2018 @ 1:21 pm
Deal!I meant deal!
April 3, 2018 @ 1:50 pm
What a great buy !!! We are having a Subzero fridge and Wolf stove delivered this week and I certainly would have made a road trip to save that many $$$$ We are in the midst of a kitchen reno and I have read every one of your posts. I love the GFT and Craigslist posts the best. Can’t wait to see the cooktop you choose in place.
April 3, 2018 @ 2:18 pm
Wow. Major decisions of the more irreversible type are being made. You are so brave. It took me about 5 years to make major commitment decisions regarding just my tiny “master bath.’
Congratulations!, and I am officially jealous of your great deal, and also sincerely happy for you! Nice score!
April 3, 2018 @ 4:26 pm
Amazing – a fantastic score!!! I love my subzero and how it looks in my kitchen with panels matching my cabinets. Interesting tidbit – according to our repairman, subzeros never die- they can always be repaired!!!
April 3, 2018 @ 5:12 pm
Can’t you switch the side it opens on? I always have to do that with mine. They’re always right hinge, the delivery guys switch it to the left. Did it myself once or twice.
April 3, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
We had a Sub-Zero for 18 years. The compressor did give out but it was BEFORE the warranty and Sub-Zero replaced it for free. I agree about vacuuming the coils. You would be surprised how dirty they get. The compressor is on the top so it is easy to access.
April 3, 2018 @ 6:29 pm
I can’t wait to see it installed 🙂 By the way I LOVE your pink velvet chairs in the background of your photos.
April 6, 2018 @ 2:18 pm
Had to look and those chairs are super awesome. Are they Eastlake? Please, more info on the dining set.