Do I really need a range hood?
I need to tell you my deepest darkest kitchen secret:
I do not like a range hood.
I hate them all.
I particularly detest the massive monument-to-wasted-space that has become a bizarre status symbol; like mounting a Range Rover over your stove.
Sure, you can choose one that is low-profile, but that would be in direct opposition to the opportunity to install an oversized jet-engine, directly in the place your face goes while standing at the stove.
Although obviously, (like any sensible person) I would trade a good portion of my soul for this kitchen.

Those sentences above are the beginning of a post I started months ago… Back when I thought I could withstand the scorn of the internet if I chose to not waste money and space on an appliance that I will never use.
I have since begun to fear the wrath of the Appropriate-Cooking-Evaluators: a band of angry militants who patrol the internet for violations which offend them personally; and who believe that forgoing a direct-vented range hood is akin to voluntarily injecting yourself with Ebola virus— unbelievably stupid.
Like this kitchen below– so terrible! Let’s take a moment to reflect on how badly we feel for these people that their kitchen is so subpar!

So why would I consider an about-face from hood-denier to herd-animal; when my preferred response to scorn and judgment is always to dig in my heels and run forward towards the executioner?
I guess the internet has broken me.
Specifically, a particular element to the internet that pervades every single topic that people can possibly form an opinion about: the mindset that there is ONLY ONE GOOD ACCEPTABLE WAY to do something that has zero impact on anyone else’s life.

The ONLY ONE GOOD ACCEPTABLE WAY people believe ONE THING, and then that is ALL THEY BELIEVE and they make it their life’s work to make sure anyone not doing THE WAY is immediately disqualified from life, clapped in irons, and dragged to the town square to be flogged for idiocy.
Which, upon reflection, is the source of all human conflict through history: your own opinions are fine, but other people’s are moronic and intolerable and deserving of the flaming cannonballs with chains.
Unless they happen to agree with you, in which case they are well-informed.

The ONLY ONE GOOD ACCEPTABLE WAY people’s initial input is well-meaning! (If bordering on didactic and unhinged.)
WHY! Why would someone WHO HAS BEEN WARNED!! Fail to instal a direct-vent range hood???
Look at THESE IDIOTS! Living without a range hood!

I am thinking specifically of a kitchen-chatboard thread, where a woman explained that it was IMPOSSIBLE to direct-vent her range hood. And she wondered if (seeing as how she couldn’t direct vent,) could she just skip the questionably-effective-substitute-which-is-essentially-just-a-fan and install a light fixture she had fallen in love with.
It was the light fixture of her dreams! A design element that would bring her peace and joy and goodwill towards all! A lamp that would improve her very existence on earth and she could die happy because SHE HAD THE BEST LAMP.
The responses varied… but there were an ALARMING number of respondents who were EXTREMELY BOTHERED by the fact that this woman was not gutting her kitchen to the studs and reconfiguring everything towards the goal of direct-venting the range hood… and she should probably just go out and rent a bulldozer THAT VERY NIGHT and knock it all down to the ground while flagellating herself for having considered any other option.

They basically went on to suggest that she was a filthy, squalor-dwelling subhuman moron.
And as I read on and on and on… I have to tell you that I was AMAZED at the PASSION total strangers were bringing to disparaging this woman and her lamp… I mean, who has time for lengthy screeds decrying other people’s DESIGN CHOICES?
And then I was EVEN MORE AMAZED at how these people do not realize that they look like flaming lunatics.
My FAVORITE response was from a woman who wrote:
This one time, we didn’t have a range hood, and we had to THROW AWAY ALL OF OUR BELONGINGS INCLUDING THE FURNITURE after one month BECAUSE THEY SMELLED SO FOUL AND HORRIBLE from non-vented cooking odors.
I don’t know about you… but that does NOT sell me on a vent… it DOES, however, make me wonder WHAT THIS WOMAN IS MAKING FOR DINNER.

Anyway. All of this is to explain that I do not want a range hood.
But that I am thinking about it anyway.
Because of the internet.
And I am mad about it.
The way I’ve decided to deal with this irritating anxiety that MY kitchen in MY house designed to MY preferences might draw the ire of some random stranger on the internet is to turn it over to you.
Here’s what you need to know: our township construction code does not require one. I will not have an eight-burner stove outgassing 67 billion btu’s/therms/whatever other specs.
This is your chance!
And if you fail to draw me out from the cave and convince me of the shadows on the wall, then you must return to your war room and inform the other ONLY ONE GOOD ACCEPTABLE WAY-ers that your method is flawed.

Please make a good argument! Definitely do not include information like this: you NEED a hood!
Because: SURPRISE! I do not!
I can prove that to you because we HAD a hood! It was direct-vented!
I never used it SO MUCH that I had Paul take it out.
Every single night I was like— WHY IS THIS THING RIGHT IN MY FACE?
Until eventually I was like– Plague of nonsense, BE GONE!
p.s.— save some outrage for the post where I explain how I’m thinking of not having a freezer.
VEB, squalor-dwelling subhuman moron, esq.
January 26, 2023 @ 12:59 am
I never cared for hoods but my husband made us put one in. We have high ceilings and I rarely used it. Now feeling very guilty for not using it because my daughters room directly above reeks of gas and food fumes. She is also the one of 3 children with breathing problems. I don’t know if it’s connected but there are safety codes where we live… maybe for a good reason that is not immediately obvious
April 4, 2023 @ 4:20 pm
Yes , you are r8
March 9, 2023 @ 12:08 am
We cook – a lot. It’s the rare day when there isn’t simmering sauce on all day…or sautéing peppers…or simply cooking pancakes in ghee. I can be in the bath at the opposite end of our 24000 sq ft, and 3 minutes after the range is lit my husband hears a screeching “TURN THE FAN ON!!!!”. In our Texas house, with central air / heat, the odor is omnipresent…and why would I want my closet to smell like garlic and onions? Or my drapes / upholstery to gradually absorb odors from years of fabulous Italian cooking?
April 4, 2023 @ 4:19 pm
I agree
April 1, 2023 @ 12:19 pm
Informative post, Keep posting.
April 6, 2023 @ 11:51 am
This post about skipping the range hood in a kitchen remodel has sparked quite a debate! It’s interesting to see how passionate people can get about their opinions, especially when it comes to home design. While some may feel that a range hood is a necessity, others may find it unnecessary or even unsightly. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide what they want in their own kitchen. As long as it meets safety standards and serves their needs, it’s all good. And by the way, that repurposed piano island sounds amazing! Can’t wait to see the finished kitchen.
April 16, 2023 @ 5:19 pm
🤣👍 Absolutely! Unless you want to set off the smoke alarm every time you cook, a range hood is a must-have kitchen appliance. Not to mention it helps keep your kitchen smelling fresh and clean! #NoMoreGreasyHairDays 🍔🍳👩🍳
July 12, 2023 @ 9:40 am
I have no idea how old this post is, but I’m always late to the party anyways so it’s new to me.
Hate, don’t want, loathe and all the synonyms apply to “I don’t want a range hood either”. The noise drives me crazy and we keep setting off our smoke alarm anyways. Frankly, every good thing we cook from filet mignon to pizza set off the alarm, to the point that if the alarm doesn’t go off, we wonder about the quality of the meal.
Anywho, we’re tearing apart our Kitchen as we speak and the first thing that will not be replaced is a range hood. And at 6’ 4” my husband will be thrilled not to have a giant obstacle at eye level when he cooks.
New fan (no pun intended). Following!
August 10, 2023 @ 6:02 pm
Personally, I also hate vent hoods. In our own home (that boasts a ceramic surface electric stove), we have a Broan-NuTone 509 through-the-wall exhaust fan that will suck the fillings right out of your teeth if you stand too close. It vents straight to the outside of the house and will clear burned bacon fumes before the smoke alarm can go off. Of course, not every kitchen layout can accommodate this approach effectively, nor does it meet building code in every situation (7 states + Washington D.C. patently disallow the purchase of them)….. but when it’s good, it’s GREAT.
April 3, 2024 @ 3:04 am
Thank you so much for uploading this type of content
October 4, 2024 @ 11:23 am
We have an electric stove and use the hood as a light. I, too, hate hoods – off it comes! Thank you!! (Love the kitchen pics – reminds me of all my grandmother’s/great-aunt’s kitchens. I’m sure wood smoke is/was more dangerous. Why don’t we like smelling food anymore? I loved that smell when stepping into a home when I was a youngster!)