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  1. shirley
    April 23, 2018 @ 10:57 am

    what’s on the other side of the wall behind the blind cabinet? you could put built-in storage on that side, a niche or a semi-invisible door.


    • KJo
      April 23, 2018 @ 11:32 am

      great thinking!
      If not that, then at least put a time capsule in the void for future residents to discover.


  2. fixitchick
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:04 am

    What about a diagonal corner? Just a smidge more space and you can put 3 tall narrow cans in it for trash and recycling. Or a corner china cabinet? I am trying to figure out how to make our kitchen out of antique furniture, because the wood is better, the construction better, it is less expensive, I like antiques, I hate most modern cabinets, ad infinitum.


  3. Gerry
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:07 am

    Paul is correct. The pull out drawers in the corner are a total waste of valuable under cabinet space.


    • Barb
      December 29, 2020 @ 7:25 pm

      So no they are not. Kraft maid has cabinets that match the angle of the corner drawers so there is no wasted space. I did it in my kitchen. Works well


  4. L
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:07 am

    “Literally, the cabinet guy didn’t even finish the sentence and Paul had died of OBJECTION.”
    I love this concept. My husband dies of the dame injury every day or so!


    • Abi Jett
      April 30, 2018 @ 1:12 pm



    • Jan
      April 16, 2021 @ 7:35 am

      Put a fake skeleton in the dead space for the next owners. LOL


  5. Dana
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:08 am

    I have a lazy Susan corner cabinet. It is from the devil’s workshop. My favorite part is when things fall off of the lazy Susan and get wedged in the back, thus keeping lazy Susan from turning at all until the thing is somehow dug out from the WAY FAR back.

    I didn’t even know corner drawers existed! Wow. They look good.


    • Kay
      April 24, 2018 @ 10:13 am

      I too have a lazy Susan cabinet, and in 28 years nothing has ever fallen off and lodged in the back so as to stop revolution. I don’t love the cabinet but find it serviceable, and it sure holds a lot. Victoria is right—there is no perfect solution to the corner problem. But I agree with Paul that the lazy Susan is the most efficient solution.


  6. Anita
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:08 am

    I use that dead space to store things I NEVER use but will not get rid of like my bog coffee urn


  7. Rhonda
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:09 am

    My daughter has a lazy Susan in her kitchen corner and it is WONDERFUL. Somehow the cabinet face is attached, and you just push, and there is goes. So much storage space! The drawer option you pictured above is a good idea, too.


    • Suzanne (do NOT call me Susan!)
      April 23, 2018 @ 7:42 pm

      I had the same lazy Susan as your daughter in a kitchen several houses ago. After pinching my fingers in there more than once, I wouldn’t choose that again!


      • Rhonda
        April 26, 2018 @ 12:53 pm

        Yikes! That hasn’t happened to us yet. It’s a new house, so maybe an improved design?


  8. Susan (not lazy, well maybe on a Sunday morning)
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:18 am

    How about attaching drawer fronts to the top of 2 cabinet doors that are hinges together to create the look of the drawer/door combo but still getting the lazy Susan?


    • Linda D.
      April 23, 2018 @ 12:25 pm

      You beat me to it. If the only objection is how the doors look from the outside, then I’d make false drawers on the cabinet door for visual symmetry. How a kitchen works is critical, so if you’re cursing not being able to reach into the back of the cabinet easily, I think you might regret making *actual* symmetry a priority – especially when your back and knees get to be as old as mine! ha-ha.
      The other issue for me is comparing ‘space’ v. ‘usable space’. If I can’t get into the space easily, it’s useless to me even if it exists in the physical Universe. So while I understand Paul’s desire to maximize storage, the truth is most humans stop using things that are difficult.
      So I’d figure out how I want it to work on the inside and then go for visual balance on the outside (as opposed to actual symmetry) – nobody’s got a better eye than you!
      I was intrigued by the idea of a lazy susan recycling center – since recycling is a necessary function AND there’s no wasted space OR bending and spelunking, that solution gets my vote! Plus it appears to be near the sink no matter which wall you place it on.


  9. Roger
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:18 am

    OMG! That last pic with the drawers!?!?!?! A whole lot of drawer for NO space!!

    Not sure if this will send you spinning, but if not too late in the job, or expense, I highly recommend the toe kick drawers below the cabinets. Great for all those tupperware lids, appliance paperwork, etc. I didn’t know they were an option until a friend got them.


    • Tawnya
      April 23, 2018 @ 4:33 pm

      AND the toe kick cabinets are good for built in / easy to hide kitty food bowls. Or for storage of large ornate and fancy serving platters. Less fancy baking sheets go good there as well. Or storage of extra rolls of aluminum foil, wax and parchment paper if you like to stock up when they go on sale. If you need such mundane things in your ornate and grand kitchen space. =)


  10. Erica
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:24 am

    I would go for the two-individual-shelves Lazy Susan concept in a heartbeat! I have a traditional 3-tiered Lazy Susan in my 50’s era kitchen and have very few complaints- it is where all small appliances live: food processor, blender, toaster, juicer, stick blender and salad spinner. The beauty of it is that, for easy retrieval, each item can rotate around to being directly in front of you so that you don’t have to reach over other items in order to pull just one thing out. I hate cramped cabinet spaces as much as I abhor a cluttered countertop and am a much happier cook if everything is easy to retrieve and easy to put away.


  11. spiffi
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:24 am

    I have been researching this, as I have the blind corner option in my kitchen – TWO of them. Only they were done even more ridiculously and the shelving doesn’t extend into the blind corner – so things just fall off into the depths and the cabinets are entirely useless.

    The last photo of the drawer-fronts with drawers – that IS the solution – except THOSE drawers are obviously not correct. You want drawers that use up the depth of the corner!

    (link if the photo doesn’t embed –


    • Lena Campbell
      April 23, 2018 @ 9:17 pm

      We are planning our kitchen and these drawers are the solution we have chosen for our corner. In 15 years, I have accessed the lazy Susan approximately three times. Complete waste because they hold so little.


  12. Lori W.
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:25 am

    So, what would the objection to this other than it is ugly?

    Oh, wait.



    • Kiki
      April 23, 2018 @ 12:32 pm

      wow …. what a bunch of clever ideas!!!!


    • Mary
      April 25, 2018 @ 11:22 pm

      I was going to link to the same site. When we redid our kitchen, we opted for the swing out. I love it…I store my crockpot, deep fryer & other things that I want to be accessible but not out in the open.


  13. Graham
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:26 am

    How about faux drawer front on full cabinet doors for either option 1 or 2? Symmetry plus function?


  14. LaNell
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:26 am

    What about faux drawer fronts on top as part of the bifold doors so you have symmetry? Then you could have that awesome lazy susan with garbage cans!


  15. Toni
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:26 am

    The one thing Paul is failing to consider: What’s the difference between space that is not used or objects that fill the space that never get used because they are impossible to get to or are forgotten simply because we never see them!!!????


  16. Elizabeth
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:28 am

    I have a blind space in the corner of my kitchen, too. Do you need a space for a reverse osmosis equipment for treatment of your water? It does not have to be accessed frequently and would solve the “wasted space” problem.


    • Cat Covell
      April 23, 2018 @ 11:56 am

      Great idea!!!


  17. JeanFB
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:29 am

    Ok first, a am on the edge of my seat in anticipation of the NWoF! I have full faith in you that it is magnificent! Secondly – Paul is wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. If I may offer an explanation that Paul may understand…. in his entire life of having cabinets with doors, behind which there are shelves, has he ever stacked those shelves all the way up to the absolute top? Such that there was no space between items and the top – everything is wedged in there, not an inch of space to spare? No? Well then, there is room for pull-out drawers/shelves. And…. things don’t come crashing out, there are not tall piles of things to fall over, because they are all happily sitting on their little pull-out platform (onto which you can certainly stack things, too, just not dangerously tall stacks), and they are very easily accessible, and you do not have to crawl on the ground, reaching back into the depths of the shelf for that thing in the back…. (yes, words, words, words – I too love words) Truly I say to him, I went from customary doors-and-shelves lower cabinets to drawers and pullout shelves and it has changed my kitchen life! Maybe some cabinet showroom has a way of demonstrating how all of the things that fit into doors-with-shelves cabinets WILL fit into drawers, and be way more accessible – if they don’t, they should (marketing plan anyone?). Cuz it does. Whew, I’m done lecturing Paul for now….. but I’ll be watching….. 😉


    • Diane
      April 24, 2018 @ 10:37 am

      Totally agree. Pull outs and large drawers have changed my life. I store so much more in my kitchen than before with easy access.


  18. Allie
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:33 am

    I am with you, symmetry > everything. Perhaps you can put everything you rarely use in the dead space? Isn’t it frustrating how much if design involves things that don’t have to do with fanciness?! xAllie


  19. Sheila
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:34 am

    Make a routed, finished hole in the counter the size of cans and/bottles, and if you can access the rear or side of the dead space from another room, make that a recycling spot. We were fortunate enough that the dead space was accessible in our tiny adjoining bathroom, so we lined it with painted wainscoting and rolled towels to fit inside.


  20. judy
    April 23, 2018 @ 11:40 am

    I second the suggestion of fixit chick-an antique corner cabinet-perhaps in the same dark wood as your other GFT scores. You would need to split it in order to preserve counter space but it could carry your theme to another corner of the overall genius space. This undoubtedly sounds ugly and awful to your readers but with your eye for form and beauty you could execute a design that would turn straw into Gold. Finding this piece would extend the completion date thus allowing Paul a respite from worrying about the @#$%^& Kitchen while hes’ sunning on a lovely Hawaiian Beach and sipping on one of those things in a pineapple


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