While the cat’s away, the mice will buy stuff.
Paul is away for work.
I could have gone with him, but there were some problems… such as being required to (not only) leave the house, but also spend a full 24 hours on a plane or in an airport; which is in direct opposition to all of my defining character traits.
I won’t hash that out because either that makes perfect, OBVIOUS sense to you, or it does not.

Paul has traveled a lot in the last year, and his absences have given me plenty of time to think about the way I am limiting my life because of Self’s preference for her own bed.
I’m fine with it!
But other people (who claim to know me, but clearly don’t) keep trying to call into question my self-awareness by saying things like: BUT HAWAII IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!
As though Hawaii’s beauty is relevant?
It’s not.
I promise.
It’s just that I hate everything that other people think is fun.
Except auctions.
Auctions > Hawaii
Who knew!
I have no idea what is with the cow bench, but it sold for EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS… as I was typing that, I was confused all over again because: who pays that much for a bench that looks like a cow?
The pure madness of it made me google and… wow, okay, COW BENCHES ARE EXPENSIVE! The guy got a good deal!
All the other urns you see are reproductions… the one I bought is the only true antique.
My price for the urn I won was $60. Plus tax and buyer’s fee put me close to $75… this is more than (what I consider) a GREAT price, but it’s still good and I have LONG been looking for just the right urn for INSIDE the house.
I bought this pair last year (for a true steal!) but the size was not quite what I wanted for inside… the aspect-ratio (or something) of this one is exactly what I wanted, and of course I LOVE the handles!!
I know this is not the urn’s original base, but I’m fine with it; no one but a true urn-connoisseur would enter my home and openly judge me for having a mismatch… and if that were to ever happen, I would be overjoyed to meet my soulmate!
But also suspicious that I have finally met Unknown Assailant… Remember him? The mystery bidder who robbed me of my one true destiny in life.
Intermission while I relive the agony.

Ok! So below is what the base should look like… but considering this sold for $950, I feel alright!
Although this one’s patina is arguably THAT good.
Below is the base mine is paired with.

If you would like to purchase these urns for me, I will trade you my soul… it is in good usable condition; and who doesn’t need a spare soul for emergency purposes?
Think about it!
Anyway… the silver color is (shockingly) not doing anything for me, and I’m thinking I’ll paint it white.
If I were putting it outside, I would do black… (my BEST urn find is black and I love the pair of tabletop urns that are also black) but for the corner inside the house where I am thinking this will be best, I think white/light/bright/matches window trim and molding, etc.
I do wish it were already painted a color I like, and that that color had had time outside to naturally fade/distress, because I LIKE the rusty look… but c’est la vie– such is the life of a non-wealthy urn hoarder.
My intention is to plant something in it.
I used the arrangement I have on top of the old glass ribbon display cabinet to make the photos appear that I lead an enviably flower-filled life of charm, glamour, and Pinterest-worthy simplicity… but I will get something smaller that actually fits as an insert, so that you do not see the container.
I’m probably not going floral; as nice as it would look filled with seasonal blooms! Forced bulbs in winter! Daffodils, lavender, pansies, ranunculus in spring!
Floral height is lovely! But no maintenance is lovelier! So some type of evergreen… and maybe some moss… or maybe Sagina Subulata which is a nice alternative to moss– it gets a tiny little flower and spreads quickly.
I don’t want to be swapping out/replanting stuff inside the house… I’ve done it before and (because I am not a wealthy horticulturist with people to clean my mess) the dirt/repotting/bother is a deterrent.
Bunny Mellon, thou art inimitable (and frankly, a little irritating.)
It would be fine/super easy if you just bought the full-grown plants and stuck the containers in there and then threw them away when done, but I’m compelled to start everything from seed which is inexpensive; but a whole tedious production I’m WAY over once we get all the vegetables finished.
Infact! Below is a video of how I start my seeds… I made it back when I was a baby blogger who did not know that gardening posts = no one cares.
I am thrilled to foist it on the three of you who will watch it!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:15 am
Would you then consider yourself an curn-oisseur?
It was there. I know. I need to go be creative now, right?
April 26, 2017 @ 10:23 am
I was literally just thinking of watching your soil block-making video the other day, because I’m a little behind on seed starting and I need to get the show on the road. I read all of your gardening posts the week I found your blog so….I guess I’m one of the three!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:25 am
I, too, hate things other people think are fun. And sure, Hawaii’s beautiful, but I can Google it and enjoy the beauty without subjecting myself to a) airports, b) heat, and c) the sun. Pale northern European people were not meant for sunshine.
April 26, 2017 @ 10:26 am
Call me crazy… I loved that video and I’ve never seen anything like that, nor did I know you could do that on your own or that such a tool existed. If I’m being honest, I think what I loved most is seeing Elvis under the heat/light. <3
April 26, 2017 @ 12:19 pm
I’ve never seen that either. Very cool tool and the cat had the best idea. Who needs sun when you have the warmth of lights. 🙂
May 1, 2017 @ 9:37 pm
What Christina Ulrey said.
April 26, 2017 @ 10:27 am
Fabulous urn! It would such a pity to paint it white, but I love the idea of rust http://www.porterspaints.com/paints/speciality-finishes/liquid-iron–instant-rust
April 26, 2017 @ 10:27 am
April 26, 2017 @ 10:50 am
I WAS GONNA SAY BONZAI! Brilliant. Do it!!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:51 am
That’s a great idea!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:29 am
Now I need an urn…and a kitten. Though, I feel like the 4 other cats I already have would disagree (about the kitten part at least.) I LOVE reading all your posts – thanks for sharing!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:33 am
Gorgeous urn!! And I actually enjoyed your video. Where did you get the tool that makes the blocks?
Thankfully, Susan
April 26, 2017 @ 10:37 am
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2q7x1zD
The original post I wrote has more info… they come in different sizes, and depending on what you are growing, you might want bigger or smaller.
It does take a minute to get the hang of it, but it saves SO much space!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:37 am
I actually saw a cow bench at an ice cream place the other day. At least there is one place that it fits into.
April 26, 2017 @ 10:40 am
Love the urn! There are people who watch gardening videos. I just watched your seed starting video.
Well done. There are even people who get paid for making gardening videos and I’m one of them!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:43 am
I actually watched that video way back when, even though I kill all the plants just by looking at them. Because every other year or so, I get it into my head that the problem is that I haven’t tried (made it complicated) enough. So I watch videos, read up, shop for all the insane tools… and then I spend too much money for zero surviving plants and remember why I shouldn’t even try. Throw everything away, rinse and repeat.
In alternate years, it occurs to me that if I saved the money I spend on these insane attempts, I could just be paying a team of really competent gardeners, and I’d have the yard of my dreams anyway. But then I start thinking how cool it would be to have an indoor greenhouse and off I go.
April 26, 2017 @ 10:47 am
Ha! I love your blog and watch/read gardening posts too! Especially if we are talking vegetables and herbs! Kitten with socks and urn…perfect!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:49 am
Have you checked out Everything But The House website? On Facebook, its EBTH. !!!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:49 am
I love Elvis in this video!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:50 am
Such a serious, very useful video! I may have my husband do the same as it would make me feel efficient and green thumb-like. Always a pleasure to find you in my ‘inbox’.
April 26, 2017 @ 10:57 am
I wanted you to know that I really loved your post on soil blocks. In fact, It looked to be so easy and a lot more fun than filling little starter pots (which then have to be cleaned and stored for another year) that I immediately bought one and can’t wait to give it a try.
PS: reading your blog is something I truly enjoy. it makes my day and never fails to put a smile on my face 😊
PPS: I guess I’m one of the three!
April 26, 2017 @ 10:57 am
I think you should go to sculpt nouveau, buy some copper metal coating, paint it, then put tiffany patina on it and leave it in the crevices only. No, I don’t work for them. I just make a lot of stuff(steampunk, anyone?) that needs to look aged or like metal but isn’t.
April 26, 2017 @ 11:06 am
For some of us old folks, the orange is very hard to read. Perhaps make it bold?
April 26, 2017 @ 11:15 am
As a fellow bed and home lover I completely agree! No way I could make an 18 hour flight to Hawaii! Yea! I am not alone!
April 26, 2017 @ 11:25 am
Love the Urns! I have a rusty white one that I inherited. My Mom got it on our trip to Illinois from Washington State, and it rode on the top of our ’62 Chevy station wagon all the way home! What do you put underneath the urn to protect your wood floor? Will you have Paul make you a pretty oak platform with moulding on the sides?