And then I looked on Craigslist… Antique Brass Balance Scale, WITH LIONS.
A while ago, Paul FORCED me to acquire crap I did not need or want.
I TRIED to avoid it, and suggested an alternate solution— I would not get the dishes, but keep the CRAP-OPPORTUNITY… a crap-raincheck.
Paul said— no. But if you take the dishes, they can COME WITH an IOU for FUTURE crap… NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
Hoarder says what?
Then I went and looked on Craigslist.
Brief aside to say if you emailed me to buy the dishes and I didn’t answer, I AM SORRY… my brain is… … … overwhelmed… … … What is even happening in the world.
Also, I cannot sell them because I did not tell Paul the epilogue where it turned out they were NOT MY GRANDMOTHER’S DISHES.
Correct, he does not read my blog… which I guess makes him sound SOME KIND OF WAY… which he absolutely is… but also, the full, in-person, VEB-experience is very immersive and certainly more than enough for any human.
Craigslist IOU.
The best part of Craigslist is you will just be scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, crap, crap, crap…
Brass Victorian + LIONS = MY JAM.
The ornate top section is brass, under the black paint… the post is brass, pans are brass… base is cast iron.
I paid $75.
My plan for it was SO GOOD!! I would put it on the kitchen counter… filled with lemons on the big side, garlic on the small side… But when we showed up, I was like— errr… This thing is giant! Not something I would put on the counter.
So now I am just moving it from room to room to see where it feels at home.
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That’s it! The end! The shortest post I have ever written!
Oh, wait!
My people.
Christmas Self is feeling AGGRESSIVELY FESTIVE this year.
November 28, 2021 @ 4:51 pm
Every now and then I Google you to see if I’ve missed something somewhere, but no . . . . you have completely disappeared and you are missed. Hope to hear from Big Fancy Land soon, here or elsewhere.
March 1, 2022 @ 1:03 am
Where are you? Are you okay? I miss your rants, your projects, your kittens, your husband, your purchases, your spice-sarcasm-sass! Come back please!
August 1, 2022 @ 12:53 pm
For any of you who check in here to see where VEB is, I stumbled across this article in the Philadelphia Enquirer today. I actually bought a s subscription so I could read the article, and then I’ll cancel it. Nothing new or surprising but she’s STILL ALIVE, FOLKS! Honestly I was getting worried.
August 1, 2022 @ 12:56 pm
Oops my bad, I guess this is old. I was misled by the way the online paper is presented, with today’s date in the upper left corner and the words “today’s paper” which I guess is a link, not a statement (insert eye roll here). Sorry for the false alarm. I really do hope VEB is ok. I google her now and again just to check. That’s how I ran across the article.
September 12, 2022 @ 11:00 pm
Hellooooooooo! You, your GFT’s, your foster cats, your husband Paul, your kitchen and your updates are greatly missed. I hope you are ok!