Want to see our kitchen island? I THINK YOU ARE GOING TO LIKE IT. *video*
This is part 1… here is: two, three, four, five, six, seven
Last summer, I saw a posting on Craigslist.
I went to show Paul, and he said– we are definitely not getting a piano.
This is exactly what I was hoping he would say, because who does not love being the one to reveal an exciting plot twist?
I shouted– SURPRISE!
We are DEFINITELY getting a piano!
I thrust my fist into the air— to indicate action and piano-getting.
Then I marched up and down the street with my gong, announcing— Here’ye! Here’ye! I SHALL HAVE ALL OF THE GIANT FANCY THINGS.
Also, for the record, only someone who does not read my blog would mistake this for a piano. CLEARLY, this is our kitchen island.
I explained my idea to Paul… at length… which took about five seconds.
Here it is, for your consideration.
Acquire item of giant fanciness.
Put the giant fanciness in the kitchen.
The End.
I guess I did not explain it right, because Paul said – don’t you think a piano in the kitchen might be a little bit… much?
This confused me– a little bit much?
No. I think it will be a LOT much… much like myself.
Paul thought about this. Then he went back and rifled through his rolodex of anticlimactic responses.
He said – well, it’s an interesting idea.
Let’s think about it for a little while.
Stalemate. After impasse. After deadlock.
Fortunately, I am trained for this: this entire house project has been an extended drill session where I’ve eschewed all reasonable housewares and set fire to anything from Homegoods.
And ultimately, I guess Paul forgot to ask himself the one really, really, really important question: If this piano exists, DO I THINK VICTORIA WILL CHOOSE ANYTHING ELSE?
June 30, 2016 @ 7:37 pm
DUDE. In. Sane. I feel like I am reading a book that everyone else has read and I am so behind and am about to get spoilers. A freakin piano as an island. Genius. #nospoilersplease
October 20, 2016 @ 3:01 pm
OH, MY GOODNESS SAKES! I can not believe you took this piano apart. My son and his wife have one like this. The keys are in bad shape, but they are hoping to get it restored someday. What did you do with your keyboard? Do you still have it, and is it in good condition? if you still have it, please let me know and if you are interested in selling the keyboard.
January 10, 2017 @ 2:23 am
I love you! I love the way you express your self! Keep going!
August 3, 2017 @ 11:32 am
I have one of these pianos in my shop for my kitchen remodeling job. I cannot wait to see it up. I have had it stored for 2 years now and it is almost time to get her out. I also have another upright for a coffee/wine bar. I dont want to gut mine as much though .
November 7, 2017 @ 2:34 pm
hahahaha LOVE this Blog!!!!!!
November 30, 2017 @ 9:42 am
This video is so freaking cute and exciting that I cried. I actually cried. I’m also sure that has absolutely nothing to do with menstrual horomones.
January 19, 2018 @ 12:15 am
OMG. I think my sister has this piano. I’m sending her a link to you!
September 27, 2019 @ 8:25 pm
The piano island is great! I am trying to watch this on my I phone an it does not do well with the cracks I have in the phone screen. I cracked my replacement phone the next day. It did save me from hot “torched” metal from burning me. Any way. I can take apart induction cooktops and rebuild an fix them almost blind folded now. I have four of them.er make that 5 tops. How did you put it into the top of piano? I have been studying this for a while. It looks great! I have a bakery, catering, an special order business (smoked,bbq). Also in the military, have a federal technician job, taking classes on line, have the business, an foster kids, an could keep going about me. I really want to know how to do the top (induction). If you could please tell me, my wife might stop fussing about all the cooking devices I have. If I showed you my kitchen you would ask me if that really is my kitchen. There is two am feet of counter then the induction cooktop (creaked 1 month old)) then another two an half feet of counter, refrigerator. That is it.!