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  1. Sandi
    April 2, 2013 @ 10:41 am

    This sounds fantastic and I hope I can still come even though I have no awesome finds.

    THOUGH I was reminded by the word “stolen” of the time I stole a roadblock – complete with flashing light! – for my boyfriend’s bedroom. This was in 1984, so I’m fairly certain the statute of limitations has run out. Besides, I returned it. Really.

    I am SO SUPER EXCITED to see what has you all excited. And I have to say, I would not consider that there is a tattoo on earth that would require a moving van UNLESS you meant a tattoo on a King Kong replica. Or something.

    And then, who’d know?

    You’re adorable.


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 2, 2013 @ 11:26 am

      I’m laughing out loud at the realization that you are correct; no tattoo requires a moving van… I guess that reveals my lack of ink. Or my overwhelming fear of needles.

      I would TOTALLY take the submission of your roadblock story. Did your boyfriend appreciate your thoughtfulness? Was he Emilo Estevez? Judd — what was his last name?

      I appreciate your support, even if you’re not motivated to explore your inner materialist… I personally am a sad, empty, soulless person who finds deep satisfaction in STUFF… and since this is the internet, I’m pretty sure I can find some others like me.


  2. Tkraft Art & Interiors
    April 2, 2013 @ 11:55 am

    Count me in!


  3. Heidi S.
    April 2, 2013 @ 1:46 pm

    Oooh, can’t wait to see what your brought home! Clearly I need to spend more time on Craigslist. It looks like you are in Center City in the picture. I have a pretty funny story from my previous dumpster diving days (which had to be stopped before I became a complete hoarder). I will have to see about whether I will make it a post or just share it next week.


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 2, 2013 @ 5:41 pm

      Yup… right behind Whole Foods area. YOU are going to be so MAD that I scored this. No lie. Even if you have no place for it, you’ll still want it.

      I’m proud of my hoarding status… Paul thinks I will have to stop when I run out of room… but I’m just going to start stacking the stuff on top of itself…


  4. Tonya
    April 2, 2013 @ 1:56 pm

    You are killing me. Have to work so can’t make the party, but CAN’T wait to see your treasure.

    Favorite find…oh, that is a hard one. I will have to brainstorm. I have way to many treasures:)


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 2, 2013 @ 5:44 pm

      Okay, you made me aware of a huge flaw in my wording—forget the time… COME ANYTIME. After work, the next day… day after that… I’ll be here, the link-up will be open for seven days to share your post!

      Just let yourself in… I’ll leave the door unlocked!!


  5. Danielle
    April 2, 2013 @ 2:39 pm

    You are such a tease! Can’t wait to see what you found. Can’t wait to hear Paul’s take on the experience.


  6. Mandy
    April 2, 2013 @ 4:36 pm

    I am intrigued!! I can’t wait to see your fav find! It must be something really great to have you so excited!
    Hmm…..will have to have a think about my fav find. I’ve had so many good ones……
    See you tuesday!!!


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 3, 2013 @ 11:59 am

      I KNOW you’ll have something good!! Maybe you need to do a post about a collection of things? Not just one…


  7. D'Arcy H
    April 2, 2013 @ 9:17 pm

    What a fun idea! And what a hard homework assignment, because my whole house is my favorite find! Trying to pick the one fave piece in it is tough because I have SO much precious STUFF! What would I grab if our house were about to disappear into a sinkhole (besides the dog and all the cats I could wrangle)? Hmm … gotta think …

    Also, thanks, Victoria, for explaining some of that esoteric blog stuff in your previous post. I made a start by sizing my photos correctly. I plan to attend a Wordcamp in June, where I hope someone will hand me the keys to the kingdom!


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 3, 2013 @ 12:07 pm

      I know… I feel that way about a lot of things too, but this new find of mine pretty much kicked them all out of the running. Maybe you need a post of your top ten favorite things? Or a theme to talk about more than one?

      If they hand out keys at your WordCamp, I’m going to be mad… because I left just with a laundry list of things I didn’t understand… but, it’s amazing how easy it is to overlook things you’re unaware of, and exposing yourself to them in any way is ultimately helpful.


  8. A City Girl
    April 2, 2013 @ 10:31 pm

    well darn…you didn’t ask us to guess what you got. I was going to guess a giant disco ball. LOL
    My best find is a brand new exercise bike I got from the swap shop at my local dump. ITS AWESOME and it was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 3, 2013 @ 12:10 pm

      LOL!!! A giant disco ball is maybe the only thing BETTER than what I did get…

      Is it weird that I am totally jealous of the words: “swap shop,at my local dump”? We don’t have one of those… clearly I’m missing out!!


  9. Emily K.
    April 3, 2013 @ 12:18 pm

    Gah! The teasing! Great idea, though… the way you’re hook, line, and sinkering us into a party. This is my RSVP. Do you need any extra hors d’oeuvres? Maybe some olives stuffed with feta?


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 3, 2013 @ 2:03 pm

      Oooo. Yes! And since you’re bringing virtual treats, you can splurge for the good stuff!!

      Can’t wait to see your find!! I know you share my love of found STUFF!


  10. jen
    April 3, 2013 @ 2:38 pm

    Count me in! Can’t wait to see what you found and this gives me good motivation to write something interesting on my blog for a change. I think I’m going to end up with a post dedicated to all the found seating options in our house. Chairs/couches/benches are clearly my weakness!


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 4, 2013 @ 10:49 am

      I have kind of a seat-fetish too… I see old chairs in the trash and feel compelled to “rescue” them. Can’t wait to see your favorites!!


  11. Jessica@CapeofDreams
    April 3, 2013 @ 3:15 pm

    Party! I’ll be there. I just have to figure out what is my favorite find. There are so many to choose from.


  12. Garden, Home and Party
    April 3, 2013 @ 7:37 pm

    I am so happy to be on guitar on this one, can’t carry a tune! I’m excited to be part of this upcoming party. I’m currently searching for my “favorite find” which is challenging since I have so many favorite things, can we select more than one?


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 4, 2013 @ 10:51 am

      YES! Rules are for breaking! Especially if you’re lead guitar in a band… those guys are usually rebels. 🙂


  13. Sarah
    April 5, 2013 @ 11:41 am

    Favorite find…that’s tough. I’ve got too many! I can’t promise it will just be one but I’ll for sure have a post to link up!


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 5, 2013 @ 12:32 pm

      I know… defining any one thing as best is hard… I mean, the thing I’m writing about isn’t the treasure I’d grab in a fire.

      I’m weirdly excited to see total stranger’s finds!! Glad you’re going to play along!


  14. Alex
    April 5, 2013 @ 12:32 pm

    Excuse me I have to go promote this now… 🙂


  15. Mandy
    April 6, 2013 @ 8:12 am

    Love your new social media buttons! Just too cool!!


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 6, 2013 @ 8:16 am

      THANKS!! I am ridiculously pleased with them!! It’s the little things, I guess… plus those old typewriters just make such a lovely photo!!


  16. Christina | Little Victorian
    April 9, 2013 @ 8:10 am

    I got it! I found my treasure. It was only (literally) right in front of me. I only spend night and day working on it and thinking about what I could do with it.

    Can I be your back up singer? I’ll post about it today.


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      April 10, 2013 @ 10:36 am

      This comment notification got eaten by all of yesterday’s! I hope you’ll still link up… I’d love to see your find!!??


  17. Fl!p Breskin
    May 5, 2014 @ 1:35 am

    I LOVE your writing, photos, and Giant Fancy Things! I am SO sorry I missed this link up (didn’t know about you, or even about link ups a year ago. But I’ve been posting photos of MY house and MY stuff on forever. And then last year they wrote and asked if they could do a feature on my house. I had two simultaneous and opposite reactions. I thought my head would fly off. First: VINDICATED!!! I am SO good at this!!! and a nanosecond later: Oh SHIT I have to get my house CLEAN!!!! And my garden!!!! Aaaargh!!!!! We lived through it, but Houzz didn’t publish a full shot of my life-size moss covered stag in the back garden, which is obviously the coolest thing about the whole place. But that’s life….

    And now, we’re about to tear apart the kitchen (which we should have done first thing) and build a bathroom on the north side instead of in the southeast corner, with the best potential light and view in the whole house (including a view of Moss Hart, the stag). We will also build a main floor bedroom, ramps, and make sure kitchen, bath & bedroom are fully accessible, which will require trashing some of the best parts of my beloved garden. But will, when all is said and done, let us live here for another 20 to 30 years, with luck. (We should live so long…)

    Anyway, what I’m dying to show off is my Craigslist vintage DENTAL SPIT SINK! In robin’s egg blue & milk glass. Utterly steampunk. As near as I can tell, there are six different ways to turn on or control the various spigots. Bright chrome. Superb condition. Utterly insane. I have a neighbor who is a retired plumber. I can’t wait to beg his help getting it ready to plumb in, right beside the 1880s Victorian corner sink. And then there’s the Hollywood Regency brass framed glass coffee table top that’s about to have a new life as the mirror above these jewels. And the sconces in the shape of white porcelain hands-holding-light-bulbs to go on either side. My more normal friends (and the dental-phobes) may run screaming, but I know I will have the coolest bathroom in town. These are not all my house, but look like what I’m aiming at. But those are my sinks & a similar glass table. And my sconces!


  18. Jeanette
    May 28, 2014 @ 11:39 am

    Can you do this again?? Please? Can I make the guest list ;-)?? I missed the original, didn’t find you in time, but now I am hooked! And it is just about yard sale time – massive whole town tag sales…between those and craigslist, not to mention the two giant consignment shops in town, I am sure to be inspired to find a *new* treasure to share!!


  19. Norma Oh
    August 16, 2014 @ 6:53 pm

    I would love to have known about this in time to participate. I read all the comments hoping to see your best latest flinders revealed, but no luck. What was it???? Am totally intrigued now. I will share mine if you share yours! I could not take mine if the house caught fire… Wish I had an old Victorian house. I did live in one as a college student – it was from 1905 with original leaded glass, shiny wood floors and plate rails. Loved it (except the wallpaper in the kitchen that has 13 colours in it – yes I took the time to count them because I could not get my head around it.


  20. Isabella
    December 10, 2014 @ 12:36 am

    Ok, so, I’m reading the blog from beginning but can’t find the post on the THE THING. Is it like the rapture. If you’re late, you miss it and tough noogies?


    • Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
      December 10, 2014 @ 10:27 am

      laughing at your comment… the find was the Victorian wardrobe … (the link-up isn’t live anymore because the widget/thingy/plugin/tech site went out of business.)

      thanks for pointing out that I need to link this post to that one!!


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