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  1. Robyn
    August 22, 2016 @ 7:21 pm

    Hi Victoria-
    I was so glad to see this post, I have been worried about you. Are you sure you won’t fall in love with Beryl? She is so cute with those extra toes and she really looks like she needs some extra love. Maybe you will come to love her in time. The tuxedos are just too cute, they remind me of my Olie that I lost a few years back. Both my cats were rescues, they are the greatest. My dog is a rescue too! Best to you and the kitties!


  2. Sherri
    August 22, 2016 @ 8:03 pm

    I think Berla needs a great last name, so maybe Berla Footalotta. Berla Bigfoot for short.


  3. Christine
    August 22, 2016 @ 10:42 pm

    Awww, kitty purrs and whiskers. I like kitties!


  4. Anne
    August 23, 2016 @ 2:39 pm

    Be still my heart… That is the cutest litter of kittens I’ve ever seen! We have 2 tuxedo girl cats and one all black old man cat. My cat from childhood was a girl tuxedo, so I’m partial to the B&W kitties >^.^<

    My kids and I started volunteering with the cats this summer at our local Humane Society and it's been a great experience. So glad Berla is recuperating well and that all of your resident kitties are helping you heal.


  5. Gaylin
    September 14, 2016 @ 5:14 pm

    You are the silliest, intelligent person I know!(ok, that I follow) your awesome in every way!
    Your charming girlfriend! Wish you lived in California ? Also on a side note,you make me look better to my husband who thinks I have lost it on days. Thank You!!!


  6. Melissia
    September 15, 2016 @ 7:16 pm

    I also want to thank you for fostering the kittens and Berla. Upper respiratory infections in cats can take weeks to resolve and can be very contagious, that is why those cats in the shelter are often slated to be killed. Getting Berla out of the shelter to a clean, low stress environment will do amazing things for her. Often the air quality can precipitate illness due to the closeness of the cats to the kitty litter, the fine particles can aggravate their lungs. Thanks again for giving them all a second chance.


  7. DEb Peters
    September 24, 2016 @ 3:50 pm

    I love how you feel about animals. Wish everyone thought like you. After Sugar died at 21 I too thought I couldnt love another cat like her. I was wrong there’re just like children we love them all differently but we love them and thats all that counts!!! Thank you for what you are doing to help our helpless animals.


  8. Catherine
    October 1, 2016 @ 10:30 pm

    Lovely kittens! And I totally agree with fostering. I just took a deep breath and brought home our first fosters. ..a mama dog nursing 5 puppies. The puppies are a lot of work, but adorable and funny and goofy. Puppy breath…need I say more? Mama is evacuated and nervous. She’s been through a very rough time. She’s also gentle and patient and just loves to be loved. It is important. It is right. Just look in their eyes!


  9. Ashley
    October 22, 2016 @ 11:06 am

    I just found your blog randomly on Facebook and I read your antique chalkboard post. It was very well written and made me giggle so I started browsing through your other posts. Then I saw this and was like… KITTENS?!? Yes, please! I’ve only read 3 posts and I feel like we could be friends in real life! You love cats and old stuff and call yourself a hoarder!! That’s me too!! 😂 Thank you for fostering sweet cats and kittens and saving them from an overwork shelter aka Death Row. I’m sorry about you losing your sweet Elvis. I watched the video you made of her and she looked like she had a very fun personality. I hope you soak up as much kitten and Berla loves as you can while you’ve got them! Thanks for sharing your heart with your readers! 😊


  10. Connie
    November 25, 2016 @ 5:31 pm

    I’ve been fostering since 2002, and this post made me smile. Thank you


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