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  1. Anne
    October 1, 2013 @ 11:55 am

    Your writing is what keeps me coming back – your wit and voice. I have to say thought that my favorite thing about this post is how pissed off the girl in the black dress looks on the steps in pic two. Its as if she thought she was SO fashion-forward…that is until you showed up looking ridiculously fabulous in an outfit she could never have come up with. You could be me girl in black…I could never have put that outfit together either. And now I need a stylist.


  2. Diana
    October 1, 2013 @ 11:57 am

    Don’t know any Marine rescue team, but could send a few young SEALS in after you. Word of warning: They tend to be a mite rough until the situation is under control. Bruises are likely but you’ll never be saved by a group of better swimmers! Anyway, keep up the good work, enthusiasm, lunacy and fun. Yours is one of only two blogs I read and this one is my fav. I got my sister in-law reading you too. Waiting for you to hit Craigslist again…


  3. Laurie
    October 1, 2013 @ 11:57 am

    You have a small, exclusive audience. This is like the most fabulous cocktail party with the most fabulous people. We sparkle, we laugh, we are devine.

    You just keep having your VEB soirees for the glitterati and we’ll keep showing up!

    (Also, I say this as I check my hits every hour and live and die by the traffic I get. I aspire to your soiree. Mine is still an awkward mixer where only 2 people showed up but I can dream!)


  4. Garden, Home and Party
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:02 pm

    You are hilarious, and if only I could buy a bottle of your enthusiasm and perseverance, I’d be able to get a lot more done with conviction and energy! I think you need to go back to the beginning of your career in blog land and look at how many comments and followers you have today…in one short year, what are the odds (with that billion other blog site distractions). You’re a rock star!
    Oh, and I love the outfit, heels, pearls and all. Who took those pictures?


  5. Scribbler
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:03 pm

    Very funny post, and I think, judging by the comments that we all have been there. I have quit for six months once; taken long breaks; railed against the injustices of not getting popular when I worked so hard — on and on. I have been at it for five years or more — really I have lost track. I have changed my format about four times, and done everything but sell out, which I refuse to do. I have no problem with those who need to make a living with their blog, but for me it is for amusement and a place to say what is on my mind, and I tend to read the ones which are well-written. I am long since really bored with those “written” by ghosts/assistants, those who seem to have run out of anything of substance to say, and those whose chief goal is to make a pile of money. I am not a professional photographer nor do I own an expensive camera, but it seems now, among a lot of the “commercial” bloggers, that if one is not on a par with Ansel Adams, one is not worth the bother. Blogging is no longer the friendly down-home place for girl-talk that it was five years ago. Some of the ones who used to be so kind and helpful in the beginning to newbies are so far removed from the everyday life of most of the rest of us now that it is laughable. One in particular — a shameless opportunist — is almost more than I can stand. NO names, of course.

    Every time I think I am about ready to hang it up altogether, I find a blog — like yours for instance — that keeps me coming back because it is witty and well-written. So — I hope you keep at it, and I will keep reading if you do.



  6. Toni
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:05 pm

    No need to beg for followers, with your natural talent for words combined with humor…..the world will discover you, one reader at a time because it’s just too good NOT to share with friends…..I sure have! Keep it up…..your ENTHUSIASM will win as long as it stays genuine and not forced! Have a great day!


  7. Kathryn
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:12 pm

    Seriously your blog is like a sweet treat.


  8. Mary
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:16 pm

    I love, love, love, love, love your blog. Don’t ever stop.

    I need to know there are other insanely overly enthusiastic people out there other than me. Others who get giddy and drive their spouses and others nuts. I apologize to folks all the time for “caring too much” and I usually get the reply “Well, if you didn’t care os much, you wouldn’t be you.” I don’t necessarily take this as a compliment.

    I love your humor, your enthusiasm, your blog voice. I love you. Don’t ever quit. I wish you would post more. 🙂


  9. Nicolle
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:23 pm

    I think you are fabulous!!!!! AND your outfit…OMG…killer!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


  10. Kim Elizabeth
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:32 pm

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I read only two blogs, and yours has had me laughing hysterically at times, while also enjoying random photos of hometown sites!

    Insanity be damned…keep up the good work!!


  11. Sheila
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:37 pm

    Ha, I love your blog. I’m pretty sure that everyone who has ever read it loves it too. Besides, it must be pretty popular to get over 60 comments from just one post. I have been blogging for well over 2 years and I think the most comments I have received on one post is about 12. Most posts don’t even receive one comment. Talk about non-existent and pathetic! But I’m okay with that. I used to not be though. I wanted to be popular. I even got caught up in doing meaningless, non-productive things just to have something to post about. I quickly realized, “ain’t nobody got time for that”, especially me! I also realized that the general public is wanting McMansion style, trend setting, glamorous posts and I just cannot deliver that living in my 75 year old, teeny, tiny home with a non-existent decorating budget, but that’s okay with me. Somewhere along the way I stopped caring if people love my blog or not and I’m much happier since I stopped caring. It feels good to be free of worry about if others like me or not or if they know about me or not. I don’t care if I never get published in magazine, have companies falling all over themselves to give me free stuff just so I can post about it or if I have 10,000 friends listed on my sidebar. I like that I don’t care. There’s no pressure to perform and I like it that way. I keep my blog as a little journal of my accomplishments for myself. I don’t have to impress! If the whole world wants to take a gander at it, I am fine with that and if they don’t, I’m fine with that too.

    With all that said, I think your blog is great! You’re incredibly talented and even if no one reads or listens to a word you have to say, write it and say it anyway. You’ll be glad you did! When you look back in another year from now you will be able to see all the wonderful things you have accomplished in your life, even if no one else notices and that’s a great feeling. Keep up the good work and happy blogging!


  12. Louise Daoust
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:37 pm

    You are so Crazy,

    And I love you for it!!! Yes, continue!!! Go Girl, its so much fun!!! XX From Montréal, Québec, Canada!


  13. Edith Parker
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:39 pm

    Ask and ye shall receive…

    One parade coming up!



  14. Tricia
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:42 pm

    Love love love the post – and the blog. And those Philly shots are hilarious meets gorgeous. Well played 🙂


  15. Wendy
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:45 pm

    I just subscribed! I really enjoy your blog. You always crack me up but you responded to a comment awhile back saying something about “Yes, the emotional instability of others is comforting…” and that nailed it for me–you’re the perfect blend of self-deprecating wit and intelligence mixed with the insanity of those of cursed with a love of renovating. I wish we were best friends!


  16. Amber
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:46 pm

    I love your blog! You make me laugh every time, please don’t ever stop writing!


  17. ceara
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:51 pm

    Victoria, You are still my one and only blog. Please don’t stop; I love to read your stories!


  18. Johnece Sloan
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:54 pm

    Love your blog! Can’t wait for the email telling me you’ve dropped by for a chat (all be it one-sided!) yours is the house I’d have if only my husband endulged my crazinees, finished the projects he starts and danced!


  19. Victoria Athens
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:56 pm

    Today’s post crystalizes why I love reading you blog.


  20. Suzanne
    October 1, 2013 @ 12:57 pm

    I only follow two blogs, and both of you are witty, funny, and relevant. Love it~ keep on keeping on!


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