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  1. yvonne
    October 14, 2019 @ 9:46 pm

    omg, you’ve never read Good Omens. Get ready. 🙂


  2. Marianne in Mo.
    October 14, 2019 @ 10:08 pm

    Hoping you had a good summer amid all the crap you were getting rid of! I did see a few IG shots of plants and veggies, so I know the garden was healthy! Love the kitty bed, they deserve it and much more. I had a wonderful summer, until I didn’t……..had a heart attack on Sept. 5th while trying to flip the mattress/box spring off the bed for deep cleaning. Luckily I knew what to do and got husband to call 911 while I took 3 aspirin and chewed those nasty things. I then laid down on the living room floor with feet on ottoman while waiting for paramedics, who arrived lickedy-split to tend to me and rush me to the E.R. All is well after getting two stents in my artery, but boy, that was an experience I don’t want again! Never ignore odd body happenings, even if they don’t scream heart attack; mine weren’t typical symptoms, and I later realized I’d been getting hints for more than a month! I also had just recently had a stress test, where nothing showed up that was out of the ordinary. OK, I’m all finished soapboxing! Sorry, but want all to hear it!


    • judy
      October 15, 2019 @ 2:15 am

      dealing with the same issue-having strange “melting spells” feel great one second,going gangbusters on tasks,odd feeling of not dizzy or vertigo just an emptying feeling like quietly “melting” into the floor. I think the shot of fear- adrenaline gave my heart the jolt it needed. 15 minutes of panting, resting and back on my feet-little shaky but ok until the next one. Doc wants to do the cardiac catheterization but it sounds too creepy and I’m dealing with my Husband in his last days-now 24 hours over projected demise so don’t have time for tests. We are both old as dirt so not bothered by exiting the stage. Play has become a macabre farce with the state of things. Hope the young have the wisdom and fortitude to put Dumpty together again. Crazy glue seems appropriate. Love u r back VEB.


  3. Caroline
    October 14, 2019 @ 10:37 pm

    LOVE the gorgeous new kitty bed! Just the kind of thing that sucks me in. And I too really, really want to see your vintage teacups repurposed as containers. And I’m very glad to hear from you again–I was also a bit worried about you.


  4. BeaLee
    October 15, 2019 @ 7:53 am

    I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you are. The doll bed is a stellar find and worth coming out of retirement for!


  5. Erica
    October 15, 2019 @ 10:00 am

    You cracked me up referring to your husband as HULK SMASH! I think our men may be distant relatives as mine also destroys the bathroom cabinet when getting the toothpaste out.
    I keep seeing Good Omens pop up on Amazon, guess it’s time to give it a try. Oh, and that doll bed is gorgeous!!


  6. Vickie
    October 15, 2019 @ 10:04 am

    I have the adult bed to match that one! We got it at an auction for around $80!!


  7. Dani Allen
    October 16, 2019 @ 3:46 pm

    Your doll bed is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I’ve missed your posts.


  8. Patty
    October 18, 2019 @ 11:49 am

    I haven’t seen Good Omens yet, but I LOVE the book! I bought it years and years ago on a whim and it prompted me to further investigate the writings of Neil Gaiman and Sir Terry Pratchett. I now own nearly everything Pratchett wrote and a decent percentage of Gaiman’s works too. Good Omens is the perfect blend of their styles. I hope you enjoy it.


  9. Teresa Townsell
    October 19, 2019 @ 10:38 pm

    You are my sanity; my validation; and, my inspiration.


  10. Adrienne H
    July 27, 2020 @ 11:43 am

    Ack, I am such a sucker for Eastlake anything. I literally saw an Eastlake crib a few months ago and still can’t stop thinking about it, even though we don’t have kids…or a plan to have kids at this point. Do my cats need an Eastlake crib for a bed? Hmmm…(although in all likelihood they would scorn it once I had hauled it home…go figure).

    We also liked Good Omens, but I will say the book is better/the author’s writing in general is better than can really translate to the screen. I LOVE his writing and have read almost every book he’s written. 🙂


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